노부영 Seven Blind Mice (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 36
에드 영 지음 / Puffin / 2002년 6월
평점 :

리뷰를 쓰려고 하는데, 다른 분이 쓴 40자평 하나가 눈에 들어왔다, 시디를 틀면 큰딸이 무서워 한다고 ^^ 난 어른이지만 정말 그 아이의 느낌이 뭔지 오롯이 느껴진다.

그렇지만, 노부영 가운데 몇 안 되는 대작이다. 스토리북도 그렇지만, 뮤지컬 사운드가 정말 근사하다. 러시아 행진곡 같은 음악이 깔리고, 할아버지 음성의 낮은 나래이션, 그리고 여성 합창 뮤지컬 ㅎ 내용은 다소 교훈적이고, 초급이라고 하기엔 좀 난이도가 있다.


1.  What did seven mice do after seeing something?


         They argued each other.

         They sang songs together.

         They took naps.

         They danced a zigzag.



2.  What did the orange mouse think of the something?








3.  Which mouse was the wisest one?


         White Mouse

         Orange Mouse

         Blue Mouse

         Red Mouse



4.  What did the blue mouse think of the something?








5.  Who is the author?


         Eric Hill

         Eric Carle

         Ezra Jack Keats

         Ed Young




6.  When did the fourth mouse go?


         on Monday

         on Tuesday

         on Thursday

         on Wednesday




7.  What was the something?








8.  Which mouse did go on Monday?


         Orange Mouse

         White Mouse

         Red Mouse

         Blue Mouse



9.  What did the white mouse do when she came upon the something?


         She started to dance.

         She started to cry.

         She talked to the something.

         She ran up one side and down the other.



10.  What was the moral of this story?


         Wisdom comes from seeing the whole.

         Self help is the best help.

         Slow but steady wins the race.

         Birds of a feather flock together.


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노부영 Walking Through the Jungle (Paperback, Compact Disc, Original) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 111
Debbie Harter 지음 / Barefoot Books / 2005년 11월
평점 :

도서관에서 아이가 스스로 고른 첫 영어동화다. 역시 색깔이 찬란하다. 다른 것보다 구절이 대개 두번씩 반복되는 게 특징이었던 책.



1.  Where is the girl walking?




         through the wood 



         through the jungle



         through the mall



         through the hall









2.  What did she see?




         a lion



         a dog



         a cat



         an elephant











3.  What is chasing her?




         a zebra 



         a lion



         a horse



         a buffalo








4.  Where did she go snorkeling?




         the fish tank



         the pool



         the river



         the ocean









5.  What did she see while snorkeling?




         an eel 



         a zebra



         a whale



         a ray









6.  What did she see in the mountains?




         a wolf



         a man



         a goat



         a troll








7.  What did she see in the river?




         a monkey 



         a snake



         a crocodile



         a hippo









8.  What did she see in the desert?




         a snake



         a cactus



         a scorpion



         an owl









9.  What did she see on the iceberg?




         a penguin 



         a polar bear



         a seal



         a fish








10.  Why did she run home?




         for supper



         for a shower



         for fun



         for homework



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The Happy Day (Paperback) - 『모두 행복한 날』원서
마크 사이먼트 그림, 루스 크라우스 글 / HarperTrophy / 1989년 1월
평점 :

단색의 그림체도 그렇고, 내용도 그렇고, 잔잔하기 그지없다.




1.  Who is sleeping in the shells?


         field mice







2.  Who is sleeping in the caves?


         field mice






3.  Who is sleeping in the trees?


         field mice






4.  Who is sleeping in the ground?


         field mice


         ground hogs




5.  What do field mice do after opening their eyes? 


         They sniff.

         They snore.

         They stiffen.

         They sneeze.



6.  Who runs out of the ground?


         field mice


         ground hogs




7.  Who runs out of the trees?


         field mice


         ground hogs




7.  Who runs out of the trees?


         field mice


         ground hogs




9.  Who runs out of the caves?


         field mice






10.  What is growing in the snow?


         a snail

         a flower

         a squirrel

         a bear


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[노부영] Go Away Mr Wolf! (Paperback+CD) [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 431
매튜 프라이스 지음 / JYbooks(제이와이북스) / 2012년 7월
평점 :

노부영 시리즈 중에서 내가 제일 좋아하는 책이다. 멜로디라인이 단연 좋다.  나만 그런 줄 알았더니, "엄마 나둔데" 하는 아이.




1.  Who's knocking at the front door of three little pigs?


         Mr. Fox

         Mr. Wolf

         Mr. Owl

         Mr. Lion



2.  What were the three little pigs doing when Mr. Wolf knocked the door pretending to be an ice cream seller?


         They were playing with toys.

         They were drinking some tea.

         They were playing hide and seek.

         They were setting the table.



3.  How was Mr. Wolf's voice when he said "Anyone for ice cream?"


         It sounded friendly.

         It sounded charming.

         It sounded hoarse.

         It sounded cheery.



4.  Who was knocking at the front door of the three little pigs when they were drinking some tea?


         Mr. Wolf pretending to be an ice cream seller.

         Mr. Wolf pretending to be a driver.

         Mr. Wolf pretending to be a soccer player.

         Mr. Wolf pretending to be a swimmer.





5.  How was Mr. Wolf's voice when he said "Coming for a drive?"


         It sounded friendly.

         It sounded charming.

         It sounded hoarse.

         It sounded hopeful.




6.  What were the three little pigs doing when Mr. Wolf knocked at the door pretending to be a soccer player?


         They were playing with toys.

         They were drinking some tea.

         They were playing Injun.

         They were setting the table.




7.  How was Mr. Wolf's voice when he said "Anyone for a game?"


         It sounded friendly.

         It sounded charming.

         It sounded hoarse.

         It sounded cheery.



8.  What did Mr. Wolf say when he was pretending to be a swimmer?


         "Anyone for ice cream?"

         "Coming for a drive?"

         "Anyone for a game?"

         "It's lovely day for a swim. Anybody coming with me?"




9.  Who was knocking at the front door of the three little pigs when they were setting the table?


         Mr. Wolf

         their Daddy

         their Mommy

         their friends



10.  What do the little pigs say whenever Mr. Wolf knocks the door?


         Go away!

         Come on in.

         Maybe next time.

         See you later.



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노부영 수퍼베스트 세이펜 Quick as a Cricket (Paperback + CD) - 노래부르는 영어동화 [노부영] 노래부르는 영어동화 114
돈 우드 그림, 오드리 우드 글 / Childs Play / 2005년 12월
평점 :


1.  How fast am I?


         fast as a cricket

         fast as a snail

         fast as a lizard

         fast as a whale




2.  How slow am I?


         slow as a cricket

         slow as a snail

         slow as a tiger

         slow as a poodle



3.  How small am I?


         small as a rhino

         small as a frog

         small as an ant

         small as a lion




4.  How happy am I?


         happy as a basset

         happy as a snail

         happy as a lark

         happy as an ox



5.  How mean am I?


         mean as a whale

         mean as a lark

         mean as a chimp

         mean as a shark





6.  How cold am I?


         cold as a bunny

         cold as a lark

         cold as a lamb

         cold as a toad




6.  How cold am I?


         cold as a bunny

         cold as a lark

         cold as a lamb

         cold as a toad



8.  How strong am I?


         strong as a poodle

         strong as a snail

         strong as an ox

         strong as a lark



9.  How quiet am I? 


         quiet as a clam

         quiet as a frog

         quiet as a lion

         quiet as a toad


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