사실 이 책을 사려던 아니었다. 하지만 탐정이 등장한다고 하고 앤드류 벅스 작품이 번역된 것이 이것밖에 없어 호기심에 샀다...









진짜 사려던 책은 이 책이다. 에드 맥베인의 매튜 호프 시리즈를 좋아하는 것은 아니지만 출판된 책들 중 이 책만 가지고 있지 않아 샀다. 이건 병이다. 그래도 벼르고 별러 구했으니 다행이다 싶다...

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    * The Black Dahlia 1987

 * The Big Nowhere 1988

   * L.A. Confidential 1990

 * White Jazz 1992

 * The Dudley Smith Trio (omnibus) 1999

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* Travis McGee Series

The Deep Blue Good-By (1964) 
Nightmare in Pink (1964) 
A Purple Place for Dying (1964) 
Quick Red Fox (1964) 
A Deadly Shade of Gold (1965) 
Bright Orange for the Shroud (1965) 
Darker Than Amber (1966) 
One Fearful Yellow Eye (1966) 
Pale Gray for Guilt (1968) 
The Girl in the Plain Brown Wrapper (1968) 
The Long Lavender Look (1970) 
A Tan and Sandy Silence (1971) 
Dress Her in Indigo (1971) 
The Scarlet Ruse (1973) 
The Turquoise Lament (1973) 
The Dreadful Lemon Sky (1975) 
The Empty Copper Sea (1978) 
The Green Ripper (1979) 
Free Fall in Crimson (1981) 
Cinnamon Skin (1982) 
Lonely Silver Rain (1984)

* Novels

 The Brass Cupcake (1950)
 Ballroom of the Skies (1951)
 Judge Me Not (1951)
 Planet of the Dreamers (1951)
 Weep for Me (1951)
 Damned (1952)
 Cancel All Our Vows (1953)
 Dead Low Tide (1953)
 The Neon Jungle (1953)
 The Soft Touch (1953)
 All These Condemned (1954)
 Area of Suspicion (1954)
 Contrary Pleasure (1954)
 Bullet for Cinderella (1955)
 Cry Hard, Cry Fast (1955)
 April Evil (1956)
 Murder in the Wind (1956) = Hurricane
 Cape Fear (1957) = The Executioners
 Death Trap (1957)
 Empty Trap (1957)
 Man of Affairs (1957)
 Price of Murder (1957)
 Clemmie (1958)
 Deceivers (1958)
 Beach Girls (1959)
 Crossroads (1959)
 Deadly Welcome (1959)
 End of the Night (1960)
 Only Girl in the Game (1960)
 Slam the Big Door (1960)
 One Monday We Killed Them All (1961)
 Where Is Janice Gantry? (1961)
 A Flash of Green (1962)
 The Girl, the Gold Watch and Everything (1962)
 Murder for the Bride (1962)
 Drowner (1963)
 I Could Go On Singing (1963)
 On the Run (1963)
 Last One Left (1967)
 The Deep Blue Goodbye (1968)
 Key to the Suite (1968)
 No Deadly Drug (1968)
 Wine of the Dreamers (1968)
 Border Town Girl (1970)
 You Live Once (1976)
 Condominium (1977)
 One More Sunday (1984)
 Barrier Island (1986)
 Please Write for Details (1991)

* Collections

 The Good Old Stuff (1961)
 End of the Tiger: And Other Stories (1966)
 Seven (1974)
 Other Times Other Worlds (1978)
 Time and Tomorrow (1980)
 More Good Old Stuff (1984)

* Anthologies containing stories by John D MacDonald

 Fifty Short Science Fiction Tales (1963)
 Best SF: 1969 (1969)
 Alfred Hitchcock Presents : A Month of Mystery Book 2 (1970)
 The Master's Choice Book 2 (1979)
 Science Fiction of the Fifties (1979)
 Great Tales of Mystery and Suspense (1981)
 The Great SF Stories 10: 1948 (1983)
 A Treasury of American Horror Stories (1985)
 Time Wars (1986)
 Dangerous Vegetables (1998)

* Short stories

"Conversation on Deck" (January 1946, The American Courier)
"The Game" (February 1946, The American Courier)
"Cash on the Coffin" (May 1946, Detective Tales)
"A Handful of Death" (June 1946, Doc Savage; as Peter Reed)
"Blame Those Who Die" (June 25, 1946, Short Stories)
"Bury the Pieces!" (July 1946, Dime Mystery)
"The Flying Elephants" (July 10, 1946, Short Stories)
"Interlude in India" (July-August 1946, Story)
"The Dry Mouth of Danger" (August 1946, Doc Savage)
"The Dead Dream" (September 1946, The Shadow)
"Justice in the Sun" (October 1946, Doc Savage)
"Female of the Species" (October 1946, Dime Detective)
"Get Dressed for Death" (October 1946, Mammoth Mystery)
"he Little People" (November 1946, Doc Savage)
"The Scarred Hand" (November 1946, Doc Savage Magazine; AKA "I Accuse Myself"; as John Farrell)
"The Startled Face of Death" (November 1946, Doc Savage, November 1946; as Scott O'Hara)
"The Whispering Knives" (November 1946, The Shadow)
"Coward in the Game" (November 25,1946, Short Stories)
"Private War" (December 1946, Doc Savage)
"You Got to Have a Good Lip" (December 1946, Esquire)
"Redheads Won't Wait" (December 1946, The Shadow, December 1946; as Peter Reed)
"I Ain't So Dumb" (December 1946, The Shadow, December 1946; as Robert Henry)
"A Bat in the Hall" (December 1946, The Shadow)
"Muddy Gun" (Best Stories, January 1947)
"The Hands of an Artist" (January 1947, The Shadow)
"The Fixed Smile of Death" (January 1947, The Shadow; as Robert Henry)
"The Bright Flash of Vengeance" (January 1947, The Shadow; as Peter Reed)
"Eight Dozen Agents." (January 1947, Doc Savage)
"Hole in None" (January 4,1947, Liberty)
"Dead to the World" (February 1947, Dime Detective; AKA "No Business for an Amateur")
"Bonded in Death" (February 1947, Doc Savage; as Harry Rieser)
"The Deadly Game of Darts" (February 1947, Doc Savage)
"The Anonymous Letter" (February-March 1947, The Shadow)
"Backlash" (February-March 1947, The Shadow; as Peter Reed)
"Nor Iron Bars" (March-April 1947, Doc Savage)  그 무엇도 날 막을 수 없다
"You've Got to Be Cold" (April-May 1947, The Shadow; AKA "The Night Is Over")
"The Notched Ears" (May 1947, Best Stories)
"The Pay-Off" (May 1947, Cosmopolitan)
"Suicidal Journey" (June 1947, Dime Detective)
"Crooked Circle" (1947, Fight Stories)
"The Pendans Box" (July 1947, Bluebook)
"They Let Me Live" (July-August 1947, Doc Savage)
"To Cut the Cards" (July-August 1947, Doc Savage)
"North on the Parkway" (August 1947, Esquire)
"Never Marry Murder" (August-September 1947, The Shadow)
"Manhattan Horse Opera" (September 1947, Black Mask; AKA "Heads I Win, Tails You Lose")
"Design for Dying" (September 1947, Dime Detective)
"The Chinese Pit" (September-October 1947, Doc Savage)
"he Gentle Killer" (September 1947)
"Oh, Give Me a Hearse!" (October 1947, Dime Detective; AKA "A Place to Live")
"Begin Again" (November 1947, Liberty, November 1947)
"My Mission is Murder" (November 1947, Dime Detective; AKA "Death For Sale")
"Or the World Will Die" (November-December 1947, Doc Savage)
"Second Visitor" (November-December 1947, Doc Savage; as Peter Reed)
"Worse Than Murder" (November-December 1947, Doc Savage; as Henry Rieser)
"That Old Grey Train" (November 1947, Super Sports)
"What About Alice?" (December 1947, The Sign)
"Big John Fights Again" (December 1947, Super Sports)
"Punch Your Way Home" (December 1947, Sports Fiction)
"Even Up the Odds" (January 1948, Detective Story Magazine)
"Come Die with Me!" (January 1948, New Detective, January 1948)
"Even Up the Odds" (January 1948, Detective Story Magazine)
"Cosmetics" (February 1948, Astounding Science Fiction)
"The Pastel Production Line" (February 1948, Bluebook)
"Pickup" (February 1948, Cosmopolitan)
"The High Walls of Hate" (February 1948, Dime Detective; AKA "The High Gray Walls of Hate")
"With Soul So Dead" (March 1948, Dime Detective)
"One Vote for Murder" (March 1948, New Detective)
"Her Black Wings" (March 1948, Shock)
"High Dive to Oblivion" (April 1948, Dime Detective)
"The Corpse Rides at Dawn" (April 1948, Ten-Story Western)
"The Spiralled Myth" (April 1948, Spectator Club)
"The Mechanical Answer" (May 1948, Astounding Science Fiction)
"Death Sleeps Here!" (May 1948, New Detective)
"Blood of the Vixen" (May 1948, Shock)
"Satan's Angel" (May 1948, Shock; as Scott O'Hara)
"The Cold Trail of Death" (May-June 1948, Doc Savage)
"The Tin Suitcase" (May-June 1948, Doc Savage; AKA "She Cannot Die"; as by Peter Reed; )
"Homicidal Hiccup" (June 1948, Detective Tales)
"Call Your Murder Signals!" (June 1948, Dime Detective)
"Venomous Lady" (July 1948, Shock)
"Sepulchre of the Living"(July 1948, Shock)
"So Sorry" (July 1948, Sports Fiction)
"Cavaliers Make Good Corpses" (August 1948, Dime Detective)
"Loser Take All" (August 1948, Sports Novels)
"Fatal Accident" (Fall 1948, The Shadow)
"The Case of the Carved Model" (September 1948, Black Mask)
"Nicky and the Tin Finger" (September 1948, Bluebook)
"Red-Headed Bait" (September 1948, Detective Tales)
"Scene of the Crime" (September 1948, Detective Tales)
"Just a Kill in the Dark" (September 1948, New Detective)
"Trial by Fury" (September 1948, New Detective; as Scott O'Hara)
"Tune in on Station Homicide" (September 1948, New Detective; AKA "A Time For Dying"; as Peter Reed)
"Dance of a New World" (September 1948, Astounding Science Fiction)
"Runaway Cleats" (September 1948, Sports Novels)
"Thunder King" (September 1948, Sports Novels; as Scott O'Hara)
"Shenadun" (September 1948, Startling Stories)
"Deep Death" (October 1948, Doc Savage)
"My Husband Dies Slowly" (October 1948, Dime Detective)
"They Never Quit" (October 1948, Sports Fiction)
"Death Is the Answer" (October 1948, Thrilling Detective)
"That Mess Last Year" (October 1948, Thrilling Wonder Stories)
"School for the Stars" (October 1948, Astounding Science Fiction)
"Blonde Bait for the Murder Master" (November 1948, Crack Detective Stories)
"Glory Blaster" (November 1948, Sports Novels)
"Ring Around the Redhead" (November 1948, Startling Stories)
"No Grave Has My Love" (December 1948, Dime Detective)
"Buzz-Saw Belter" (December 1948, New Sports)
"A Child Is Crying" (December 1948, Thrilling Wonder Stories)
"Successful Season" (1948)
"When You Got a Pigeon" (December 1948-January 1949, The Shadow)
"Murder in Mind" (Winter 1949, Mystery Book)
"Hot-Seat on the Aisle" (January 1949, Detective Tales)
"Damsels of the Deep" (January 1949, Dime Detective)
"Take the Bum Out!" (January 1949, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"Three's a Shroud" (January 1949, New Detective)
"Flaw" (January 1949, Startling Stories)
"The Great Stone Death" (January 1949, Weird Tales)
"Blackmail Breeds Bullets" (February 1949, All-Story Detective)
"Killer's Nest" (February 1949, Detective Tales)
"A Coffin a Day" (February 1949, FBI Detective)
"Fight, Scrub, Fight!" (February 1949, New Sports)
"Killing All Men!" (March 1949, Black Mask)
"Kiss the Corpse Goodbye" (March 1949, Black Mask; as Scott O'Hara)
"I'll Drown You in My Dreams" (March 1949, Dime Detective)
"Danger -- Death Ahead!" (March 1949, New Detective)
"Last Chance Cleats" (March 1949, Sports Novels)
"A Corpse in His Dreams") (Spring 1949, Mystery Book)
"The Widow Wouldn't Weep" (April 1949, All-Story Detective)
"His Own Funeral" (April 1949, Detective Tales; as John Lane)
"The Corpse Belongs to Daddy" (April 1949, Dime Detective)
"Loot for the Unlucky Lady" (April 1949, FBI Detective)
"Death Quotient" (April 1949, Super Science Stories)
"All Our Yesterdays" (April 1949, Super Science Stories; as John Wade Farrell)
"Delusion Drive" (Super Science Stories, April 1949) (as Peter Reed)
"Three's a Shroud" (January 1949, New Detective; AKA Verdict)
"A Corpse in His Dreams" (February 1949, Mystery Book Magazine)
"Killer's Nest" (February 1949, Detective Tales; AKA Neighbourly Interest)
"Killing All Men" (March 1949, Black Mask; AKA Deadly Damsel)
"A Corpse in His Dreams" (Spring 1949, Mystery Book Magazine)
"You'll Never Escape" (May 1949, Dime Detective; AKA "State Police Report That...")
"Murder in One Syllable" (May 1949, Black Mask)
"You'll Never Escape" (May 1949, Dime Detective)
"Get Out of Town" (May 1949, New Detective)
"Immortality" (May 1949, Startling Stories)
"Somebody Has to Do the Job" (May 14, 1949, Toronto Star Weekly)
"But Not to Dream" (May 1949, Weird Tales)
"You Remember Jeanie" (May 1949, Crack Detective Stories)
"Three Strikes -- You're Dead!" (June 1949, All-Story Detective)
"Too Many Sinners" (June 1949, Dime Detective)
"Make Mine Murder!" (June 1949, FBI Detective)
"Like a Keepsake" (June 1949, Thrilling Wonder Stories)
"A Corpse-Maker Goes Courting" (July 1949, Dime Detective; AKA "Unmarried Widow")
"Heritage of Hate" (July 1949, Black Mask; AKA "Secret Stain" and "Triple Cross")
"Death Is a Lap Ahead" (July 1949, Adventure)
"Tank-Town Matador" (July 1949, Argosy)
"Swing-Time Sucker" (July 1949, Detective Tales)
"The Glory Punch" (July 1949, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"Bye, Bye, Backfield" (July 1949, Fifteen Sports Stories; as John Wade Farrell)
"The Thunder Road" (July 1949, Fifteen Sports Stories; as Peter Reed)
"Blue Water Fury" (July 1949, Fifteen Sports Stories; as Scott O'Hara)
"The Cold, Cold Ground" (July 1949, New Detective)
"The Hunted" (July 1949, Super Science Stories)
"Bedside Murder" (Summer 1949, Mystery Book)
"Trojan Horse Laugh" (August 1949, Astounding Science Fiction)
"Looie Follows Me" (August 27, 1949, Collier's)
"What Makes Sammy Laugh?" (August 1949, Detective Tales)
"Amphiskios" (August 1949, Thrilling Wonder Stories)
"Poor Little Rich Corpse" (September 1949, Detective Tales)
"Murder Run-Around" (September 1949, Dime Detective)
"Mad About Murder" (September 1949, Dime Detective; as Scott O'Hara)
"Six Points to Remember" (September 1949, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"Dead -- As in Darling" (September 1949, New Detective, September 1949)
"A Condition of Beauty" (September 1949)
"Minion of Chaos" (September 1949, Super Science Stories)
"The Miniature" (September 1949, Super Science Stories; as Peter Reed)
"Blue Stars for a Dead Lady" (October 1949, Detective Tales)
"Target for Tonight" (October 1949, Dime Detective)
"Last Rendezvous" (October 1949, Dime Mystery)
"Warrant for an Old Flame" (October 1949, FBI Detective)
"A Young Man of Promise" (November 1949, Argosy)
"The Durable Corpse" (November 1949, Dime Detective)
"Run the Man Down" (November 1949, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"Hang the Man High!" (November 1949, Fifteen Western Tales)
"Half Past Mayhem" (November 1949, New Detective)
"Appointment for Tomorrow" (November 1949, Super Science Stories)
"The Sleepers" (November 1949, Super Science Stories; as John Wade Farrell)
"Love, Inc." (November 1949, Today's Woman)
"Case of the Burning Blonde" (December 1949, Detective Tales)
"Take a Powder, Galahad!" (December 1949, Dime Detective, December 1949)
"Nine Coffins for Rocking H" (December 1949, Dime Western, December 1949)
"Murder in Mind' (Winter 1949, Mystery Book Magazine)
"Blue Water Fury" (1949; AKA The Big Blue)
"Looie Follows Me" (1949)
"Moonlit Sport" (January 1950, The American Magazine)
"Swing and Slay" (January 1950, Dime Detective)
"Stand Up and Slug!" (January 1950, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"Stop, Look -- and Die!" (January 1950, New Detective)
"The First One" (January 1950, Startling Stories)
"Spin, Devil!" (January 1950, Super Science Stories; as John Wade Farrell)
"Spectator Sport" (February 1950, Thrilling Wonder Stories)
"The Filly from Philly" (February 25,1950, Toronto Star Weekly)
"Man-Stalk" (March 1950, Argosy)
"The Judas Chick" (March 1950, Detective Tales)
"A Corpse on Me!" (March 1950, Dime Detective)
"Fall Guy" (March 1950, New Detective)
"A Trap for the Careless" (March 1950, Detective Tales)
"The Ultimate One" (March 1950, Super Science Stories)
"The Sitting Duck" (April 1950, Detective Tales)
"Blood on the Midway" (April 1950, Dime Detective; as Scott O'Hara)
"Pigskin Patsy" (April 1950, Fifteen-Story Detective)
"The Plunder Five" (April 1950, New Sports)
"Journey for Seven" (April 1950, Thrilling Wonder Stories)
"Portrait of a Murderess" (Spring 1950, Detective Book Magazine)
"Breathe No More, My Lovely" (May 1950, Detective Tales; AKA "Breathe No More")
"This One Will Kill You" (May 1950, New Detective; AKA Death "Writes the Answer")
"Night Watch" (May 1950, Detective Tales; AKA "Check Out At Dawn"; as Scott O'Hara)
"The Long, Red Night" (May 1950, Detective Tales; as John Lane)
"Yes, Sir, That's My Slay-Babe!" (May 1950, Dime Detective)
"Vanguard of the Lost" (May 1950, Fantastic Adventures)
"Money Green" (May 1950, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"This One Will Kill You" (May 1950, New Detective)
"Wine of the Dreamers" (May 1950, Startling Stories)
"By the Stars Forgot" (May 1950, Super Science Stories)
"Gift of Darkness" (May 1950, Super Science Stories; as Peter Reed)
"College-Cut Kill" (June1950, Dime Detective; 2001, Pulp Masters)
"Sir Lancelot's Crime Wave" (June1950, Dime Detective; as Scott O'Hara)
"Dead on the Pin" (Summer 1950, Mystery Book Magazine)
"Jukebox Jungle" (July 1950, Black Mask)
"Run, Sister, Run!" (July 1950, Detective Tales)
"Dead Men Don't Scare" (July 1950, Dime Detective)
"Five-Star Fugitive" (July 1950, Dime Detective; as Scott O'Hara)
"Half-Past Eternity" (July 1950, Super Science Stories)
"Escape to Fear" (July 1950, Super Science Stories; as Peter Reed)
"Make One False Move" (August 1950, Argosy)
"His Fatal Fling" (August 1950, Dime Detective)
"The Lady Is a Corpse!" (September 1950, Detective Tales; AKA "From Some Hidden Grave")
"Exit Smiling" (September 1950, Dime Detective)
"The Homesick Buick" (September 1950, Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine)
"Too Early to Tell" (October 1950, Adventure)
"Miranda" (October 1950, Fifteen Mystery Stories)
"Shadow on the Sand" (October 1950, Thrilling Wonder Stories)
"The Paw of the Cat" (November 1950, Detective Tales)
"Tri-Kill Cutie" (Dime Detective, November 1950)
"For Murder -- or Worse" (November 1950, New Detective)
"Final Mission" (November 1950, Planet Stories)
"The Big Contest" (December 1950, Worlds Beyond)
"Jukebox Jungle" (December 1950, Black Mask)
"I Love You (Occasionally)" (December 31,1950, This Week)
"Hand From the Void" (January 1951, Super Science Stories)
"Death for the Asking" (January 1951, Detective Fiction)
"Susceptibility" (January 1951, Galaxy Science Fiction)
"Hand from the Void" (January 1951, Super Science Stories)
"Destiny Deferred" (January 1951, Super Science Stories; as John Wade Farrell)
"Over My Dead Body!" (February 1951, Detective Tales)
"The Curse of the `Star'" (February 1951, Short Stories)
"Get Thee Behind Me" (March 1951, Detective Fiction)
"Case of Nerves" (March 1951, Detective Tales)
"The Deadliest Game" (April 1951, Detective Tales)
"Death Is My Comrade" (April 1951, New Detective)
"Salute to Courage" (April 1951, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"Violence Inherited" (May 1951, Detextive Fiction)
"Nothing Must Change" (June 1951, Redbook)
"Escape to Chaos" (June 1951, Super Science Stories)
"Cosmic Knot" (June 1951, Super Science Stories; as Peter Reed)
"Path of Glory" (July 1951, Adventure)
"Lay Me Down and Die" (July 1951, Detective Fiction)
"Common Denominator" (July 1951, Galaxy Science Fiction)
"Crime of Omission" (August 1951, Detective Tales)
"Death Runs in the Family" (August 1951, Dime Detective)
"Dateline -- Death" (August 1951, New Detective)
"Who Stopped That Clock?" (August 12,1951, This Week)
"The White Fruit of Banaldar" (September 1951, Startling Stories)
"Big League Busher" (October 1951, Sport Magazine)
"Case of the Gorgeous Gams" (October 1951, Detective Tales)
"The Cloob from Glasgow" (October 1951, Fifteen Sports Stories)
"The Cardboard Star" (December 1951, The American Legion Magazine)
"The Girl Who Wanted Money" (December 1951, Dime Detective)
"The Man Who Died" (December 1951, Toronto Star Weekly)
"Betrayed" (March1952, The American Magazine; also July 1964, MSMM)
"All That Blood Money Can Buy" (April 1952, Detective Tales; AKA "Murder For Money")
"Noose For aTigress" (August 1952, Dime Detective)
"The Man From Limbo" (1952, Dime Detective)
"The Innocent Victims" (1953, Bluebook; also 1999, Pure Pulp)
"The Trouble With Erica" (1953)
"I Always Get the Cuties" (1954)
"The Killer" (January 1955, Manhunt)
"Scared Money" (October 1955, Justice)
"Long Shot" (1955)
"The Bear Trap" (1955)
"Hangover" (1956)
"Romantic Courtesy" (1957)
"Man In a Trap" (1958, EQMM)
"Taint of the Tiger" (March 1958, Cosmopolitan)
"Black Cat in the Snow" (1958, Manhunt)
"The Fast Loose Money" (1958)
"The Trap of Solid Gold" (1960)
"End of the Tiger" (1963, This Week)
"The Legend of Joe Lee" (1964, Cosmopolitain)
"The Straw Witch" (1964, This Week)
"Blurred View" (1964, This Week)
"The Loveliest Girl in the World" (1964, This Week)
"Funnyman" (1966, The Saturday Evening Post; AKA Afternoon of the Hero)
"Quarrel" (1967, Playboy)
"Double Hannenframmis" (1970, Playboy)
"Hit and Run" (1973, A Treasury of Modern Mysteries)
"Finding Anne Farley" (1978, Best Detective Stories of the Year)
"Homicidal Hiccup" (1979, Alfred Hitchcock P:resents: The Master's Choice)
"Squealer!" (Manhunt)
"There Hangs Death!"
"The Random Noise of Love"
"Dear Old Friend" (Playboy)
"The Willow Pool"
"The Annex" (Playboy)

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* 장편 

The Moving Target - 1949  움직이는 표적
The Drowning Pool - 1950  마의 풀, 악마의 유혹, 살인 방정식
The Way Some People Die - 1951
The Ivory Grin = Marked for Murder - 1952
Find a Victim - 1954
The Barbarous Coast - 1956
The Doomsters - 1958
The Galton Case - 1959
The Wycherly Woman - 1961   위철리 (가) 의 여자
The Zebra-Striped Hearse - 1962
The Chill - 1964  소름
The Far Side of the Dollar - 1965
Black Money - 1966
The Instant Enemy - 1968 순간의 적
The Goodbye Look - 1969
The Underground Man - 1971  지하 인간, 사라진 그림자
Sleeping Beauty - 1973
The Blue Hammer - 1976  

* 단편집

The Name is Archer (paperback original containing 7 stories) - 1955
Lew Archer: Private Investigator (The Name is Archer + 2 additional stories) - 1977  

* Lew Archer Omnibuses

Archer in Hollywood - 1967
Archer at Large - 1970
Archer in Jeopardy - 1979

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1900 Anna Katharine Green The Circular Study
1902 Arthur Conan Doyle The Hound of the Baskervilles 바스커빌 가의 사냥개
1912 E.C. Bentley Trent's Last Case 트렌트 최후의 사건
1915 Oliver Onion In Accordance With the Evidence
1922 A.A. Milne The Red House Mystery 빨간 집의 수수께끼                                    
1926 Agatha Christie The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 애크로이드 살인사건
1927 G.D.H. Cole & R. Postgate The Murder at Crome House
1929 Freeman Wills Crofts The Purple Sickle Murders (or The Box Office Murders)
1929 Thomas Kindon Murder in the Moor
1930 Miles Burton The Secret of High Eldersham
1930 Dorothy Sayers Strong Poison
1931 Eden Phillpotts Found Drowned
1931 Henry K. Webster Who Is the Next?
1932 C.P. Snow Death Under Sail
1932 Ellen Wilkinson The Division Bell Mystery
1933 Dermot Morrah The Mummy Case Mystery (or The Mummy Case)
1935 Gerald Bullett The Jury
1935 James Hilton Was It Murder?
1937 Margery Allingham Dancers in Mourning
1938 Georgette Heyer A Blunt Instrument
1938 Paul McGuire A Funeral in Eden (or Burial Service)
1938 Rex Stout Too Many Cooks 요리장이 너무 많다
1938 Arthur Upfield The Bone Is Pointed
1939 Elspeth Huxley The African Poison Murders
1940 C.W. Grafton Beyond a Reasonable Doubt
1942 Michael Innes The Daffodil Affair
1943 Raymond Chandler The Lady in the Lake
1944 Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Crooked Candle
1944 Virginia Perdue Alarum and Excursion
1945 Lewis Lange The Birthday Murder
1945 Clifford Witting Measure for Murder
1946 Helen Eustis The Horizontal Man
1946 Kenneth Fearing The Big Clock
1946 Patricia McGerr Pick Your Victim
1946 Marco Page The Shadowy Third
1947 Nicholas Blake Minute for Murder
1948 Thomas Kyd Blood on the Bosom Divine
1949 Philip Clark The Dark River
1949 Edmund Crispin Buried for Pleasure
1949 Cyril Hare When the Wind Blows
1949 M. Heberden Engaged to Murder
1949 Norman Longmate Strip Death Naked
1949 Ngaio Marsh A Wreath for Rivera
1950 Elizabeth Daly Death and Letters
1950 Andrew Garve No Tears for Hilda
1950 Matthew Head The Congo Venus
1950 Michael Gilbert Smallbone Deceased
1950 Ross Macdonald The Drowning Pool 마의 풀
1951 John & Emery Bonett A Banner for Pegasus (or Not in the Script)
1952 Frederick Brown The Deep End
1952 Joanna Cannan The Body in the Beck
1952 Stanley Ellin The Key to Nicholas Street
1952 Michael Innes One-Man Show
1953 John D. MacDonald Dead Low Tide
1953 Josephine Tey The Singing Sands
1954 Julian Symons The Narrowing Circle
1954 Walter Tyrer Such Friends Are Dangerous
1955 Alex H. Atkinson Exit Charlie
1955 Christopher Landon Stone Cold Dead in the Market
1955 William Mole The Hammersmith Maggot (or Small Venom)
1956 Edward Grierson The Second Man
1956 Maurice Proctor The Pub Crawler
1958 Nigel Fitzgerald Suffer a Witch
1958 Bruce Hamilton Too Much of Water
1958 Henry Kuttner Murder of a Wife
1960 Leo Bruce Furious Old Women
1960 Helen Robertson Swan Song (or The Chinese Goose)
1961 Glun Carr Death Finds a Foothold
1961 Jean Scholey The Dead Past
1962 Dick Francis Dead Cert
1962 S.B. Hough The Bronze Perseus (or The Tender Killer)
1962 P.D. James Cover her Face
1962 Simon Nash Killed by Scandal
1963 Thomas Blanchard Dewey A sad Song Singing
1964 Amanda Cross In the Last Analysis
1954 Hillary Waugh The Missing Man
1965 Patricia Moyes Johnny Under Ground
1966 Carlton Keith The Crayfish Dinner (or The Elusive Epicure)
1966 Emma Lathen Murder Makes the Wheels Go 'Round
1966 J.B. Priestley Salt Is Leaving
1968 J.J. Marric Gideon's River
1969 Simon Troy Swift to Its Close
1969 Colin Watson Just What the Doctor Ordered
1970 P.M. Hubbard High Tide
1970 Frank Swinnerton On the Shady Side
1971 A.H.Z. Carr Finding Maubee 모비를 찾아라
1971 Tony Hillerman The Fly on the Wall
1973 K.C. Constantine The Man Who Liked to Look at Himself
1973 John Miles The Night Hunters
1976 Ellis Peters Never Pick Up Hitch Hikers

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