Ch. 22 Exploring the Mysterious East
Marco Polo Goes to China
Silk Road, Kublai Khan은 유럽 상인들의 왕래 적극 지원, 몽골 군사들이 road keeper, policemen 역할 수행
Macro Polo는 his father Niccolo과 중국 20년 이상 체류, “The Travels of Macro Polo” 책 씀
The Forbidden City of the Ming
Great khan 사망 이후 제국 분할, Silk Road 주변 전쟁, 위험, The new ruler of China, the Ming dynasty, Yongle(영락제) 폐쇄정책, forbidden city

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Ch. 21 The Mongols Devastate the East
Genghis Khan, Emperor of All Men - Beijing 점령, West로 확장, Caspian Sea까지 확대, 1227년 사망
The Mongol Conquest of China - Islamic Empire 뿐만 아니라 Byzantine Empire 일부도 점령
Kublai Khan 1260년 왕위에 오름, 1279년 ruler of China, a Mongol dynasty, the Yuan dynasty (원나라)
일본 침략 실패, the storm kamikaze
Kublai Khan 사망 이후 제국 분할, 100년도 지속되지 못함

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Ch. 20 The Diaspora
The Scattering of the Jews
Torah, the sacred writings of the Jews
Synagogue, little local temple
A Tale of the Diaspora, the clever Rabbi of Cordova

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Ch. 19 A New Kind of King
Richard the Lionhearted (1189-1199)
John Lackland (1199-1216) and the Magna Carta (1215)
Robin Hood

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Ch. 18 The Age of Crusades
A Command from the pope
The city of Jerusalem
Moslims - Muhammad has ascended
Jews - the city of David, the great Hebrew king
Christians - Jesus was credited
Recapturing Jerusalem
Saladin of Jerusalem
El Cid and the “Reconquest of Spain”

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