Ch.6 New Colonies in the New World

Strangers and Saints in Plymouth
William Bradford, a Puritan, an English Protestant, Separatists —> Holland로 이동 —> North America로 이동, Mayflower, 1620, Pilgrims으로 지칭 —> Plymouth Plantation and Massachusetts Bay Colony에 정착

The Dutch in the New World
The Dutch East India Company, trading, Netherland became rich
The Dutch West India Company, 1624, New Amsterdam on an island calked Manhattan Island —> English invasion —> New York으로 변경 (in honor of the Duke of York)
Some remnants of New Amsterdam, Wall Street, Broadway

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Ch.5 Warlords of Japan

Hedeyoshi, Japan’s Great Leader
Nobunaga wanted to unify all the warring parts of Japan.
After Nobunaga’s death, Hideyoshi has established his rule in Japan. He has gained power over Japan - but he had failed to conquer China.

The First Tokugawa Ruler
After Hideyoshi’s death, it’s time for Tokugawa Ieyasu. Ieyasu’s victory at the Battle of Sekigahara.
The Tokugawa Shogunate was firmly in charge of Japan.

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Ch.4 Searching for the Northwest Passage

The French in the New World
The King of France, Henry IV, hired Samuel Champlain, 험난한 정착활동
Kebec —> Quebec, speaking French, “Father of New France”

Henry Hudson’s Quest
While the colonies of Quebec and Jamestown struggled tosurvive, French and English explorers kept right on looking for a northwest shortcut to the ports of China and India.
Hudson failed, but the places called Hudson Straight, Hudson Bay.

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Ch.3 James, King of Two Counties

James and His Enemies
James VI, Mary’s son, King of Scotland, insisted divine right.
Queen Elizabeth (Mary’s cousin) died in 1603. James became King of England.
James had made Catholics, Puritans (Protestant Christians), and Parliament all angry.
Most famous thing is a brand new English translation of the Bible, King James Version.

King James’s Town
Gold를 찾아 North America 항해. Jamestown 수립.
John Smith의 기지로 Powhatan, the great Indian chief과 평화 유지.
another Jamestown leader, John Rolfe married Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas.
The Jamestown colony grew stronger and stronger.

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Ch.2 Protestant Rebellions

The Dutch Revolt
Philip in Spain, Catholic vs William the Silent in Netherlands, Protestant
—> Netherlands 북쪽 독립, Holland

The Queen Without a Country
Mary, Queen of Scots, Catholic vs Lords, Scottish noblemen, Protestant
—> Mary는 아들 James에게 왕위를 물려주도록 강요당함, 사촌 Queen Elizabeth의 도움을 희망하며 England로 망명, but 반역죄로 사형당함

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