The Magic School Bus Chapter Book #17 (Paperback) The Magic School Bus Science Chapter Book (Book) 17
앤 케이프시 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 2월
평점 :

오랜만에 프리즐 선생님과 함께 과학 여행을 떠나보았다. 이번에는 수많은 관계를 가진 동물들관의 먹이 사슬에 관해 배워보았다. 이번에도 신기한 스쿨 버스와 함께, 학생들은 생생한 과학 여행을 떠난다. 

The food chain was a interesting subject. There are a lot of kinds of animals in the earth. And one of the chian goes out, than we can't expect the result what will happen. Maybe it can restored by another chains, or the other chains would get demaged by the disappeared chain. Yes, nature is really mysterious. We are too weak to know the truth of nature.

For the example, the small bacterias are the start of everything. They change everything into the smallest thing. And the grass are the second. The small insects like grasshoppers eat the grass and ate by bigger ones like frogs. Frogs are eaten by the snakes, and the snakes are catched by the birds. And the human can be called the one top of the nature. 

Yes, the cycle of the nature keep the earth clean. This is why the new lifes borns. Why don't they live forever? Because they have to change by dying and starting a new life. I don't know why this system was made, and what is the purposes of this. 

It was a long time that I didn't see this book. And I would try harder to know more things with the strange teacher, Ms.Frizzle. There were a lot of interesting animals in the world. I would try hard not to harm them.

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Astrid Lindgren Best Collection 10권 세트 (Paperback 10권)
아스트리드 린드그렌 지음 / Better Books / 2010년 4월
평점 :

[ Pippi Longstocking ]

Pippi Longstocking, Astrid Lindgren's one of the most famous story is the first story of ther books that I met. Yes, she was so famous, so there were a lot of series, and it made into the movie and the drama. Maybe it was really funny, wasn't it?~~~ 

Pippi is the special girl who lives strangely. She is the strongest girl in the world, so she can carry a horse with her one hand. The super-powered girl lives in the cottage alone, because her mother was dead when she was young and her father was disappered in the middle of the trip in the ocean. But she had a monkey named Mr Nelson and a suitcase fulled of gold. That's why she can live her own life happily. 

Pippi had several special advantures with her friends, Tommy and Annika. They are the ones who have their parents and live happily. Somethimes they really wants to live a life like Pippi, and I do so. She is really free and maybe she is the freeiest person in the world. 

I just understanded why many children were excited at Pippi. She is really special, and now she is still loved by many people. 

[2권- Pippi in the South Seas ]

삐삐 롱스타킹 시리즈, 그 중 제 2권. 부모 없이 혼자 지내는 삐삐가 이번에는 혼자가 아닌, 그녀의 사라졌던 아버지와 함께 돌아왔다. 삐삐는 아빠가 카니발 왕이 되었다고 믿고서 그렇다고 말하고 다녔는데, 다시 그녀에게 돌아온 아버지는 정말로 한 섬에 도착해 그곳의 왕이 되어 있었다. 다시 아버지가 살던 캐니-캐니 섬으로 돌아가게 된 삐삐의 새로운 모험들이 시작된다. 

Pippi went to the Canny Canny Islant with her two friends, Tommy and Annika and her father, to meet the new family of her father. Pippi's super power was a great help to the children in the Island. There were several sharks, but she threw them away, and two pirates came but Pippi teached them that running away is much better. 

Pippi has a strange characteristics, so she didn't want to miss the white-Christmas day. So she went to her hometown again with her white friends. She had to say good-bye to her father, because he had to protect the island. 

Pippi's new advanture will be much funnier than this, I think. The super-powered girl's jobs are reallly great. 



[Emil and the Sneaky Rat] - Paperback (July 3, 2008)  

by Astrid Lindgren and Tony Ross 

아스트리드 린드그렌의 다양한 동화 이야기들 중에서, 이번 편에서는 한 재미있는 소년의 이야기를 읽었다. 에밀이란 소년이 겪는 다양한 일들. 하지만 이번 편에서는, 판타지적인 요소들은 존재하지 않았다. 하지만, 이 어린 소년이 모험이라 생각하고 겪은 이야기들은, 아이들이 어린 시절 한 번쯤은 생각해 볼 만한 그런 모험들의 이야기를 다루었다.

그녀의 작품들을 읽으면, 참으로 많은 것들을 느낄 수가 있었다. 물론 그 중에서도 힘이 쎈 튼튼한 어린이, 삐삐 롱스타킹의 이야기가 최고였지만, 그녀의 이야기 속에 등장하는 아이들은 모두 특정한 능력을 지니고 있었다. 하지만, 그들이 공통적으로 지니고 있었던 것이 있다. 바로, 새로운 것을 두려워하지 않는 용기였다.

Emil is a a mischievous child. The first story was that Emil tried to catch the sneaky rat. He found a rat at his house, so he proclaimed the war between rat and himself. So, he tried everything and finally he locked himself in the woodshed. Well, that activities made him chance to meet another friends, too. 

Emil even make his own horse, too. He helped the grown ups, but a man tried to give him some coins at all. However, the faithful farmer was angried at him, so he gave him the horse. Well, Emil is a really special boy. He make happens and accomplish what he wanted to do. This is the little boy, Emil's power. 

Although this book was not fantasic, I really liked this book. Who can get their own horse? Which children can find the advantures themselves? That makes Emil more special. I hope this boy would do great things when he grow up.

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Astrid Lindgren Best Collection 10권 세트 (Paperback 10권)
아스트리드 린드그렌 지음 / Better Books / 2010년 4월
평점 :

필독도서와 연관되어 있어 좋은 시리즈입니다.

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How to Train Your Dragon 4종 세트 (Paperback 4권) How to Train Your Dragon 7
크레시다 코웰 지음 / Little Brown & Co / 2010년 5월
평점 :

글밥이 다소 되지만 재미있어 보이는 외서

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The Egypt Game (Paperback, Reprint) - 1968 Newbery
Zilpha Keatley Snyder 지음 / Yearling / 1996년 1월
평점 :

페이지는 다소 되지만, 괜찮은 외서~

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