Ch.11 The Moghul Emperors of India

World Seizer, King of the World, and Conqueror of the World
The first emperor, World Seizer, was a descendent of the Great Mongol warrior Genghis Khan.
His son, Shah Jahan, King of the World
His grandson, Aurangzeb, Conqueror of the World

Aurangzeb’s Three Decisions
First, religion, Aurangzeb was a Muslim, but most of the people if India were Hindu. He wanted to spread the Muslim faith.
Second, trying to conquer the southern parts of India, Deccan. He spent 26 years.
Third, allowed Englishmen to come into India and build cities of their own.

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Ch.10 Far East of Europe

Japan’s Isolation: Closed Doors in the East

The “Foreign Conquest” of China: The Rise of the Manchu

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Ch.9 The Western War

The Thirty Years’ War, 1618-1648

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Ch.8 The Middle of the East

The Persian Puzzle
the Assyrian empire—> the Babylonians —> the Persians —> Alexander the Great —> divided three parts, Sassanid dynasty of Persia —> the Islamic empire —> Turks nomads —> Mongol khan —> Ismail, Iran
복잡한 Middle East

The Ottoman Turks
The Sultan Murad

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Ch.7 The Spread of Slavery

Tobacco - and Unwilling Colonists
English colonists in Virginia became rich because of ‘green gold’ tobacco. John Rolfe가 재배 —> 영국에서 인기, 무역 증가 —> 노동력 필요 —> 1619, the first North American slaves trading —> Triangular Trade among Europe, America and Africa

Queen Nzinga of Angola
The Princess Nzinga in Ndomba fought against the Portuguese —> After Nzinga’s death, the Portuguese took over Ndomba, called Angola —> Angola remained under Portuguese rule until November 11th, 1975

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