Ch.16 The West
The Universal Laws of Newton and Locke
Galileo, the scientific method
Isaac Newton, the Laws of Gravity
John Locke, Two Treatises of Government
Western ideas, Enlightenment

Scientific Farming

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Ch.15 A New World in Conflict
War Against the Colonies: King Philip’s War

War Against the Colonies: Louis XIV Saves New France

William Penn’s Holy Experiment

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Ch.14 The Rise of Prussia
Frederick, the First Prussian King

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Ch.13 The Sun King
The Sun King of France
Louise XIV, “visible divinity” - God’s representative on earth
He decided to build a huge new palace in Versailles.
During his reign, France became the largest and most important nation in Europe.
But in the last years of his life, France lost some of its new territory.
Dauphin died, his grandson’s wife died, grandsons died.
When he died, his only remaining grandson, a sickly five-year-old, inherited the throne of France.

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Ch.12 Battle, Fire, and Plague in England

Charles Loses His Head
Charles vs Parliament
Civil War had begun.
Oliver Cromwell won.
Charles beheaded June 30th, 1649.

Cromwell’s Protectorate
Cromwell was given the title Lord Protector of England.
September of 1958, Cromwell died.
May 23rd, 1660, Charles’s son, Charles II returned to England.

Plague and Fire
The Plague, called the Black Death, 2/5 people in London had died.
The Fire, 4/5 of London had been burned.

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