드디어 시작이다. -_-a

다~~~ 하드커버로 샀다.

Book Cover 줄리안 반즈의 Love, etc.
내가 처음 읽었던 '내말좀 들어봐'의 두 남자 한여자 이야기의 후속편이다. 그때 그 주인공들이 다시 나와서 서로의 이야기를 하는 거라고 하는데, 기대기대! (그러고 보니, 표지의 신발이 절묘하군)

Book Cover페터회의 'Tales of the Night'

회의 단편 8개가 모여있다. 1929년 3월19일의 세계 곳곳에서의 이야기들 들을 수 있다.
완전 기대중. 스밀라의 눈에 대한 감각을 한국 소설로 가지고 왔다. 영국 헌책방에서 샀던 원서,  작은데 챙긴다는걸 깜빡. -_-a 다시 사려고 들어갔는데, 마침 페터회의 다른 소설이 보이기에 이걸로 낙찰

Book Cover 페터회의 'History of Danish Dreams'
페터회의 이름은 그 'o' 에 대각선으로 작대기 쳐 놓은것만으로도 왠지 책표지를 낭만적으로 만들지 않는가.
내용도 끝내주게 재밌을 것 같다. 4세기에 걸친 중세 덴마크에서 현대 복지국가인 덴마크까지의 시대배경. 환상역사스릴러소설을 기대하고 있다.

Book Cover잭 웰치와 수잔웰치의 'winning'
페이퍼백이 아직 안 나왔다니 놀랍도다. 할인 해서도 책 세네권 합친 가격 -_-+
그니깐, 내가 산 하드커버 책들은 이 책 제외하고는 다 70% 이상 할인하는 책들이다. ^^a

Book Cover제임스 시겔의 'Derailed'
한번 사볼까 하고 찾아봤는데, 역시 75% 할인이다. 호호호 냉큼 장바구니

Book Cover마리오 바르가스 요사의 책이다. >.< The way to Paradise
표지의 저 그림은 예전에 마르께스의 '슬픈 창녀들의 노래' 보면서 생각나서 찾아봤던 고갱의 그림인가 싶다.
잉? 진짜 폴 고갱이 나오는 소설이네? 오오오오! 요사의 이름만 보고 골랐는데,
재밌겠다. 으허헝

책을 어떻게 한국으로 보낼지는 생각해냈다.
회사에서 DHL로 서류보내면서 슬쩍 끼워보낼꺼다. 한박스는 넘지 말아야할텐데...

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에이프릴 2006-05-21 01:35   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
전 마놀로 블라닉 책사고싶어요 >.<
예쁜 구두 그림이 잔뜩있던 ~
방 한가득 구두와 가방으로 꽉꽉 들어차있으면 얼마나좋을까...하고 상상만해봅니다

모1 2006-05-21 07:09   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
하이드님은 책을 참 많이 읽으시는 것 같아요. 저도 좀 많이 읽어야 할터인데...요즘 정신적인 여유가 없어서 영 책이 안 읽히네요. 에휴..

비연 2006-05-21 10:48   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
페터회의 책이 젤 탐나네요...^^

moonnight 2006-05-21 15:36   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
아앗. 페터회. ㅜㅜ; 정말로 탐나는 책들입니당. 잘 사셨네요. ^^;

마태우스 2006-05-22 00:07   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
저도 영어책을 빨리 읽을 수 있음 좋겠네요. 부럽습다

필라델피아 뮤지엄에서 맘에 쏙 들었던 장식품.
중국관에서 봤는데, 일본에서 만들었다고 설명되어있다.

우키요에가 장식물로 구현된 것 같다.

저 여의주 같은 볼을 바치고 있는 파도.

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미세스리 2006-05-16 10:45   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
올리고 계시는 군요!

  • Image Summer Interior
    1909 (100 Kb); Oil on canvas, 24 x 29 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Chop Suey
    1929 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 32 1/8 x 38 1/8 in; Collection Barney A. Ebsworth
  • Image Hotel Room
    1931 (150 Kb); Oil on canvas, 60 x 65 inches; Thyssen-Bornemisza Collection
  • Image New York Movie
    1939 (110 Kb); Oil on canvas, 32 1/4 x 40 1/8 in; The Museum of Modern Art, New York
  • Image Office at Night
    1940 (120 Kb); Oil on canvas, 22 1/8 x 25 inches; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Image Summer Evening
    1947 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 30 x 42 inches; Collection of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Kinney
  • Image Rooms by the Sea
    1951 (140 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 x 40 inches; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
  • Image Morning Sun
    1952 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 28 1/8 x 40 1/8 inches; Columbus Museum of Art, Ohio
  • Image A Woman in the Sun
    1961 (140 Kb); Oil on canvas, 40 x 60 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Sun in an Empty Room
    1963 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 28 3/4 x 39 1/2 inches; Private collection
  • Image Chair Car
    1965 (120 Kb); Oil on canvas, 40 x 50 inches; Private collection
  • Image Sunday
    1926 (150 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 x 34 in; The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.
  • Image Drug Store
    1927 (210 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 x 40 inches; The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
  • Image Prospect Street, Gloucester
    1928 (180 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 14 x 20 inches; Private collection
  • Image Early Sunday Morning
    1930 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 35 x 60 in; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image The Circle Theatre
    1936 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 27 x 36 inches; Private collection
  • Image Gas
    1940 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 26 1/4 x 40 1/4 in; The Museum of Modern Art, New York
  • Image Nighthawks
    1942 (120 Kb); Oil on canvas, 30 x 60 in; The Art Institute of Chicago
  • Image Rooms for Tourists
    1945 (220 Kb); Oil on canvas, 30 x 40 inches; Yale University Art Gallery, New Haven, Connecticut
  • Image El Palacio
    1946 (120 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 20 3/4 x 28 5/8 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Pennsylvania Coal Town
    1947 (160 Kb); Oil on canvas, 28 x 40 inches; Butler Institute of American Art, Youngstown, Ohio
  • Image Road in Maine
    1914 (150 Kb); Oil on canvas, 24 x 29 inches; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image Blackhead, Monhegan
    1916-19 (220 Kb); Oil on wood, 9 3/8 x 13 in; Whitney Museum of American Art, New York
  • Image The Mansard Roof
    1923 (240 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 13 3/4 x 19 inches; The Brooklyn Museum, New York
  • More details House by the Railroad
  • Image Light at Two Lights
    1927 (130 Kb); Watercolor on paper, 14 x 20 inches; Collection of Blount, Inc., Montgomery, Alabama
  • Image The Lighthouse at Two Lights
    1929 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 29 1/2 x 43 1/4 inches; The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
  • Image Corn Hill (Truro, Cape Cod)
    1930 (110 Kb); Oil on canvas, 72.4 x 108 cm (28 1/2 x 42 1/2 in); McNay Art Institute, San Antonio, TX
  • Image Cape Cod Afternoon
    1936 (130 Kb); Oil on canvas, 34 x 50 inches; Museum of Art, Carnegie Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • http://www.whitney.org/

    Railroad Sunset Hopper to Mid-Century: Highlights from the Permanent Collection

    on continuous view
    Leonard & Evelyn Lauder Galleries, Floor 5
    An entire century of American art can be seen through the rich holdings of the Whitney’s permanent collection. The first half of the exhibition chronicles the development of American art from the exuberant expressions of early twentieth-century realists to later modernist experiments in abstraction. Highlights of the exhibition include a special concentration of Edward Hopper paintings, George Bellows’s boxing masterpiece Dempsey and Firpo (1924), Georgia O’Keeffe’s sexually suggestive abstraction Music—Pink and Blue II (1919), and Joseph Stella’s paean to mechanization, The Brooklyn Bridge: Variation on an Old Theme (1939).

    Edward Hopper, Railroad Sunset, 1929
    Oil on canvas, 29 1/4 x 48 in. (74.3 x 121.9 cm). Whitney Museum of American Art‚ New York; Josephine N. Hopper Bequest 70.1170. Photograph by Bill Jacobson

    Whitney Museum of American Art
    945 Madison Avenue at 75th Street
    New York, NY 10021
    General Information: 1 (800) WHITNEY


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    6:10 pm Depart  Philadelphia (PHL)
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    댓글(3) 먼댓글(0) 좋아요(0)
    하이드 2006-05-15 09:36   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
    시카고 갈 수 있을까, 어쩔까,

    플로라 2006-05-15 10:41   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
    미국이 자랑하는 호퍼 씨 작품들, 간 김에 실컷보고 오겠군요... 존 싱어 사전트도 볼 수 있겠죠? 마담 X ㅠ.ㅠ

    Shaylor 2006-05-17 06:38   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
    시카고에 가 하이드, 니가 많이 좋아할꺼야. 시카고 앗오브뮤졈도 콜렉션 상당해
    바스턴 :) 도 가고
    DC에도 가
    근데 콜룸버스, 오하이오에는 안 가봐도 될 듯
    미술관 말고는 그닥... 한 두시간 더 가면 카누할 수 있고 캠핑도 가능하지만 차가 없으면 불편해



    Matthew Hope
    Created by
    Ed McBain
    (Né Salvatore Lombino. Also writes as Evan Hunter, Hunt Collins, Richard Marsten, Curt Cannon, Ezra Hannon; John Abbott)
    (1926 -)

    Robert Randisi considers Calusa, Florida attorney MATTHEW HOPE to be a private eye, and that's good enough for me.

    When we first meet Hope in 1978's Goldilocks, Hope is a transplanted New yorker who moves to Calusa on Florida's west coast, to practise civil law in a small firm. Despite his best intentions, he seeand stuff seems to have rubbed off -- by Mary, Mary (1993) he's considered one of the top criminal layers in the State.

    Ed McBain, of course, is the man behind the 87th Precinct series of police procedurals, as well as the creator of private eye Ben Smoke. McBain seems to have a little fun with the Matthew Hope books are fun, and they certainly display a lot more whimsy than his gritty 87th Precinct books. In Gladly the Cross-Eyed Bear, for example, he has Guthrie Lamb, a old-time private eye he first wrote about over forty years earlier, helping out Hope, and in the most recent (and purportedly last) novel, The Last Best Hope, he has Steve Carella of the 87th Precinct in Isola up north calling in on a case that involves divorce, a barroom brawl and a museum rip-off.


    • Goldilocks (1978)
    • Rumpelstiltskin (1981).. Buy this book
    • Beauty and the Beast (1982).. Buy this book
    • Jack and the Beanstalk (1984)
    • Snow White and Rose Red (1985)
    • Cinderella (1986)
    • Puss in Boots (1987)
    • The House that Jack Built (1988)
    • Three Blind Mice (1990)
    • Mary, Mary (1993).. Buy this book
    • There was a Little Girl (1994).. Buy this book
    • Gladly the Cross-Eyed Bear (1996).. Buy this book
    • The Last Best Hope (1998).. Buy this book

    87th Precinct
    Created by
    Ed McBain (pseud. of Evan Hunter, né Salvatore Lombino; 1926-2005)

    Long before Hill Street Blues, Homicide, and NYPD Blue, there was Ed McBain's 87th PRECINCT. The series began in 1956 with Cop Hater. Although not the first procedural, it was one of the first and the 87th Precinct has come to virtually define the genre. The books generally feature an ensemble cast and multiple plot lines. Although the books vary in quality, on the whole this is a major series, a classic of American crime fiction that has entertained, enlightened and influenced the genre for over three decades (and counting!).

    The action takes place in and around New York City, and has even been called "the greatest sustained literary exploration of New York City in American literature," but, of course, the biggest joke is that throughout the entire series, New York has pretended not to be about New York at all. Instead, we're told that the action takes place is Isola. As the disclaimer in every book reads: "The city in these pages is imaginary; the people and places all fictitious. Only the police routine is based on established investigatory technique."

    Yeah, right. It's New York, all right, spun ninety degrees, with only the names changed to protect the guilty. Isola isManhattan, Calm's Point is Brooklyn, Riverhead is the Bronx, Majesta is Queens and Bethtown is Staten Island.

    Most folks know Ed McBain is, of course, the pseudonym of Evan Hunter. But that's also a pseudonym. He was born Salvatore Lombino in 1926. Besides McBain, he has also written under the pseudonyms Curt Cannon, Hunt Collins, Ezra Hannon, Richard Marsten, and John Abbott. Hunter's first book, The Blackboard Jungle, was published in 1954, and became the basis for the 50's film classic. As McBain, Hunter has also written a series featuring Florida attorney and P.I. wannabe Matthew Hope. In fact, Steve Carella and other members of the 87th play a pivotal part in the latest Hope novel, The Last Best Hope. He's created some memorable eyes, too, including Ben Smoke, Curt Cannon and Dudley Sledge.

    In the early sixties, a TV series made its debut, featuring Robert Lansing as Det. Steve Carella and Gena Rowlands as Teddy. It also featured Norman Fell, Ron Harper and Gregory Walcott. Although well-received by critics (particularly Rowlands' performance) it didn't last long, although at least two comic books were rushed out, hoping to cash in. But they weren't quickie recycled TV episodes; in fact, they were relatively "adult" for a "good" publisher like Dell. The first was drawn by Bernie Krigstein, who is so well known for his E.C. horror work, and is truly a bizarre visual excursion. The second deals in great detail with drugs, and may be drawn by one of the artists who also did the Michael Shayne books, another short-lived series which Dell decided to take a similar approach to.

    McBain has won numerous awards including the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Mystery Writers of America and the CWA's Diamond Dagger Award.

    RUMOUR: Ed McBain allegedly has the final 87th in the can, entitled Exit, to be published after his death. But the most recent Matthew Hope novel was entitled The Last Best Hope, and the 1999 novel was called The Last Dance, which made more than one fan a little nervous. But he's stillc hurning them out...


    • Cop Hater (1956)
    • The Mugger (1956)
    • The Pusher (1956)
    • The Con Man (1957)
    • Killer's Choice (1957)
    • Killer's Payoff (1958)
    • Killer's Wedge (1958)
    • Lady Killer (1958).. Buy this book
    • 'Till Death (1959)
    • King's Ransom (1959)
    • Give the Boys a Great Big Hand (1960)
    • The Heckler (1960)
    • See Them Die (1960)
    • Lady, Lady, I Did It! (1961)
    • Like Love (1962)
    • The Empty Hours (1962)
    • Ten Plus One (1963).. Buy this book
    • Ax (1964).. Buy this book
    • He Who Hesitates (1965).. Buy this book
    • Doll (1965).. Buy this book
    • Eighty Million Eyes (1966). Buy this book
    • Fuzz (1968)
    • Shotgun (1969)
    • Jigsaw (1970)
    • Hail, Hail, the Gang's All Here (1971)
    • Sadie When She Died (1972)
    • Let's Hear It for the Deaf Man (1973)
    • Hail to the Chief (1973).. Buy this book
    • Bread (1974).. Buy this book
    • Blood Relatives (1975)
    • So Long as You Both Shall Live (1976)
    • Long Time No See (1977).. Buy this book
    • Calypso (1979)
    • Ghosts (1980)
    • Heat (1981).. Buy this book
    • Ice (1983).. Buy this book
    • Lightning (1984)
    • Eight Black Horses (1985)
    • Poison (1987)
    • Tricks (1987)
    • Lullaby (1989)
    • Vespers (1990)
    • Widows (1991)
    • Kiss (1992)
    • Mischief (1993). Buy this book
    • Romance (1995). Buy this book
    • Nocturne (1997). Buy this book
    • The Big Bad City (1999). Buy this book
    • The Last Dance (1999). Buy this book
    • Money, Money, Money (2001) . Buy this book
    • Fat Ollie's Book (2003)..Buy this book
    • The Frumious Bandersnatch (2004) .. Buy this book
    • Hark! (2004)...Buy this book
    • Fiddlers (2005)...Buy this book


    • "The Empty Hours" (1960, Ed McBains Mystery Book #1; also1962, The Empty Hours)
    • "Storm" (1960; also The Empty Hours)
    • "Murder on Ice" (November 1961, Argosy; 87th Precinct)
    • "J" (1961, also The Empty Hours)
    • "Eighty Million Eyes" (May 1966, EQMM
    • "Nightshade" (August 1970, EQMM)
    • "Sadie When She Died" (1972, also Criminal Elements)
    • "And All Through the House" (Playboy; also 1984, Mystery Guild promotional item, )
    • "Reruns" (January 11-17, 1987, TV Guide)
    • "Merely Hate" (2005, Transgressions)


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    하이드 2006-05-14 01:42   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
    한개씩 한개씩 몇개나 사나 보자

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