Ch. 27 War for the English Throne
The Wars of the Roses, England’s civil war
Lancastrians (red rose) vs Yorks (white rose)
Henry VI vs Edward IV (the Duke of York’s son)
The Princes in the Tower
왕이 된 Richard lll (Edward IV’s brother), 조카 Edward V와 younger brother는 Tower에 갇히고 행방이 묘연함

* 몇 년 전에 본 황정민 배우가 나온 연극 리처드 3세

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Ch. 26 France and English at War
Henry V and the Battle of Agincourt
Joan of Arc

* 작년에 본 연극 세인트 조앤

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Ch. 25 The End of the World
The Plague
From China -> People who lived near the Black Sea began to grow sick -> Italian merchants came back home -> It spread through Italy, up into Europe
The Black Death, rats이 전파
Giovanni Boccaccio가 the Decameron에 묘사
A New Way of Living
After plague, peasants and farmers 부족, 부유해짐, 도시로 나감, craftsman이 되기 쉬워짐
The Black Death changed the countries of Europe forever.

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Ch. 24 The Ottoman Empire
The Ottoman Turks Attack
The Byzantine Empire는 Muslim, Mongols, Russians 외 여러 나라의 공격을 물리쳤으나 Ottoman Turks 공격에 무너짐
The Capture of Constantinople
1444, Mehmed 왕위에 오름, Constantinople 함락
The fall of Constantinople, on May 29, 1453, is one of the great event of medieval history. The End of Middle Ages
Suleiman the Lawgiver
The greatest emperor and sultan of all was Suleiman, 1520
Suleiman 사망시 “Slave of God, Master of the World, Shad of Baghdad and Iraq, Caesar of all the Lands of Rome, and the Sultan of Egypt”로 불림
아들 왕위, 이후 세력 약해짐, 300년 지속

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Ch. 23 The First Russians
The Rus Comes to Constantinople
The Rus, descendent of the Biking explorers, named Rurik, Central Europe 정착, 원주민인 the Slave 지배, 혼인
Constantinople 침략 실패, Vladimir, the prince of Kiev, 친교관계 형성, Byzantine princess와 결혼, Eastern Orthodox Christian이 됨
Ivan the Great and Ivan the Terrible
Ivan the Great, the ruler of Moscow, Mongol 침략 물리침, Russia 통일, Kremlin 건설
Ivan the Terrible, grandson, tsar로 명명, “Caesar”, Third Rome, killed his son, Rurik’s dynasty 멸망

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