Ch.28 The Second World War

The Three-War War

- The war between Japan and the Allies in the east had its own name: the War of the Pacific. When Allied soldiers went to China to help the Chinese fight back against Japanese invasion, the War of the Pacific mingled with the Sino-Japanese War. And now that the Allies and the Axis powers were fighting in both Europe and in the East, the three wars had all blended together. The Sino-Japanese War, the War of the Pacific, and World War II had become one huge, world-swallowing disaster.

The Holocaust

- German attacks against Jews had begun even before Austria was claimed. In 1935, German laws were changed so that no Jew could be a German citizen, marry a German, or vote.
- In 1936, the Olympics were held in Berlin. No Jews from Germany were allowed to compete.
- All over Germany, German mobs broke the windows of houses and shops owned by Jews. Many of them were burned. This night, November 9th, 1938, became known as Kristallnacht, or ˝Night of the Broken Glass.˝
- In every territory that the Germans claimed, Jews were forced to wear yellow, six-pointed stars on their clothing so that everyone would know they were Jews. This six-pointed Star was called a ˝Star of David,˝ after the great Hebrew king in the Bible.
- In 1942, Hitler‘s advisors agreed with him that Germany needed to find a “final solution” for the “problem” of the Jews in Europe. The concentration camps were turned into death camps. Jews were killed in hundreds of camps all through Germany and German-held territory. The most horrible, and most well known, of these death camps were at Dachau and Auschwitz.
- By 1945, six million Jews had been put to death by Hitler. This systematic killing of an entire nation is called genocide. The six million Jews weren‘t Hitler‘s only victims. Other ˝inferior˝ people like Catholics, handicapped people, gypsies, and many Russians, Poles, and Serbs wore also killed in the death camps.
- Hitler‘s “final solution” became known as the Holocaust. “Holocaust” is a Greek word for a sacrifice that is completely burned up by fire.
- The Holocaust was a horrible shame to the German people, but the shame was shared by many other people who knew that Jews were being put to death-and yet made no protest.

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Ch.27 Civil War and Invasion

Red Spain, Black Spain, a King, and a General

- Red Spain vs Black Spain
- These “Red Spanish” wanted to see the end of the monarchy and the beginning of rule by the common people.
- Wealthy, aristocratic Spaniards who wanted Spain to stay a monarchy were called citizens of “Black Spain”.
- Spanish Civil War. The Nationalists, Francisco Franco vs Popular Front
- Finally, the Popular Front was forced to give up the las city that they still controlled. On March 28th, 1939, Madrid surrendered.
- Francisco Franco and his army now controlled Spain.
- General Franco would now rule as a military dictator over Spain! Like Mussolini, he would control his country with his army.

Rebuilding the “Fatherland”

- On September 1st, 1939, the German troops marched into Poland from three different directions. Later, the beginning of the war that sprang from this invasion-World War II-was put at 4:45 a.m. on September Ist.

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Ch.26 The Great Crash, and What Came of It

Black Tuesday and a New Deal

- October 29th, 1929 Black Tuesday
- Great Depression
- Tremendous drought, Dust Bowl

Hitler’s Rise to Power

- Adolf Hitler
- National Socialists, Nazis

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Ch.25 Armies In China

Japan, China, and a Pretend Emperor

- Manchukuo would remain under Japanese power for many years. In time, Japan would use Manchukuo as a place to build naval and army bases and the Japanese military would grow stronger yet.

The Long March

- Chiang Kai-shek, National Revolutionary Army
- Mai Zedong, Chinese Communist Party, CCP. On October 15th, 1934, the Long March
- But Chiang had gotten the message. Continuing the fight against the CC would make his authority weaker. The Kuomintang and the Chinese Communist Party would have to become friends. It was time for the long civil war to end.

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Ch.24 The King and Il Duce

The First King of Egypt

Fascism in Italy

- Mussolini
- Fascists or Blackshirts
- By 1923, Italy was firmly under control of the Fascists.
Mussolini, the prime minister, was nicknamed Il Duce - “The Leader”. He would remain prime minister of Italy for the next twenty-one years.
- Although he held the title prime minister, Mussolini was actually a military dictator. He wanted to build a new Roman Empire by recapturing land all around the Mediterranean Sea. He knew that Romulus, the legendary founder of Rome, was supposed to have taken a plow and plowed out the borders of his new city. So, imitating Romulus, Mussolini got on a tractor and drove around the borders of new cities that he hoped to build in his “new Roman Empire”.

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