Ch. 32 The American Kingdoms
The Mayans of Central America - The first great empire of Central America was the Mayan Empire.
The Aztecs of Central America - The marvelous City of Tenochtitlan, Lake Texcoco
The Incas of South America - Cuzco, the capital city

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Ch. 31 Exploring New Worlds
Christopher Columbus - Isabella of Spain의 지원으로 서쪽 방향으로 India로 가는 항해 시작, 1492, America 대륙을 India로 착각
Vasco da Gama - Columbus의 America 도착 5년 후 아프리카 대륙 경유하여 India 도착
Amerigo Vespucci - Columbus was the first European to land in America, and Amerigo Vespucci was the first to realize that America was a new continent.
Ferdinand Magellan - 1519, Columbus의 계획 실행, North America를 돌아 India를 가고자 함, Philippines에 도착 후 부족간 전쟁에서 사망, his lieutenant가 India 도착 후 Europe에 돌아 옴. His ship was the first one to sail all the way around the whole world.

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Ch. 30 India Under the Moghuls
The Moghul Dynasty
Akbar of India
The Bad-Luck Servant

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Ch. 29 African Kingdoms
Gold, Salt, and Ghana
Mansa Musa of Mali
The Songhay Empire

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Ch. 28 The Kingdoms of Spain and Portugal
Fedinand and Isabella Unite Spain
Henry the Navigator, Prince of Portugal

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