Pig Out! (Paperback + CD 1장)
언어세상 편집부 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :

 피크닉에 나서려고 했다가, 먹는 것으로 끝장 본 가족의 조금은 씁쓸한 이야기.


1.  Who looked out the window? 

         Mama pig /  Papa pig / little pigs /  none


2.  What did the pigs decide to do? 

  to sleep all day long / to go fishing / to go swimming /  to go on a picnic


3.  What did little pigs find in the closet?

  the picnic mat / the picnic table / the picnic basket / the picnic plates


4.  Where did pigs carry the picnic basket? 

  into the living room / into the dining room

 / into the kitchen / into the garage


5.  What didn't the pigs put into the basket? 

   lots of bread / lots of eggs /  lots of bananas /  lots of pineapples


6.  What wasn't in the basket? 

  corn /   honey /  nuts  / cookies

7.  What was delivered to pigs' house? 

  lots of bread /  lots of cake /  lots of cheese /  lots of pizza


  8.  How was the basket which was full of food? 

    too light / too heavy / too dirty /  too neat

9.  What did the pigs decide to do instead of a picnic? 


         to watch TV  /  to invite friends /  to have a party / to sleep all day long


10.  What did the pigs do with all the food?   

         They threw it away. / They gave it out.

     They ate it up. / They kept it in the refrigerator.


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OTTO the Cat (Paperback + CD 1장)
언어세상 편집부 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :

일곱살 아들이 톰과 제리 만화에 열광한다. 나는 그 재미를 모르겠기에, 쥐에게 사특한 마음을 갖고 있지만, 우둔한 고양이 톰이 일상다반사로 쥐인 제리에게 당하는 게 어떨땐 측은하기까지 하다.

그래서 아이들에게, 엄마 어렸을 적에도 텔레비전에서 해 주던 만화다, 라고만 얘기한다.


이 얘기는 고양이 오토가 집에서 극진한 대접을 받는 애완용인데, 원하는 건 다 갖고 있다. 어느날 개를 갖고 싶어 쇼핑에 나서는데, 개를 얻고, 개를 골려 주려 했지만, 되려 당한다는 이야기 ^^



1.  What is Otto? 

  the name of a cat / the name of a dog

/  the name of a sloth / the name of a kangaroo

2.  Where does Otto live? 

/  in a house /   in the park /   on the street /  on the roof


3.  Where does Otto want to go today? 

/  to the gym /  to the pet store /  to the amusement park

 /   to the department store

4.  How does Otto get to the pet store? 

   on foot /  by car / by bus /  by subway

5.  What does Otto want to get? 

   a toy bird and a blue bowl /  a toy bird and a green bowl

 / a toy mouse and a blue bowl / a toy mouse and a green bowl

6.  Who wants Otto? 

 a dog /  an another cat / an owner of the pet store

/  everyone who sees Otto

7.  What doesn't Otto have? 

   a car /  a bed /  a red bowl /  a toy mouse

8.  What does Otto try in order to make the dog feel dizzy? 

   running out of the house /  playing on the swing

 /  running around the dog /  keeping on shaking the dog


9.  Who feels dizzy? 

 Otto /  the dog /  both Otto and the dog /  neither Otto nor the dog

10.  Where does the dog take Otto?

 / to the hospital /  to the house / to the pet store /   to the zoo


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Silly Willy (Paperback + CD 1장) All Aboard Reading A Picture Reader (Book + CD) 10
Maryann Cocca-Leffler 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2010년 1월
평점 :

 연령 대상은 3-5세가 맞는 것 같다. 여섯 살만 되어도 이런 이야기는 코웃음칠 듯

어린 아이들이라면, 머리에는 모자를, 손에는 장갑을 발에는 양말을 신어야 한다고 지적하면서 이 아이보다는 우수한 지각머리를 갖고 있다는 것에 으쓱해할 것이다. 아무리 이야기 속 Silly가 짖궂은 재미로 이런 차림을 한 것이라 할지라도.


1.  What does silly Willy look like with his pants on his head? 

   a rabbit /  a duck / an elephant /  a hippopotamus


2.  What does silly Willy look like with his hat on his nose? 

          a rabbit /  a duck / a seal /  a frog


3.  What does silly Willy look like with his shoes on his hands? 

         a rabbit /  a duck /  a seal /     a frog


4.  What does silly Willy look like with his gloves on his feet? 

        a rabbit /   a duck / a seal /  a frog


5.  Where should Willy's pants go? 

    on his legs /  on his head / on his hands / on his nose


6.  Where should Willy's hat go? 

 / on his legs / on his head /  on his hands / on his nose


7.  Where should Willy's shoes go? 

   on his legs /on his head /  on his hands /  on his feet


8.  Where should Willy's gloves go? 

         on his legs /  on his head / on his hands /  on his feet


  9.  Where does Willy's mom kiss? 

         on his legs /  on his head /  on his hands /on his nose


10.  What color of gloves does Willy have? 

         red gloves / yellow gloves / green gloves / blue gloves


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Too Noisy! (Paperback + CD 1장)
언어세상 편집부 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :


 어릴 적에 동화로 읽었던 이야기라 반갑다. 집안이 너무 시끄러워서 도저히 잠을 잘 수 없다는 할아버지가 마을의 해결사로 통하는 아줌마를 찾아가면서 이야기가 시작된다.

아줌마는 가축들을 하나씩 안겨 주며, 데리고 자라고 한다. 동물들이 늘어감에 따라 할아버지는 돌아버리는 지경에까지 이르게 되고, 비법은 너무 간단하게도 그 많은 동물들을 아줌마가 한꺼번에 도로 데려가면서 할아버지는 편안하게 잠들게 된다는 이야기. 

1.  Where did an old man live? 

 in a new house / in an old house / in a new apartment / in an old apartment


2.  How was the old man's house? 

   too clean /  too quiet /  too noisy / too convenient


3.  What made squeaking sounds in the old man's house? 

  the door / the floor /  the window / the chimney


4.  What did the old man take when he went off to see a very wise lady? 

  a cane /  an umbrella / a bag / a cart


 5.  What did the wise lady give to the old man at first? 

  a cow /  a cat / a goat /  a donkey


6.  What did the goat break with its horns? 

         a table / a chair /  a desk / a drawer


7.  What did the wise lady give to the old man when he went back to the lady the next day?

   a cow / a cat / a goat / a donkey

8.  What did the old man put over his head because of the noises?

  a hat /   a helmet / a pillow / a blanket


9.  Which animal went hee-haw? 

  a cow /  a cat /  a goat / a donkey

10.  What did the old man do after he let out the animals? 

   He sang all day long. /  He cried all day long.

 /   He slept all day long. / He cleaned all day long.


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Space Kid (Paperback + CD 1장)
언어세상 편집부 지음 / Penguin Putnam Books / 2009년 8월
평점 :

이런 이야기는 보통 남아들이 좋아할 것이다.

피자를 먹으러 로케트 타고 가는 이 날씬한 슈렉처럼 생긴 주인공 아이는 우주에 사는 친구이다. 이 친구가 좋아하는 것 몇 개가 있는데 그 중에 하나가 무서운 이야기 책을 읽는 것이다. 지구라는 별에 사는 어떤 꼬마의 이야기인데, 단지 지구라는 별에 누군가 살고 있다 는 이야기는 그저 이야기에 지나지 않을 뿐이므로 너무 무서워 말자며, 이야기를 맺는다. 으엉?


1.  Where do I live? 

  in space / in water / in fire / under ground


2.  What do I put on after getting out of the bed? 

/ a shirt /  pants /  a shirt and pants / nothing


 3.  Who do I go to the house next door with? 

/ my cat / my dog / my fish / my bird


 4.  What do my friends and I ride? 

  jet bikes /  jet skies / jet boats / jet planes


5.  Where do my friends and I stop?

  at the library / at the grocery / at the park / at the crosswalk


6.  How many people are in my family including me? 

  two /  three / four / five


7.  What are we going to eat in the rocket? 

 salad / pizza / cake / fruit

8.  What do I have on my pizza? 

  extra cheese  / extra cheese and ham  /

 extra cheese and onion / extra cheese and mushroom

9.  What do I do when getting into bed? 

         read a book /   listen to music

 /  talk on the phone /   eat snacks


10.  What's the book named Life on Earth about? 

         kids on the earth /  foods on the earth

 / plants on the earth / animals on the earth

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