죽음의 멜로디 (단편) (1979) 첫 작품

악마의 일력 = 위험한 외출 (1979)

빨간 레인코트의 여자 = 정부는 두 번 벨을 울린다 (1983)

배신의 계절 = 악마의 소나타 (1986)

비상계단의 여자 상 (죽음의 무도), 하 (마탄의 사수) = 금지된 밤들 1987

죽은 자의 메시지 (단편집)

금지된 밀월 (1989)

춘희 살인사건 (1990) (단편집)

야간 항로 (1990) = 3호청사 (1995)

야간 법정 상, 하 (1992)

오리엔탈호텔의 살인 (1991) (단편집)

춘희는 사라졌는가 (1994)

적과의 동침 (1996) (단편집)

바람의 여신 1, 2, 3 (1997)

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* 엄마는 명탐정 시리즈

A Nice Murder for Mom (1988)

Mom Meets Her Maker (1990)

Mom Doth Murder Sleep (1991)

Mom Among the Liars (1992)

My Mother, The Detective (1997) 어머니는 명탐정

- Mom Knows Best 어머니는 잘 아셔 (EQMM 1952)

   Mom Makes a Bet 어머니는 내기한다 (EQMM 1953)

   Mom in the Spring 어머니의 봄 (EQMM 1954)

   Mom Sheds a Tear 어머니가 울었다 (EQMM 1954)

   Mom Makes a Wish 어머니는 기도한다 (EQMM 1955)

   Mom Sings an Aria 어머니가 아리아를 부른다 (EQMM 1966)

   Mom and the Haunted Mink 어머니와 걱정스런 밍크 (EQMM 1967)

   Mom Remembers 어머니는 기억한다 (EQMM 1968)

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* Henry Wilson Novels

The Brooklyn Murders (by G.D.H. Cole alone) 1923

In a Telephone Cabinet (= The Owl at the Window) (short story) 1923

Death of a Millionaire 1925

The Blatchington Tangle 1926

The Man from the River 1928

Superintendent Wilson's Holiday (short stories) 1928

Poison in the Garden Suburb (US Title: Poison in a Garden Suburb) 1929

Burglars in Bucks (US Title: The Berkshire Mystery) 1930

Corpse in Canonicals (US Title: The Corpse in the Constable's Garden) 1930

Dead Man's Watch 1931

The Great Southern Mystery (US Title: The Walking Corpse) 1931

End of an Ancient Mariner 1933

A Lesson in Crime (short stories) 1933

Death in the Quarry 1934

Big Business Murder 1935

Dr. Tancred Begins 1935

The Brothers Sackville 1936

Last Will and Testament 1936

The Missing Aunt 1937

Off with her Head! 1938

Double Blackmail 1939

Greek Tragedy 1939

Counterpoint Murder 1940

The Murder at the Munition Works 1940

Wilson and Some Others (short stories) 1940

Toper's End 1942

The Bone of the Dinosaur (short story) 1943

Death in the Tankard (short story) 1943

A Lesson in Crime, and The Motive (short stories) 1943

The Oxford Mystery (short story) 1943

Murder in Broad Daylight, and Crime at Eslington Hall (short stories) 1943

Wilson Calling (short story) 1944

A Lesson in Crime and other stories (short stories) 1946

Birthday Gifts and other stories (short stories) 1946

* Other Novels

The Murder at Crome House 1927

Death of a Star 1932

The Affair at Aliquid 1933

Scandal at School (US Title: The Sleeping Death) 1935

Disgrace to the College (novelet) 1937

Mrs. Warrender's Profession (short stories) 1938

Knife in the Dark 1941 The Missing Baronet (short stories) 1943

Strychnine Tonic, and A Dose of Cyanide (short stories) 1943

Strychnine Tonic and other stories (short stories) 1943

Superintendent Wakely's Mistake (short story) 1944

Death in the Sun (short story) 1945

Death of a Bride (short story) 1945

In Peril of His Life (short story) 1948

The Toys of Death (short story) 1948 죽음의 장신구 DMB 143

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* Charlie Chan 찰리 챈 시리즈

The House Without a Key (1925년) 열쇠 없는 집

The Chinese Parrot (1926) 중국 앵무새

Behind That Curtain (1928) 커튼 뒤의 비밀

The Black Camel (1929) 검은 낙타

Charlie Chan Carries On (1930) 찰리 챈의 활약

Keeper of the Keys (1932) 열쇠를 가진 사람

* 기타 작품

 Seven Keys to Baldpate (1913)

 Love Insurance (1914)

 Inside the Lines (1915) (with Robert Welles Ritchie)

 The Agony Column (Second Floor Mystery) (1916)

 Fifty Candles (1926)

* Collections

Earl Derr Biggers Tells Ten Stories (1933)

* Short stories

The Dollar Chasers

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* Mike Hammer 시리즈

THE JURY, 1947 심판은 내가 한다
THE BIG KILL, 1951 마지막 대본
THE SNAKE, 1965 

* Novels

 The Long Wait (1951)
 The Deep (1961)
 The Day of the Guns (1964)
 Bloody Sunrise (1965)
 The Death Dealers (1965)
 The By-Pass Control (1967)
 The Delta Factor (1968)
 The Erection Set (1972)
 Last Cop Out (1973)
 The Day the Sea Rolled Back (1979)
 The Ship That Never Was (1982)
 Something's Down There (2003)

* Collections

 Me, Hood (1963)
 Return of the Hood (1964)
 The Flier (1964)
 Killer Mine (1965)
 The Tough Guys (1969)
 Vintage Spllane (1974)
 Tomorrow I Die (1984)

* Anthologies edited

 Murder is my Business (1994) (with Max Allan Collins)
 Vengeance is Hers (1997) (with Max Allan Collins)
 Golden Age of Marvel Comics (1997)
 Private Eyes (1998) (with Max Allan Collins)
 Golden Age of Marvel Comics: 2 (1999)
 A Century of Noir: Thirty-Two Classic Crime Stories (2002) (with Max Allan Collins)

* Anthologies containing stories by Mickey Spillane

Great Tales of Mystery and Suspense (1981)

* Short stories

"Fresh Meat for a Raider" (Winter 1941, Sub-Mariner Comics #4; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Clams Make the Man" (1942, Joker #2; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"The Sea of Grassy Death" (February 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #28; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"The Ship In the Desert" (March 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #29; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Jinx Heap" (March 1942, Blue Bolt, Vol. 2, #10; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Lumps of Death" (April 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #30; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Killer's Return" (May 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #31; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Terror in the Grass" (May 1942, Blue BoIt Vol. 2, #12; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Creature of the Deep" (May 1942, Target Comics, #27; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Trouble - Come and Get It" (Spring 1942, 4 Most Comics #2; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Tight Spot" (Spring 1942, Sub-Mariner Comics #5; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Devil Cat" (Spring 1942, Human Torch #7; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"A Case of Poison Ivy" (June 1942, Blue Bolt, Vol. 3 #1; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Last Ride" (June 1942, Marvel I Mystery Comics #32; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Jap Trap" (July 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #33; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"The Curse of Tut Ken Amen" (August 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #34; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"'Woodsman's Test" (Summer 1942, 4 Most Comics #3; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"The Woim Toins" (Summer 1942, All Winners Comics #5; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"The Sea Serpent" (Summer 1942, Sub-Mariner Comics #6; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Flight Over Tokyo" (Summer 1942, Human Torch #8; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"A Shot in the Dark" (August 1942, Blue Bolt, Vol. #3, #3; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Undersea Champion" (August 1942, Target Comics #30; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Satan Himself!" (September 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #35; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Man in the Moon" (Fall 1942, All Winners #6; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Woe Is Me!" (October 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #36; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Scram, Bugs!" (November 1942, Marvel Mystery Comics #37; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Spook Ship" (November 1942, Target Comics #33; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"Sky Busters" (December 1942, Target Comics #34; also 2004, Primal Spillane)
"The Veiled Woman" (November/December1952, Fantastic; sci-fi; ghost-written by Howard Browne, from an outline by Spillane)
"Together We Kill" (January 1953, Cavalier; also 2001, Together We Kill)
"Everybody's Watching Me" (January-April 1953, Manhunt; serialized in four issues; 2001, Pulp Masters)
"The Girl Behind the Hedge" (October 1953, Manhunt; = "The Lady Says Die!") 울타리 뒤의 여자
"The Night I Died" (1953; Mike Hammer; originally an unproduced radio play, tidied up and presented as a short story by Max Allan Collins in 1998's Private Eyes, edited by Spillane and Collins)
"The Pickpocket" (December 1954, Manhunt; 1984, Tomorrow I Die)
"Tonight My Love" (1954, released as 33 1/3 and 45 rpm records Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer Story)
"The Screen Test of Mike Hammer" (July 1955, Male)
"Tomorrow I Die, (February 1956, Cavalier)
"Stand Up and Die!" (June 1958, Cavalier; 1984)
"Me, Hood!" July 1959, Cavalier)
"I'll Die Tomorrow" (March 1960, Cavalier)
"The Seven Year Kill" (July 1960, Cavalier)
"Kick It or Kill" (July 1961, Cavalier; AKA "The Girl Hunters")
"The Affair with the Dragon Lady" (March 1962, Cavalier)
"Hot Cat" (April 1964, Saga)
"The Bastard Bannerman" (June 1964, Saga)
"The Flier (1964, The Flier; AKA "Hot Cat")
"Return of the Hood" (1964, Return of the Hood; 1969, Me, Hood!)
"The Seven Year Kill" (1964, The Flier)
"The Big Bang" (January 1965, Saga; AKA "Return of the Hood)
"Death of the Too-Cute Prostitute" October 1965, Man's Magazine; AKA "Man Alone")
"The Gold Fever Tapes" (1973, Stag Annual #15; 1984, Tomorrow I Die)
"The Dread Chinatown Man" (August 1975, True)
"Toys for the Man-Child" (August 1975, True)
"Sex Is My Vengeance" (1984, Tomorrow I Die)
"Trouble... Come and Get It" (1984, Tomorrow I Die).
"The Killing Man" (December 1989, Playboy; Mike Hammer)

작가 웹사이트 : Unofficial Mickey Spillane Mike Hammer Site

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