Ch.31 A Different Kind of Rebellion

The World of the Factories

The Luddites

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Ch.30 Freedom in the Caribbean
The Haitian Revolt
- Toussaint L’Ouverture

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Ch.29 The Rise of Bonaparte
Napoleon Comes to Power
- Battle of Nile

The Emperor Napoleon
- Battle of Trafalgar

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자기 머리에 관을 씌우는 나폴레옹 ㅋㅋ 주말 잘 보내세요~

Ch.28 China and the Rest of the World
The Kingdom at the Center of the World
Fir sixty years, the emperor Chi’en-lung (건륭제) had reigned over China.
In 1793, George III sent an ambassador to China to ask Emperor Chi’en-lung to change the Eight Regulations.
But China would not obey Britain’s commands.

The Rise of Opium Trade
Chi’en-lung had refused to let foreign ideas and merchants into his country, but he had not been able to keep the foreign poison Opium out.

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Ch.27 A Changing World
Steam and Coal in Britain
In 1769, a Scotsman named James Watt perfected a machine called a steam engine.
Coal mining, Railroads, Trains
Steam power was beginning to change life in England.

Cotton and Guns in America
Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin.
With the help of the cotton gin, cotton growers could make more money than they ever dreamed. Plantation owners planted larger fields and bought more slaves. In the years to come, cotton would become the biggest industry of the South - and increase slavery a hundredfold.
Gun problems in the US Army.
Standardization, interchangeable, American system

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