Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots (the Bailey School Kids #1): Volume 1 (Paperback) Adventures of the Bailey School Kids 1
Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, John Steven G / Scholastic Paperbacks / 1991년 1월
평점 :

이번에 새로운 미스터리 시리즈와 만나게 되었다. 바로 베일리 학교 아이들의 모험. 다양한 초자연적인 존재들과의 만남을, 아이들의 관점에서 재미있게 이야기한다. 물론 이것은 결코 공포, 호러가 아니다. 단지 아이들을 위한 작은 미스터리일 뿐이다. 

Then, let's see how interesting is this story. Bailey school kids are really naughty. They even made a teacher go mad and leave school. One they, there was a new teacher, who was young and beautiful. She came from Romania, so her accent was strange. Children though she was a good teacher, and at the same time, they noticed something strange from her. 

She decided to living in the haunted house, and children saw the long coffin just like vampire's sleeping bed. Now they really believed there is something secret about teacher Mrs.Jeepers about vampire. 

Well, they even tried to open the coffin, but they couldn't. They knew someone was sleeping in there, but not Mrs.Jeepers. Yes, it's true that vampires don't wear polka dots. She was wearing too bright things and act at night. However, I am still want to know about that magic green gem on her neck. But children could have the last of year without accident, so maybe she's just an unusual teacher, maybe.

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Oliver Moon's Summer Howliday (Paperback)
Sue Mongredien / Usborne Pub Ltd / 2010년 6월
평점 :

It's really hot these days, don't you? And Oliver Moon also went to summer vacation to a good haunted house. They wanted it to be a great holiday, but some obstruction were there. The howling of wolfs, the one who made garbage can dirty... is it all fault of an were wolf? 

Maybe, the howl was came from the were wolf. There are several sights for the were wolf. First, they change into the were wolf at night, and they start to hunt someone. Then, the one who howled at night can be really dangerous! They are really strong and fast. Can Oliver and his family can get out of this big problem? 

Well, fortunately, the were wolf was not so dangerous. They are even vegetarian! There is a were wolf family, and they are living near the haunted house. They just howled at night, only for their habit. 

Almost done. Maybe I can finish this stories fast. In fact, it's a story for infant. I hope to read another series, soon.

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Sense and Sensibility Audio Pack (Package) Scholastic ELT Readers Level 2 9
Scholastic UK / 2009년 6월
평점 :

이성과 감성. 오만과 편견 과 함께 제인 오스틴의 가장 사랑받는 책 중 하나라고 들었다. 동일한 책이 두 권 있는데, 그 중 영화 포스터를 표지로 한 이 책이 더 재미있어 보여서 이 책을 읽어보았다. 원래 연애 등에 관련된 소설은 그다지 좋아하지 않았기 때문에 내용상으로는 그리 좋아하지 않았지만, 영어 원서적으로는 쉬운 단어 선택 덕분에 내용을 쉽게 이해하며 읽을 수 있었던 것 같다. 

Dashwood family is a special family. They were rich, but Henry Dashwood, father of the main characters decided to live with rich Mr. Dashwood. When Mr. Daswood and Henry dead, they gave money to their children. However, their relative John Dashwood didn't give money to them. It was not his fault, because he wasn't so smart. His wife, Fenny, did everything. 

Marianne and Elinor is the main character of this story. Marianne, who is really beautiful, has a lot of men who love her. But she has the biggest problem. Willoughby, Edward, and Colonel. They try really hard to get their love, but Marianne really liked Willoughby, who didn't do his response. 

Fortunately, Marianne could find out how the old man love her. Colonel could make her happy, and Elinor married with Edward. They became all happy, and will their family make a happy time again?

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The Magic School Bus Inside the Human Body (Paperback) - The Magic School Bus
조애너 콜 지음 / Scholastic / 1990년 10월
평점 :

조애너 콜 작가의 신기한 스쿨버스 시리즈. 그러고보니 출간된지 벌써 20년 가까이 흘렀다. 지금도 만화로도 만들어져 아이들의 커다란 인기를 끌고 있는 과학 동화, 스쿨버스 시리즈. 오랜만에 영어판으로 프리즐 선생님과 함께 신기한 여행을 하게 되었다. 

This time, Ms. Frizzle and the children went into a human body. And I remembered Ms. Frizzle is a really stange teacher. She has a bus that can do everything. I just envy the children. They can do everything free just with Ms. Frizzle's magic school bus! 

Yes, the advanture was great. They went into the Arnold's body and saw everything. At first, they went to stomach of him, the blood contains red cells and white cells, brain, lung and heart. 

The process of our body's circulation is like this. First, he breathe deeply. Than oxygen come into lung, and CO2 get out of our body. Red blood cell will come and take oxygen to several cells in our body. Than, we can act by the oxygen, and we make CO2 to take out from our body. 

It was a great trip inside the body. I knew that Ms. Frizzle's advanture will still funny. I hope to read another advantures, too.

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The Cricket in Times Square (Paperback) - 1961 Newbery Newbery : 반드시 읽어야하는 뉴베리 수상작 30
Garth Williams, George Selden 지음 / Square Fish / 2008년 4월
평점 :

고양이, 쥐, 귀뚜라미... 서로를 먹이로 삼을 법한 이 묘한 파티가 도대체 어떻게 이루어졌는가? 거기다가 도시 한복판에서 출몰한 귀뚜라미라니? 코네티컷에서 소풍 바구니속에 들어있다가 뉴욕의 한복판에 버려진 귀뚜라미는, 이 거대한 곳에서 쥐 Tucker와 고양이 Harry를 만나서 아주 특별한 시간을 보내게 된다. 

First, I often couldn't find where cricket is in the picture. It's quite sure they are small. I once took them to my house. Even they were on my electron-dictionary. Some were really small, but some were as big as my thumb. I could have killed them, but I let them to go out. I still remember that happening, which followed me into Seoul from countryside. 

And the cricket went to the really big city, New York. Everyone knows New York is a quite big city. And there are several squares, and the Times Square, which made for the newspaper publishing company, Times. He met really special friends, Tucker and Harry. Well, they are not human. Rat and Cat. Rat is a kind of food of cat, isn't it? It was a really big mystery, but this story also made me more happy. 

The small cricket, Chester went to several places where he can go. He even ate Chinese food party, too! His friends were really good to understand him. And there was the most important part. This small cricket had several things to teach the great New Yorkers about that.

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