Ch.18 Europe and the Countries Just East

Persia, Its Enemies, and Its “Friends”

- Persia would stay under Russian control for another decade. But the Russians allowed the Anglo-Persian Oil Company to keep on piping oil out of the ground and shipping it out of the country. Eventually, the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, which became known as British Petroleum, would become one of the largest oil companies in the entire world.

The Balkan Mess

- “First Balkan War” 1912
- “Second Balkan War” 1913
- On June 28th, 1914, a Serbian would show how much Serbia hated both Bulgaria and Austria. He would kill the heir to the throne of Austria. But this wouldn‘t begin a ˝Third Balkan War.˝ Instead, it would start the first World War.

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Ch.17 China’s Troubles

The Boxer Rebellion (의화단 사건)

- This Chinese secret society called itself ˝Yihhe Quai˝ or the ˝Society of Righteous and Harmonious Fists.˝ But Westerners just called it ˝the Boxers,˝ because the members were so good at martial arts.
- The Qing dynasty had survived the Boxer Rebellion. Seven years later, when Cixi died of a stroke, the three-year-old prince Puyi inherited the throne of China.
- But China had already been conquered by Western ideas. And Puyi would be the last Qing emperor of China.

The Czar and the Admiral (러일전쟁)

- At the time of the Boxer Rebellion, under Nicholas Il‘s reign, Russia had started to build a new railroad in China. It would run from Harbin, a large city in the northern province of Manchuria, all the way down to Port Arthur on the Yellow Sea. Russia had convinced China to rent Port Arthur to Russia for twenty-five years. This meant that, for almost a century, Port Arthur would belong to Russia- in exchange for a large amount of money.
- War Russia vs Japan
- In September of 1905, the treaty between the two countries was signed in the United States-in the city of Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Over a hundred thousand Russian soldiers and sailors had died, and the war had cost Russia the equivalent of millions of dollars.
- Japan had stopped Russia‘s attempts to expand east, into China. For the first time, a European army had been defeated by an Asian country. And it had become clear to the whole world that Japan, not China, was now the master of the East.

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Ch.16 The Expanding United States

Moving West

- The United States marked off certain areas of land called ˝reservations˝ and told the Native American tribes that they could only live in these ˝reserved places.˝
- America was now a huge country, spreading over a vast continent.
- The American West had changed forever.

Stocks, Philanthropists, and Outlaws

- Andrew Carnegie practiced what he preached. He gave away 350 million dollars for college scholarships, libraries, scientific research, and many other good causes. He made a name for himself as a philanthropist.
- But this did not make him popular with everyone. Many people objected to Andrew Carnegie‘s idea that the poor have less wisdom and ability than the rich. Others pointed out that Andrew Carnegie was rich only because he had spent years and years paying the men and women who worked in his steel factories a tiny salary- while he took most of the profit at the end of the year. Carnegie, they claimed, was no better than an outlaw. Like many wealthy stockholders, Andrew Carnegie had stolen the work of others and taken it for himself.

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Ch.15 Small Countries With Large Invaders

The Korean Battleground

- King Kojong and Queen Min
- Tonghak Rebellion
- August 1st, 1894 Sino-Japanese (Chinese-Japanese) War
- October morning in 1895 Queen Min was assassinated
- Fifteen years after Queen Min died, Japan made Korea part of the Japanese Empire. Queen Min‘s fears had come true; Korea had lost its independence, and Japan had taken over her little country.

The Spanish-American War
- Spanish colonies, Philippines and Cuba
- Sometimes, these newspapers made the Cuban crisis sound even worse than it was. The largest American newspapers, just before the year 1900, were the New York Journal, owned by William Randolph Hearst, and the New York World, owned by Joseph Pulitzer.
- But before much fighting could take place in Puerto Rico, Spain agreed to surrender. On December 10th, 1898, Spain and America signed a treaty called the Treaty of Paris. This treaty decreed that Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Philippines, and another small island called Guam would no longer belong to Spain. But none of these countries were given independence. Instead, they would be ruled by the United States of America!

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Ch.14 Two Czars and Two Emperors

The Next-to-Last Czar of Russia

- Alexander II was the czar who had sent Russian soldiers down to attack the Turkish Empire and take Turkish land away. But although he was a warlike czar, Alexander II had also tried to make Russia a little bit more Western, and a little bit more modern.
- After Alexander II was killed by two assassins, Alexander III began to take away the new freedoms of the Russian people. He cancelled Alexander Il‘s decree that towns could govern themselves.
- “Alexander set out to undo everything chat his father did.”

Ethiopia and Italy

- Only two African countries remained free from European rule.
- Liberia, a country formed by the United States as a home for freed slaves, had the right to govern itself. But Liberia was a protectorate of the American government.
- Ethiopia, the only part of Africa that remained truly free.
- The Battle of Adowa, in 1896, proved to be the only time that an African country was able to fight off European invaders. Alone in Africa, Ethiopia had kept its power. And Menelik II had earned the title “Lion of Africa.”

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