Maisy's Bedtime (Paperback) Maisy 56
루시 커진즈 지음 / Candlewick Press / 1999년 8월
평점 :

1.  What time is it?




         dinner time

         lunch time



2.  Who needs to go to bed?


         maisy and Panda

         maisy and Charley

         maisy and Baby

         maisy and Mom




3.  What does Maisy close?









3.  What does Maisy close?








5.  What does Maisy brush?


         her fur

         her whiskers

         her hair

         her teeth




6.  What does Maisy put on?









7.  What does Maisy do in bed?


         read a story

         eat a snack


         sing a song



8.  Where does Maisy check to find Panda finally?


         under the covers

         in the toy box

         behind the curtain

         over the table





9.  What does Maisy switch off?


         the camera

         the oven

         the computer

         the light



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노부영 Willy the Dreamer (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 17
앤서니 브라운 글 그림 / Walker Books / 2000년 1월
평점 :


1. Where does Willy fall asleep?

on the bed

on the armchair

on the grass

on the floor

2. What kind of athlete does Willy dream of?

a wrestler

a judo player

a figure skater

a sumo wrestler

3. What kind of dancer does Willy dream of?

a ballet dancer

a tap dancer

a modern dancer

an ice dancer

4. In his dream, what does Willy like to do like Gogh?

He paints.

He dances.

He explores.

He writes.

5. In his dream, what does Willy do in the jungle?

He paints.

He dances.

He explores.

He writes.

6. Sometimes what can't Willy do in his dream?

He can't sing.

He can't swim.

He can't run.

He can't sleep.

7. Sometimes what can Willy do in his dream?

He can fly.

He can read others' mind.

He can be invisible.

He can run as fast as a plane.

8. Sometimes what can Willy be in his dream?

a beautiful mermaid

a fierce monster

a scary ghost

a handsome prince

9. What does Willy wear in his super-hero dream?

a banana shaped cape

an orange shaped cape

a strawberry shaped cape

a pineapple shaped cape

10. What does Willy wear in his king dream?

a yellow cloak

a green cloak

a golden cloak

a purple cloak


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노부영 Go Away Big Green Monster! (Hardcover + CD 1) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 253
에드 엠벌리 글 그림 / Little Brown Books / 2005년 9월
평점 :

나름 기발한 책이다. 한장씩 넘기다 보면, 입이 사라지고, 귀가 사라지고, 그런 책...

아주 어린 유아부터 볼 수 있는 책이긴 하다만, 일곱살 우리 아이는 잘 때마다 이 책에서 봤던 몬스터의 눈이 떠올라서 무서워 잠이 안 온다면서, 취침에 드는 시간을 연장하려 들곤 한다.


1.  What colored eyes does Big Green Monster have?


         red eyes

         blue eyes

         green eyes

         yellow eyes



2.  How many eyes does Big Green Monster have?


         just one






3.  Which part is bluish-greenish on Big Green Monster's face?




         a nose

         a mouth




4.  What does Big Green Monster's nose look like?


         It looks short.

         It looks long.

         It looks sharp.

         It looks scraggly.



5.  What does Big Green Monster's mouth look like?


         a small red mouth

         a small purple mouth

         a big red mouth

         a small black mouth



6.  What does Big Green Monster have in his mouth?


         sharp red teeth 

         sharp yellow teeth

         sharp black teeth

         sharp white teeth



7.  Which part is squiggly on Big Green Monster's face? 




         a nose

         a mouth



7.  Which part is squiggly on Big Green Monster's face? 




         a nose

         a mouth




9.  What colored hair does Big Green Monster have?


         red hair

         yellow hair

         orange hair

         purple hair



10.  What colored face does Big Green Monster have? 


         a green colored one

         a yellow colored one

         an orange colored one

         a purple colored one


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The Lion And Mouse (Paperback + Workbook + CD 1장) Step Into Reading Step 1 (Workbook Set) 12
Gail Herman 지음 / Random House / 2006년 5월
평점 :

가장 작은 동물일지라도 가장 큰 동물을 위기의 상황에서 구할 수 있다는 이야기이다. 그러니, 서로 돕고 살아야 한다는 것. 이솝 우화(?) 초급용 스토리북에 쉽게 소개된 케이스.  


1.  Who catches the little mouse? 


         a big lion

         a big tiger

         a big bear

         a big wolf



3.  How does the lion respond to the promise the mouse makes?


         He is moved.

         He laughs at the mouse.

         He appreciates it.

         He writes it down on paper.



4.  What does the lion do to the mouse? 


         He eats the mouse.

         He puts the mouse into the cage.

         He sets the mouse free.

         He gives the mouse to his friend.



5.  What kind of problem does the lion have? 


         He falls off from the cliff.

         He is shot in his leg. 

         He is caught in the net.

         He is drowning in the river.



6.  How does the lion ask for help? 


         by roaring

         by laughing

         by e-mailing

         by calling 911



7.  How does the mouse know what happens to the lion? 


         by hearing his roar

         by receiving his letter

         by getting his phone call

         by overhearing the news




8.  How does the mouse help the lion to get out of the net?


         by pulling the net 

         by chewing the net

         by burning the net

         by reporting to the police



9.  What does the lion do to the mouse after getting out of the net? 


         He eats the mouse.

         He pay the mouse some money.

         He doesn't laugh at the mouse anymore.

         He runs away without saying anything.




10.  What does the lion learn from the mouse?


         Always help others.

         It never rains but it pours.

         All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

         Clothes make the man.


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노부영 Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? (Boardbook + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 194
에릭 칼 그림, 빌 마틴 주니어 글 / Henry Holt / 2005년 7월
평점 :

어느 집에나 한 권씩 소장하고 있을 법한 영어 동화책계의 고전.



1.  What did Brown Bear see?


         Red Bird

         Purple Cat

         Blue Horse

         White Dog



2.  Who wrote this story?


         Eric Carle

         Eric Hill

         Bill Martin, Jr.

         Vera B. Williams



3.  What color was the frog?









4.  What was the first animal in the story?








5.  What did the children see?


         all the animals and their teacher

         only their teachers

         only the colorful flowers

         only the animal friends



6.  What was White Dog looking at?


         Red Bird

         Blue Horse

         Purple Cat

         Black Sheep





7.  What did the sheep see?


         Black Cat


         Yellow Duck

         White Dog



8.  What color was the duck?




         white and black




9.  What color was the sheep?






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