Ch.26 Catherine the Great

Princess Catherine Comes to Russia

Catherine the Great

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에카테리나 여제 그림 멋집니다!!! 월욜 오후 잘 보내시길요 ~~~

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포스가 뿜뿜!! ㅎㅎ

Ch.25 Revolution Gone Sour
The Storming of the Bastille
Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette
The Tennis Court Oath
On July 14th, 1789, the Bastille had fallen

The Reign of Terror
On January 21st, 1793, Louis XVI was executed and on October 16th, Marie was executed.
Maximilien de Robespierre was also executed.

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Ch.24 Sailing South
Captain Cook Reaches Botany Bay - James Cook

The Convict Settlement- The governor Arthur Phillip

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Ch.23 The New Country
The American Constitution
After the peace treaty with England was signed, thirteen American colonies became independent states.
The constitution was finished. Finally the United States was truly a nation.

The First American President (1789-1797)
The first elections for a president of the United States were held in February of 1789 - and Washington won unanimously.
The cornerstone for the president’s new house was laid in 1792 in the District of Columbia.
At the end of his four-year term, the people of America re-elected him- even though he didn’t run.

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Ch.22 Revolution!
Discontent in the British Colonies
After the Seven Years’ War, British Parliament and the king’s ministers wrote a series of new tax laws.
The Sugar Act, the Stamp Act, etc.
1773.12.16 Boston Tea Party

The American Revolution
1775.04.18 A troop of British soldiers marched out of Boston under cover of dark.
1776.07.04 The Continental Congress approved Thomas Jefferson’s manifest, called the Declaration of Independence.
1783. Great Britain signed an agreement giving the colonies their independence. The American were no longer colonists. Now they were citizens of a new country!

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