Ch. 21 Fighting Over North America
Three Pointless Wars
- King William’s War
- Queen Anne’s War
- King George’s War

The Seven-Year War
- The French and Indian War

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제 기억에는 콜럼버스 이후 그냥 미국으로 점프해버렸는데 그동안 많은 war가 있었군요...

햇살과함께님 정말 부지런하십니다! :) 즐거운 한 주 보내세요~

햇살과함께 2023-03-20 09:13   좋아요 0 | URL
저도 콜럼버스 이후 미국 독립전쟁까지의 기간은 전혀 몰랐는데,
많은 사건, 사고, 전쟁이 있었더군요;;;
오늘 읽을 챕터에는 드디어 미국 독립의 날. 보스턴 티 파티가 나오네요^^
다행히 요즘 업무 스트레스가 많지 않아서, 언제 바빠질지 모르니,,,
부지런히 읽고 있습니다 ㅎㅎ
수하님도 한 주 잘 보내세요~!

Ch.20 The Imperial East

Emperor Chi’en-lung’s Library

The Land of the Dragon

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Ch.19 The English in India

The Indian Empire Falls Apart

The Shopkeepers’ Invasion

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Ch.18 East and West Collide
The Ottomans Look West-Twice
The attack on Vienna in 1683 was the last great attack of the Ottoman Turks.
After 25 years later, Ahmet III admired Western culture and Western ideas. “Tulip King” and the Tulip Period

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Ch.17 Russia Looks West
Peter the Great
Peter I who became known as “Peter the Great”, became Czar of Russia in 1682.

Peter’s Port to the West
Great Northern War against Sweden, began in 1700 - and lasted for the next twenty-one years.
He named a brand new city on the shores of the Neva St. Petersburg after his patron saint, Peter.
He died in 1724.
Peter had made Russia larger.
But even more important: he had made Russia part of Europe.

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