Girl with a Pearl Earring (Paperback)
트레이시 슈발리에 지음 / Plume / 2001년 1월

"You see that he has not really painted it white, but blue, and violet, and yellow."
"But it's a white cap, you said."
"Yes, thaat's what is so strange. It's painted many colors, but when you look at it, you think it's white."
"Tile painting is much simpler," my fater grumbled. "You use blue and that's all. Adark blue for the outlines, alight blue for the shadows. Blue is blue."
And a tile is a tile, I thought, and nothing like his paintings. I wanted him to understand that white was not simply white.-90쪽

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The Unusual Suspects (Hardcover) - The Sisters Grimm #2
Buckley, Michael / Harry N Abrams Inc / 2005년 10월

"Sabrina, I know being in the sixth grade isn't easy. There are lots of things that aren't fair, like a bully picking on you. It's a natural human emotion to get angry. So what are you suposed to do? bottle it up? Well, we all know what happens when you shake up a bottle of soda. It explodes allover the place when you open it. I think feelings are the same way. You've got to let them out when you're having them or you're just going to explode later on."-60-61쪽

"You're defending the Everafters? They took my parents away and you are defending them? Sabrina cried. She jumped off the stool.
"Yes, I'm going to defend them and anyone else who people choose to discriminate against."
"How can you do it?" Sabrina screamed, on the verge of tears.
"Because that is what I choose to do," the old woman said.
"Yes, there are bad people among the Everafters but there are bad people among us all. You can't blame them all for the actions of one. I know it is difficult when you don't know who is responsible, but the guil cannot be everyone's."-177쪽

"Can I ask you a question, Mr. Canis?" Daphne asked.
"Of course, little one.:
:What do you think about when you're sitting on top of the car?"
Mr. Canis thought for a moment, then looked up at the moon, now high over the nearby forest.
"I concentrate on all the people I hurt when I was unable to control myself."
"And that helps you stay calm?" Sabrina asked.
"No child, it helps remind me of my guilt," he replied.-185쪽

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The Fairy-Tale Detectives (Hardcover) - The Sisters Grimm #1
피터 퍼거슨 그림, 마이클 버클리 글 / Harry N Abrams Inc / 2005년 10월

"I agree, but fear can make people do terrible things."-68쪽

"That's not true!" Sabrina said, but before the words had left her mouth she knew they were a lie. What Daphne thought hadn't mattered in a long, long time, at least not since their parents had deserted them. But it wasn't like Sabrina wanted it that way. She was only eleven and didn't want to have to make all the decisicons for both of them. She would love to feel like a kid and not have to worry about whether they were safe. -105쪽

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Twilight (Paperback, Reprint) - The Twilight Saga, Book 1 The Twilight Saga 1
스테프니 메이어 지음 / Little, Brown and Company / 2008년 11월

"You already know how I feel, of course," I finally said. "I'm here.. which, roughly translated, means I would rater die than stay away from you." I frowned. "I'm an idiot."
"You are an idiot," he agreed with a laugt.
"And so the lion fell in love with the lamb..." he murmured. I looked away, hiding my eyes as I thrilled to the word.
"Wha a stupid lamb," I sighed.
"What a sick, masochistic lion"-240쪽

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Furry Logic 당신을 보여주세요
제인 시브룩 지음, 이진우 옮김 / 여러누리 / 2006년 9월

젊음을 영원히 간직할수는 없어요.
하지만 죽을 때까지 철부지로 지낼 수는 있죠.-.쪽

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