Ch.8 Becoming Modern

Rails, Zones, and Bulbs

- The human invention of the railroad had conquered space; now, it didn‘t matter if a company was hundreds of miles away from the people who bought its goods.
- [On November 18th, 1883. a Canadian railroad engineer Sir Sandford Fleming’s idea] The human invention of time zones seemed to have conquered the challenge of time; now, people set their clocks according to time zones, not according to the sun.
- [In 1879. Thomas Edison] And electric lights had conquered the dark. Dusk was no longer the end of the working day. Now, men could go on laboring, long after sunset!

Japan’s Meiji Restoration

- By 1889, Japan had a new constitution. It had been written by a Japanese statesman who admired Bismarck so much that he had travelled to the new German state to see how it was run. The constitution that he wrote made Japan‘s government much like the German government. Japan‘s emperor was the “head of state” in Japan, just as Wilhelm II was the king of the German state, but a “cabinet” (a group of advisors, such as a prime minister) actually made policies for the country. Japan would also have two assemblies, made up of educated and intelligent Japanese representatives. These assemblies would pass laws for Japan.

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Ch.7 Two Empires, Three Republics, and One Kingdom

Two Empires and Three Republics

- Until the year 1789, France was a monarchy, governed by kings who belonged to the royal Bourbon family.
- In 1789, the French revolted. During the French Revolution, the king was executed and France became a republic for the first time.
- When Napoleon Bonaparte seized control of the government and had himself crowned Emperor, the First Republic of France ended. Now Napoleon had become Emperor Napoleon I, and the First French Empire had began.
- In 1848, The Citizen King, Louis-Philippe was gone, and so was the First Empire. Now the Second Republic would begin.
- After the election of President, Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte, the nephew of the first French emperor had himself declared Napoleon III, the Emperor of France. The Second Republic had lasted only five years. Now the Second Empire had begun.
- After the emperor had been captured in the war against the Prussia, France could be a republic again. The Second Empire had ended, and the Third Republic could begin.
- From 1870 on, France remained a republic.

The Second Reich

- Prussia was a German state-but not part of ˝Germany.˝ In 1870 there was no such country as ˝Germany.˝ Instead, thirty-nine different German-speaking states lay across the land east of France. These states were joined together into a loose group called a confederation.
- Otto von Bismarck, Iron Chancellor
- In 1871, the year after the war with France, Otto von Bismarck convinced the other German states in the confederation to declare Wilhelm of Prussia the ˝German Emperor.”
- At last, Prussia was the strongest state in a German kingdom. This kingdom was known as the ˝Second Reich.˝ Germans liked to think that they were the heirs of the Holy Roman Empire, which they called the ˝First Reich.˝
- In the reign of Wilhelm II, Wilhelm’s grandson, the Second Reich was set on a path of war and destruction and collapsed.

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Ch.6 Two Tries For Freedom

Paraguay and the Triple Alliance

- In 1865, Francisco Solano Lopez had just come to power in Paraguay.
- Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay united against Paraguay. This war became known as the War of the Triple Alliance.
- On March 1st, 1870, López was killed in the attack. Finally, the war was over. Brazil and Argentina each took a piece of Paraguay‘s land

The Dominion of Canada

- rebellion of the people in Lower Canada (Quebec) and Upper Canada (Ontario)
- By the 1860s, the Canadian provinces were talking about joining together into a ˝federation.˝ This federation would still be loyal to Great Britain, but it would have its own constitution, its own Canadian House of Commons, and its own Canadian Senate.
- British North America Act took effect on July 1st, 1867
- Canada wasn’t ferr from Great Britain- but it was independent.

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Ch.5 The American Civil War

South Against North

- President Abraham Lincoln
- In the southern states, slavery was legal and in the northern states, slavery was illegal.
- On April of 1861, the Civil War began and on April 9th, 1865, the war was over.
- In 1862, Abraham Lincoln announced the “Emancipation Proclamation”

After the Civil War

- Lincoln’s assassination only a few days after the end of the war
- In December of 1865, the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was passed
- Slavery had ended. But it would be many more years before African-Americans were given all of the freedoms and privileges of whites.

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Ch.4 Resurrection and Rebellion

Italy’s “Resurrection”

- Over a dozen different states belonged not to a country called ˝Italy,˝ but to the country of Austria.
- In 1831, the secret societies called the “Carbonaria” rebelled —> failed
- Another society called “Young Italy” rebelled —> failed
- After 10 years, the revolutionaries rebelled—> the rebellions in Rome and Venice had failed —> Garibaldi’s army in the Battle of Volturno in Naples was victorious.
- In 1861, Victor Emmanuel was crowned the first king of the nation of Italy.

The Taiping Rebellion

- Qing dynasty
- Hong Xiuquen, the Heavenly King of Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace, the Taiping Tianguo
- In 1850, Hong fought back against the soldiers from Qing.
- By 1864, the Taiping rebellion was doomed by the British’s help for the Qing.

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