Ch. 38 England’s Greatest Queen
The Queen Who Almost Wasn’t
Good Queen Bess

Ch. 39 England’s Greatest Playwright
William Shakespeare

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Ch. 37 The New Universe
The Revolution of Copernicus
Galileo’s Strange Notions

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Ch. 35 The Renaissance
A New Way of Thinking
Renaissance, rebirth, reborn
Scientific method of getting knowledge
Gutenberg’s Great Invention
Guttenberg began printing his Bibles in 1455 and 1456.

Ch. 36 Reformation and Counter Reformation
The Spread of the Reformation
Martin Luther and his followers’ slogan, “Every man his own priest”, Reformers
Catholics vs Protestants
The Council of Trent
Catholic church leaders met in Trent in 1545.
The Council of Trent reformed the Catholic church, the Counter Reformation

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Ch. 34 Martin Luther’s New Ideas
Martin Luther’s List
Martin Luther made list of ninety-five reasons why indulgences were wrong. in 1517
Henry VIII’s Problem
1 Catherine of Aragon - sent away, daughter Mary
2 Anne Boleyn - beheaded, daughter Elizabeth
3 Jane Seymour - died, son Edward
4 Anne of Cleves - left
5 Catherine Howard - beheaded
6 Catherine Parr - a good nurse, watched over 3 children

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Ch. 33 Spain, Portugal, and the New World
The Slave Trade - 잔인하고 슬픈 역사
Cortes (Spanish adventurer) and Montezuma (the king of the Aztecs)

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