Ugly Bugs (Paperback, New ed) Horrible Science 18
닉 아놀드 지음, 토니 드 솔스 그림 / Scholastic / 2008년 2월
평점 :

벌레들은 인간과는 전혀 다른 방법의 진화를 택했다. 크기는 작고 미약할지라도, 수를 대폭 늘리거나 다양한 기능들을 이용하기로. 우리는 벌레만 보면 죽이기 위해 애를 쓰지만, 가장 죽이기 힘든 것들중의 하나가 바로 벌레들일 것이다. 물론 이는 종류에 따라서 다르게 적용된다. 산업재해에 약한 곤충들도 얼마든지 삶의 터전을 잃고 죽어갈 수 있다. 그러나 우리가 살펴볼 것은, 도시에 살면서 적응한, 우리가 끔찍하다고 생각하는 해충들의 이야기다. 

I cannot understand why people hate earthworms. I can't distinguish which is earthworm or fallen twigs. We should protect them, because they are important for making the ground fresh. They make holes and these holes give oxygen to the ground. However, earthworms living in cities can be really hard because most of the roads are packed by concretes. I think they can't make holes at concretes. 

Cockroaches are the most disgusting bugs, I think. They are all over our house, and carry harmful bacterias and diseases food by food. If we try to kill them, than they would make more kids and it won't help to reduce the number of them. People say that they would survive when every people die by something great disaster. 

Many people think the bugs are ugly and harmful, but it could be nothing. The small things actually cannot give harms to the people. The criminals who want to kill people can be more dangerous than them.

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The Terrible Truth About Time (Paperback)
토니 드 솔스, 닉 아놀드 지음 / Scholastic / 2002년 9월
평점 :

시간이라는 개념은 현재 수학이나 물리 등에서 많이 사용되고 있으며, 우리는 이 시간이 절대불변의 것이라고 믿을지 몰라도 아인슈타인의 상대성이론에 의하면, 우주 바깥을 여행하는 아주 빠른 속도로 달리는 우주선 안에서는 시간이 지구에서와 다르게 흘러간다고 한다. 그렇다면, 지금까지 우리가 믿고 있던 시간이라는 개념이 흔들리는 셈이다. 그냥 앞으로 가는 것만 같은 시간은 과연 어떤 특징들을 나타낼까? 

The time appeared when the space appeared. So, the time started when the first world made. However, we noticed time by the clock. We can tell that railroads are the inventor of watch, because people had to know accuracy time, so the clock makers tried hard to make a accyracy clock. In Korea, we also have correctness water clock and sundial. Maybe they had to know the truth of time, too. 

When a correctness clock made, we became the slave of time, too. We have to watch them many times a day. We calcurate the time that we should use for something, and we are always in hurry, The history of time made us to work efficiency, but it didn't helped people to be happy. This is why I don't like the notion, time. However, we should study more about the phenomenon if we are in different environment with earth.

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Space, Stars and Slimy Aliens (Paperback, New ed) Horrible Science 16
토니 드 솔스 그림, 닉 아놀드 글 / Scholastic / 2008년 10월
평점 :

우주에 대하여 잘 모르기 때문에, 아직까지는 '과학적인 상상력'에 의존하여 우주 전체를 상상해볼 수 밖에 없는 지금은 아마도 외계인에 관한 이야기가 모두 허구로 들릴 것이다. 이 우주에서 우리가 믿을 수 있는 정보는 무엇인가? 아마도 거의 없을 것이다. 

However, the information about planets and stars are mostly true. The genius astronomers studided about them, and they made this clear by satellites traveling space. Someone lied about the Venus and Mars, because he told people that he went there with aliens and explained about the status about there. And now, we are seeing the dead planet, Venus and Mars. 

This book is mostly about the slimy aliens traveling the space. They told us that if we go out with no space suits, than we can freeze for half of our body and roasted by the sun energy. The pressure will be the problem, too. So, it was quite funny advanture with these slimy friends.

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Sounds Dreadful (Paperback) Horrible Science 21
닉 아놀드 지음, 토니 드 솔스 그림 / Scholastic / 2008년 8월
평점 :

음파라는 것이 존재하기 때문에, 우리는 소리라는 것을 인식할 수 있게 되었다. 소리는 무엇인가? 각 물체가 진동함으로써 만들어지는 일종의 파장으로, 우리는 이 파장을 인식할 수 있도록 진화해왔다. 이 소리의 세계에 입문하여, 음파라는 것에 대해 더 잘 알아보도록 하자. 

Each animals have different functions to accept the impulse of sounds. They accpet different range of sounds, for example, human can hear most of the sounds, but we cannot hear high frequency. However, bats, dolphins, dogs... they can hear high frequency, too. So they can communicate to each other.

However, noisy sounds can be harmful for our ears. It is same as our eyes. If we look at sun, than we can lose our eyes. So, if we accept noisy sounds, it will demage our ears. We can measure the numerical value of sounds by using dB. 10dB is ten times, so 20dB is 100 times. 

Sounds would help us for the high technology. We can use them as a new tools to operate the machinces. We should study more about these.

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Nasty Nature (Paperback, New ed) Horrible Science 13
닉 아놀드 지음, 토니 드 솔스 그림 / Scholastic / 2008년 2월
평점 :

자연은 참으로 신비한 곳이다. 이들은 진화의 방법을 찾아서 서로간의 균형을 이루고, 더 다양한 생태계를 이루는 방향으로 향하고 있다. 포식자의 모습을 어찌 보면 끔찍하다고 할 수 있겠지만, 이들이 어떻게 해서 지금의 삶을 이루었는지를 살펴보자. 

The cheetah is fast. Than, the deer have to evolve to be fast not to be a food of cheetah. Than, the cheetah have to evolve to catch food. Than, who first evolved to be fast? This is the Lamarckism, the use and disuse theory. However, the truth is this: There were many kinds of cheetah which could run fast or slow. And there were deers which could run fast or slow. So, the survivors and fast cheetahs and fast deers. This explain how could animals evolve. 

This nature is balanced perfectly, until the human attacks the nature. If there is a change of balance, than they go originally status. This is the magic of nature. They evolve, take ballance and become the new world. I know if a meteo attacks the earth, than there will be a new world that is quite different. I hope this great nature keeps for long times.

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