Holes (Hardcover)
루이스 새커 지음 / Farrar Straus & Giroux / 1998년 8월

X-Ray laughed.
"Don't laugh, Rex,"said Mr. Pendanski. "We don't laugh at people's dreams. Someone is going to have to train monkeys for the movies."
"Who are you kidding, Mom?"asked X-Ray. "Magnet's never going to be a monkey trainer."
"You don't know that,"said Mr. Pendanski. "I'm not saying it's going to be easy. Nothing in life is easy. But that's no reason to give up. You'll be surprised what you can accomplish if you set your mind to it. After all, you only have one life, so you should try to make the most of it."-57쪽

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New Moon (Paperback, International Edition) - The Twilight Saga, Book 2 The Twilight Saga 2
스테프니 메이어 지음 / Little Brown & Company / 2006년 1월

His jaw tightened "So eager for eternal damnation," he muttered.
"You know you don't really believe that."
"Oh, don't I?" he fumed.
"No. You don't."
He glowered at me and started to speak, but I cut him off.
"If you really believed that you'd lost your soul, then when I found you in Volterra, you would have realized immediately what was happening, instead of thinking we were both dead together. But you didn't-you said 'Amazing. Carlisle was right," I reminded him, trumphant. "There's hope in you, after all."
For once, Edward was speechless.
"So let's both just be hopeful, all right?" I suggested.
"Not that it matters. If you stay, I don't need heaven."-546쪽

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Clarice Bean, Utterly Me (Paperback)
로렌 차일드 지음 / Orchard Books / 2003년 7월

I wish I was grown up.
Dad says, "It doesn't get any easier. You still have someone bossing you aroud."
He says he finds Mr. Thorncliff, his boss, very tricky and he tries to steer clear of him as much as possible.
I say, "At least you get paid to be bossed around. I get bossed around for free."-82쪽

Mr. Pickering says, "I think it is fine to do the Ruby books as your exhibit, because enjoying reading is important. I'm all for it."-100쪽

And what Hitch often says is, "Sometimes you just have to look at things sideways and then you get a clearer picture."
I'm not sure what that means, but when we get back to the Moodys' house, we ask Mol and she says, "I think what Hitch means is, if you think about something in a different way, then sometimes it's easier to find the answer."-152-153쪽

That's the thing that sometimes happens when you read a really good book you just want to read it all over again.-183쪽

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A House Called Awful End (Hardcover, 1st, Deckle Edge) - Book One of the Eddie Dickens Trilogy
Ardagh, Philip / Henry Holt & Co / 2002년 9월

Who remembers the name of the second human being to set foot on the moon? Who remembers who came second in last Wednesday's geography test? -44쪽

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Judy Moody Declares Independence (School & Library) Judy Moody 주디 무디 28
McDonald, Megan / Candlewick Pr / 2005년 5월

Grownups! They sure acted like they wanted you to be all independent, but as soon as you were, they went and changed their minds. Independence. HA! All it ded was get her in trouble.-118쪽

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