Ch. 16 England After the Conquest
The English Language
English에 다양한 언어가 섞임. 라틴어, 그리스어, 프랑스어까지
Serfs and Noblemen
Feudalism, King, Lords, Knights, Peasants or Serfs
Stone Castles

Ch. 17 Knights and Samurai
The English Code of Chivalry 기사도
Samurai: Japanese Knights
영국과 유사한 Feudal system, Emperor, Daimyos, Samurai, Peasants
Samurai, haiku 짓기, Matsua Basho
Oda Nobunaga, one of the greatest samurai warriors

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Ch. 15 The First Kings of England
The Vikings invade England
Alfred the Great
The battle of Hastings

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Ch. 14 The Arrival of the Norsemen
The Viking Invasion
Frank king Charlemagne 사후 3명의 손자로 나눠짐
Scandinavia Viking이 Frank 서쪽 점령, Northmen’s Land, Normandy
Vikings, Normans
The North Gods
Odin, the king of gods
Thor, the thunder-god

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Ch. 13 The Great Kings of France
Clovis, the first ruler of the Frankish Empire, a great king
Charles Martel, Charles the Hammer, Islamic army의 침략을 무찌름, a greater king
Charles Magnus, Charlesmagne, Charles the Great, the title of Roman Emperor, a greatest king

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Ch. 12 The Islamic Invasion
Visigoths, Spain, King’s son vs Rodrigo
Tariq bin Ziyad, the Muslim commander에게 지원 요청, Spain 점령
Jabal Tariq —> Gibraltar

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