Frog and Toad All Year (Paperback) I Can Read Book Level 2 (Book) 17
아놀드 로벨 지음 / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 1984년 9월
평점 :


1.  Who knocked at Toad's door and why? 



         Frog, to see how wonderful the winter is



         Frog, to see how beautiful flowers are



         Hawk, to tell him the spring has come



         Frog, to go for a walk




 2.  How are Frog and Toad going to go down the big hill? 



         by riding a bicycle



         by driving a car



         by riding on Frog's sled



         by running



 3.  What did Toad rush past on the sled? 






         trees and rocks











 4.  What did Frog do while they were waiting for clothes to dry? 



         told a story to Toad



         washed Toad's clothes



         cleaned the bathroom



         cooked a soup




 5.  When Frog went out to see if spring was around the corner, he didn't see spring but saw others. What didn't he see? 



         a pine tree



         three pebbles



         dry grass







  6.  What did Frog see when he walked along the river and came to another corner? 



         wet mud and a lizard



         apples and oranges



         rabbits and rats



         many frogs




  7.  One hot summer day, what did Toad buy for him and Frog? 



         two big fresh oranges



         two big ice-cream cones



         two big candies



         two big cakes






 8.  Where was Frog sitting and waiting for Toad? 



         by the river



         at home



         at school



         by the pond




 9.  Toad fell into the pond. He sank to the bottom and came up again. "Drat," said Toad. "All of our sweet, cold ice cream has _____." 



         run away



         gone away



         washed away



         flown away




  10.  Why did Frog go to Toad's house in October? 



         to rake all of the leaves that have fallen on his lawn.



         to wake him up and have a breakfast together.



         to go for a walk with him.



         to make cookies together and eat with a cup of tea.




  11.  Toad raked all the leaves at Frog's house. What will Toad do tomorrow? 



         clean Toad's house



         rake all of his own leaves



         clean Frog's house



         eat ice-cream





 12.  On Christmas Eve, what did Toad do? 



         He rode down the hill with the sled.



         He raked all the leaves in his house.



         He cooked a big dinner and decorated the tree.



         He cooked a big dinner and invited his family.





 13.  Where did Toad find some rope? 



         in the cellar



         in the closet



         in a box



         in the kitchen





 14.  What did Toad find in the attic? 



         some rope



         a lantern



         a candle



         a sled




 15.  What did Frog give Toad as a Christmas present? 



         a frying pan



         a lantern



         a candle



         a clock




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Junie B. Jones #1 - 8 Set (Paperback 8권 + Audio CD 5장)
바바라 파크 지음 / Random House Childrens Books / 2008년 1월
평점 :




여자아이가 나오는 시리즈니까, 남아인 우리아이에게는 흥미를 끌지 못할 거라고 생각했다. 사실, 리더스북 중에 여자아이가 주인공인 경우는 그닥 재밌게 읽지 못하는 것 같았다.

그런데, 이 시리즈는 재밌다고 한다.

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Magic Tree House #06 : Afternoon on the Amazon (Paperback + CD) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 39
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2003년 4월
평점 :





 1.  Who is Peanut? 


         a peanut

         a white mouse

         a white rabbit

         a small bird


 2.  Why is Annie afraid of the rain forest? 


         too many bugs

         too hot

         too far away

         too many animals


 3.  Where does the tree house land? 


         on the forest canopy

         on the forest floor

         in the forest understory

         in the forest river


 4.  What do the kids use to get out of the treehouse? 


         a magic carpet

         a ladder

         a helicopter

         a rope

 5.  What is it hard for them to see many of the animals in a rain forest? 


         there are not many animals

         they are too small

         they are camouflaged

         they are hiding underground

 6.  What sound does an army of flesh eating ants make? 


         crunching sounds

         creeping sounds

         cooing sounds

         crackling sounds

 7.  What do Annie and Jack use to escape from the ants? 


         a ship

         a raft

         a canoe

         a kayak


 8.  What is the name of scary fish with sharp teeth that eat anything? 






  9.  Jack grabs a snake thinking it is a _______. 






 10.  What animal does Annie grab in the river? 


         a fish

         a turtle

         a crocodile

         an eel

 11.  What does the monkey use to help the kids? 


         a red fruit

         a long stick

         a vine

         a monkey friend


 12.  What kind of animal is a jaguar? 


         a predator

         a prey

         a preacher

         a peddler


 13.  What part of the jaguar does the monkey grab to save the kids? 


         its ears

         its paw

         its tail

         its head


 14.  Who helps them find the treehouse again? 


         the monkey

         the baby jaguar


         Morgan le Fay


 15.  What animal gives them the mango? 


         the vampire bat

         the monkey


         the crocodile


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Magic Tree House #05 : Night of the Ninjas (Paperback + CD) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 38
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2003년 4월
평점 :


 1.  What did Jack and Annie find on the tree house? 



         A body






         A key



         A treasure chest





 2.   Who owned the tree house? 



         Morgan Le Fay



         Albert Einstein



         Paul Bunyan 



         Jacques Cousteau





3.  What was magic about the tree house? 



         It could move



         It could talk



         It sneezed



         It could become invisible





 4.  Why couldn’t they find Morgan? 



         She was hiding



         She was with her family



         She was under a spell 



         She was invisible





 5.  How were Annie and Jack going to try to find Morgan? 



         Asking around to the local people



         Using the books that were in the tree house



         Calling the police



         Making a wish





 6.  What was it that startled them as they were planning their trip? 



         A mouse



         A cat



         A dog



         A small bird





 7.  How did they go to the place in the picture left by Morgan? 



         Through Annie’s wish



         On horseback



         The new friend became a carriage



         They had a long walk ahead of them




 8.  When their tree house landed and they looked out, they saw 



         A wondrous land



         Ninja soldiers



         A huge volcano



         A small village with tiny people





 9.  According to history, when did Ninjas live? 



         In the ‘80’s



         In the Mesozoic Era



         Between the 14th-17th centuries



         In the early days of the 20’s-30’s






 10.  What were the Ninjas’ jobs? 



         Destroy the enemy 



         Protect families



         Fight for honor



         Teach their skills to others






 11.  When the Ninjas looked at them, what did Annie and Jack do to protect themselves? 



         Threw rocks



         Wished themselves away



         Pulled the ladder up



         Hunched down below the window




 12.  The Ninjas surprised the kids by their special ability to 



         See in the dark



         Run fast



         Handle their sword



         Climb easily up a tree





 13.  Once the Ninjas were in the tree house, what was their demand? 



         That Annie and Jack go down the ladder



         That Annie and Jack tell them who sent them



         That Annie and Jack look away so they could be killed



         They wanted to know why they were spying on them





 14.  How did the Ninjas get Jack and Annie across the cold water? 



         In a small boat









         On their shoulders





 15.  From the water, the Ninjas moved 



         Up the mountain



         Across the plains



         Into the desert



         Toward their camp


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The Mystery of the Pirate Ghost: An Otto & Uncle Tooth Adventure (Paperback) Step Into Reading Step 4 (Book) 20
Geoffrey Hayes 지음 / 아이피에스 / 1985년 4월
평점 :

 1.  What were Otto and uncle Tooth doing one morning in Boogle Bay? 



         They were playing baseball in a park.



         They were cleaning their attic.



         They were cleaning their yard.



         They were shopping for some food.




 2.  What did uncle Tooth give to Otto from the trunk? 



         a set of drums



         a clock



         a trumpet



         a map





 3.  What was in Auntie Hick's shop? 



         a ghost



         a bad man



         a horse



         a cow



 4.  What did uncle Tooth think about it at first when he spoke to Auntie Hick? 



         He believed her.



         He believed her a little.



         He thought she was joking.



         He didn't believe it at all.





 5.  Why was Otto excited about the ghost? 



         Because he liked ghosts.



         Because he wanted to kill the ghost.



         Because he thought it might be the start of an adventure.



         Because he didn't want to clean the attic.









 6.  Why was Captain Poopdeck not happy? 



         Because someone stole his clothesline.



         Because someone stole his cat.



         Because he had no food on his boat.



         Because he lost his clothesline.




 7.  What happened to Joe's front door? 



         It was broken.



         It had a skull and crossbones painted on it.



         It had a blue skull and crossbones painted on it.



         His door was stolen.




 8.  What was on the floor when they arrived at Auntie Hick's shop? 



         boxes and cats



         jars and books



         gumdrops and jelly beans



         jelly beans and books




 9.  What was stolen from Auntie Hick's shop? 



         five boxes of saltwater taffy and a deck of cards



         six boxes of saltwater taffy and a deck of cards



         three jars of jelly beans



         two boxes of saltwater taffy and two decks of cards





 10.  What helps Uncle Tooth think? 



         sitting in a park






         watching TV



         reading a good book









 11.  What did uncle Tooth eat at the inn? 



         carrot soup



         potato soup












 12.  What will they use to lure the ghost into their trap? 



         a new deck of cards



         some carrot soup



         otto's trumpet











 13.  What time did the ghost come out? 



         before midnight



         at midnight



         after midnight



         early in the morning





 14.  Who were they going to visit at Deadman's Landing? 



         auntie Hick



         captain Poopdeck



         french Mole



         widow Mole





 15.  What surprised Uncle Tooth the next morning. 



         He was surprised that Otto was ready so early.



         He was surprised to see a note on his door from a ghost.



         He was surprised to see a note on the door.



         He was surprised that his sword was stolen.



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