Anthony Abbot The Shudders
Earl Derr Biggers Charlie Chan Carries On
Herbert Brean Wilders Walk Away
Herbert Brean  Hardly a Man Is Stll Alive
Jon I. Breen Triple Crown
Robert Campbell The Junkyard Dog
John Dickson Carr Hag's Nook 마녀의 은신처
John Dickson Carr The Three Coffins 세 개의 관
Jojn Dickson Carr The Crooked Hinge
John Dickson Carr The Case of the Constant Suicides 연속 살인사건
John Dickson Carr Patrick Butler for the Defense
John Dickson Carr The Burning Court 화형 법정
Max Allan Collins Kill Your Darlings
Amanda Cross The James Joyce Murder
Amanda Cross Death in a Tenured Position
Barbara D'Amato The Hands of Healing Murder
Dorothy Salisbury Davis A Gentle Murder
Carter Dickson The Judas Window
Carter Dickson The Reader Is Warned
Carter Dickson The Gilded Man
Carter Dickson She Died a Lady
Carter Dickson He Wouldn't Kill Patience
Carter Dickson Fear Is the Same
Doris Miles Disney Method in Madness
Doris Miles Disney Who Rides a Tiger
Aaron Elkins Old Bones
Helen Eustis The Horizontal Man
Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Howling Dog
Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Counterfeit Eye 의안 살인사건
Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Lame Canary
Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Perjured Parrot
Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Crooked Candle
Erle Stanley Gardner The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde
Alan Green What a Body!
Anna Katharine Green The Leavenworth Case
Frances Noyes Hart The Bellamy Trial
Matthew Head The Devil in the Bush
Tony Hillerman The Fly on the Wall
H. H. Holmes Nine Times Nine
H. H. Holmes Rocket to the Morgue
Jeffrey Hudson A Case of Need 위급한 경우에는
Harry Kemelman Friday the Rabbi Slept Late
Harry Kemelman Saturday the Rabbi Went Hungry
C. Daly King Obelists Fly High
Jane Langton Emily Dickinson Is Dead
Emma Lathen Banking on Death
Emma Lathen Accounting for Murder
Emma Lathen Murder Makes the Wheels Go Round
Emma Lathen Murder Against the Grain
Emma Lathen When in Greece
Frances & Richard Lockridge The Norths Meet Murder
Frances & Richard Lockridge Murder Out of Turn
Frances & Richard Lockridge The Dishonest Murder
Helen McCloy Through a Glass, Darkly 어두운 거울속에
Pat McGerr Pick Your Victim
Charlotte MacLeod Rest You Merry
Lynn Meyer Paperback Thriller
Margaret Millar The Iron Gates
Margaret Millar Ask for Me Tomorrow
Margaret Millar Vanish in an Instant
Margaret Millar Beast in View
Richard A. Moore Death in the Past
Haughton Murphy Murder for Lunch
Francis M. Nevins, Jr. The 120-Hour Clock
Katherine Hall Page The Body in the Belfry
Stuart Palmer The Puzzle of the Blue Banderilla
Hugh Pentecost Remember to Kill Me
Nancy Pickard Generous Death
Nancy Pickard No Body
Marissa Piesman Unorthodox Practices
Ellery Queen The Roman Hat Mystery 로마모자의 비밀
Ellery Queen The French Powder Mystery 프랑스 파우더의 비밀
Ellery Queen The Greek Coffin Mystery 그리스 관의 비밀
Ellery Queen The Egyptian Cross Mystery 이집트 십자가의 비밀
Ellery Queen The Chinese Orange Mystery 차이나 오렌지의 비밀
Ellery Queen Calamity Town 재앙의 거리
Ellery Queen Cat of Many Tails 꼬리 아홉 고양이
Patrick Quentin Puzzle for Puppets
Clayton Rawson Death from a Top Hat
Herbert Resnicow The Gold Gamble
Craig Rice 8 Faces at 3
Richard D. Rosen Strike Three You're Dead 스트라이크 살인
Barnaby Ross The Tragedy of X X의 비극
Barnaby Ross The Tragedy of Y Y의 비극
Henry Slesar The Gray Flannel Shroud 회색 플라넬 수의
Charles Merrill Smith Reverand Randollph and the Wages of Sin
Jim Stinson Double Exposure
David Stout Carolina Skeletons
Rex Stout Fer-de-Lance 독사
Rex Stout The Rubber Band
Rex Stout Too Many Cooks 요리장이 너무 많다
Rex Stout Some Buried Caesar 챔피언 시저의 죽음
Rex Stout The Silent Speaker
Rex Stout In the Best Families
Rex Stout  The Black Mountain
Rex Stout The Doorbell Rang
Rex Stout A Family Affair
Hake Talbot Rim of the Pit
Alice Tilton The Cut Direct
S. S. Van Dine The Greene Murder Case 그린 살인 사건

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'Perry Mason' Novels
 1) The Case of the Velvet Claws 비로도의 손톱  1933
 2) The Case of the Sulky Girl 토라진 아가씨  1933
 3) The Case of the Curious Bride 기묘한 신부  1934
 4) The Case of the Howling Dog  1934
 5) The Case of the Lucky Legs 행운의 다리 미녀  1934
 6) The Case of the Caretaker's Cat 관리인의 고양이  1935
 7) The Case of the Counterfeit Eye 의안 살인 사건  1935
 8) The Case of the Sleepwalker's Niece  1936
 9) The Case of the Stuttering Bishop 말더듬이 주교  1936
10) The Case of the Dangerous Dowager  1937
11) The Case of the Lame Canary  1937
12) The Case of the Shoplifter's Shoe  1938
13) The Case of the Substitute Face  1938
14) The Case of the Perjured Parrot  1939
15) The Case of the Rolling Bones  1939
16) The Case of the Baited Hook  1940
17) The Case of the Silent Partner  1940
18) The Case of the Empty Tin  1941
19) The Case of the Haunted Husband  1941
20) The Case of the Careless Kitten  1942
21) The Case of the Drowning Duck 제 3의 공포  1942
22) The Case of the Buried Clock  1943
23) The Case of the Drowsy Mosquito  1943
24) The Case of the Crooked Candle  1944
25) The Case of the Black-Eyed Blonde  1944
26) The Case of the Gold-Diggers Purse  1945
27) The Case of the Half-Wakened Wife  1945
28) The Case of the Borrowed Brunette  1946
29) The Case of the Fan-Dancer's Horse  1947
30) The Case of the Lazy Lover  1947
31) The Case of the Lonely Heiress  1948
32) The Case of the Vagabond Virgin  1948
33) The Case of the Cautious Coquette (Contains also 2 short stories)  1949
34) The Case of the Dubious Bridegroom  1949
35) The Case of the Negligent Nymph  1950
36) The Case of the One-Eyed Witness  1950
37) The Case of the Fiery Fingers  1951
38) The Case of the Angry Mourner  1951
39) The Case of the Grinning Gorilla  1952
40) The Case of the Moth-Eaten Mink  1952
41) The Case of the Green-Eyed Sister  1953
42) The Case of the Hesitant Hostess  1953
43) The Case of the Fugitive Nurse  1954
44) The Case of the Runaway Corpse  1954
45) The Case of the Restless Redhead  1954
46) The Case of the Glamorous Ghost  1955
47) The Case of the Sunbather's Diary  1955
48) The Case of the Nervous Accomplice  1955
49) The Case of the Terrified Typist  1956
50) The Case of the Demure Defendant  1956
51) The Case of the Gilded Lily  1956
52) The Case of the Lucky Loser  1957
53) The Case of the Screaming Woman  1957
54) The Case of the Daring Decoy  1957
55) The Case of the Long-Legged Models  1958
56) The Case of the Calendar Girl  1958
57) The Case of the Foot-Loose Doll  1958
58) The Case of the Deadly Toy  1959
59) The Case of the Mythical Monkeys  1959
60) The Case of the Singing Skirt  1959
61) The Case of the Waylaid Wolf  1960
62) The Case of the Duplicate Daughter  1960
63) The Case of the Shapely Shadow  1960
64) The Case of the Spurious Spinster  1961
65) The Case of the Bigamous Spouse  1961
66) The Case of the Reluctant Model  1962
67) The Case of the Blonde Bonanza  1962
68) The Case of the Ice-Cold Hands  1962
69) The Case of the Amorous Aunt  1963
70) The Case of the Mischievous Doll  1963
71) The Case of the Stepdaughter's Secret  1963
72) The Case of the Daring Divorcee  1964
73) The Case of the Phantom Fortune 환상의 재난  1964
74) The Case of the Horrified Heirs  1964
75) The Case of the Troubled Trustee  1965
76) The Case of the Beautiful Beggar  1965
77) The Case of the Worried Waitress  1966
78) The Case of the Queenly Contestant  1967
79) The Case of the Careless Cupid  1968
80) The Case of the Fabulous Fake  1969
81) The Case of the Fenced-In Woman  1972
82) The Case of the Postponed Murder  1973
Other Novels
 1) The D.A. Calls It Murder  1937
 2) Murder Up My Sleeve  1937
 3) The D.A. Holds a Candle  1938
 4) The D.A. Draws a Circle  1939
 5) The D.A. Goes to Trial  1940
 6) The Case of the Turning Tide  1941
 7) The D.A. Cooks a Goose  1942
 8) The Case of the Smoking Chimney  1943
 9) The D.A. Calls a Turn  1944
10) Over the Hump  1945
11) The D.A. Breaks a Seal  1946
12) The Case of the Backward Mule  1946
13) Two Clues (novelets)  1947
14) The D.A. Takes a Chance  1948
15) The D.A. Breaks an Egg  1949
16) The Case of the Musical Cow  1950
17) The Case of the Murderer's Bride (short stories)  1969
18) The Case of the Crimson Kiss (short stories)  1970
19) The Case of the Crying Swallow (short stories)  1971
20) The Case of the Irate Witness (short stories)  1972
21) The Amazing Adventures of Chester Leith (short stories)  1980
22) The Human Zero (short stories)  1981
23) The Adventures of Paul Pry (short stories)  1990
24) The Blonde in Lower Six (short stories)  1990
25) Dead Man's Letters and other short novels (short stories)  1990
Novels as 'A.A. Fair'
 1) The Bigger They Come (UK Title: Lam to the Slaughter)  1939
 2) Turn on the Heat  1940
 3) Gold Comes in Bricks  1940
 4) Spill the Jackpot!  1941
 5) Double or Quits  1941
 6) Owls Don't Blink  1942
 7) Bats Fly at Dusk  1942
 8) Cats Prowl at Night  1943
 9) Give 'Em the Axe (UK Title: An Axe to Grind)  1944
10) Crows Can't Count  1946
11) Fools Die on Friday  1947
12) Bedrooms Have Windows  1949
13) Top of the Heap  1952
14) Some Women Won't Wait  1953
15) Beware the Curves  1956
16) You Can Die Laughing  1957
17) Some Slips Don't Show  1957
18) The Count of Nine  1958
19) Pass the Gravy  1959
20) Kept Women Can't Quit  1960
21) Bachelors Get Lonely  1961
22) Shills Can't Cash Chips (UK Title: Stop at the Red Light)  1961
23) Try Anything Once  1962
24) Fish or Cut Bait  1963
25) Up for Grabs  1964
26) Cut Thin to Win  1965
27) Widows Wear Weeds  1966
28) Traps Need Fresh Bait  1967
29) All Grass Isn't Green  1970
Novel as 'Carleton Kendrake'
 1) The Clew of the Forgotten Murder 잊혀진 살인  1935
Novel as 'Charles J. Kenny'
 1) This Is Murder  1935

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1845     Edgar Allan Poe                  Tales of Mystery and Imagination 
1868     Wilkie Collins                      The Moonstone 월장석
1870     Charles Dickens                  The Mystery of Edwin Drood 에드윈 드루드의 비밀
1892     Arthur Conan Doyle            The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 셜록 홈즈의 모험
1899     E. W. Hornung                    The Amateur Cracksman 
1902     Arthur Conan Doyle            The Hound of the Baskervilles 바스커빌가의 개
1907     Jacques Futrelle                   The Thinking Machine 사고 기계
1908     Mary Roberts Rinehart        The Circular Staircase 
1911     G. K. Chesterton                 The Innocence of Father Brown 브라운 신부의 동심
1918     Melville Davisson Post         Uncle Abner 엉클 애브너의 지혜
1925     Edgar Wallace                     The Mind of J. G. Reeder 
1926     Agatha Christie                    The Murder of Roger Ackroyd 애크로이드살인사건
1929     Dashiell Hammett                 Red Harvest 붉은 수확

1929     C. H. B. Kitchin                   Death of My Aunt 
1930     Dorothy L. Sayers                The Documents in the Case 
1930     Dashiell Hammett                 The Maltese Falcon 말타의 매
1931     Arthur W. Upfield                The Sands of Windee 
1932     Francis Iles                           Before the Fact 여자 살인 이야기
1933     Erle Stanley Gardner            The Case of the Sulky Girl 토라진 아가씨
1934     Agatha Christie                    Murder on the Orient Express 오리엔트 특급 살인
1934     James M. Cain                     The Postman Always Rings Twice 우편배달부는 벨을 두번 울린다
1934     Dorothy L. Sayers                The Nine Tailors 나인테일러스

1935     John Dickson Carr               The Hollow Man (The Three Coffins) 세 개의 관
1935     Rex Stout                             The League of Frightened Men 
1936     Ethel Lina White                  The Wheel Spins 
1938     Nicholas Blake                    The Beast Must Die 야수는 죽어야 한다
1940     Cornell Woolrich                 The Bride Wore Black 검은 옷의 신부

1940     Ngaio Marsh                        Surfeit of Lampreys or Death of a Peer 
1942     Ellery Queen                        Calamity Town 재앙의 거리
1942     Cyril Hare                            Tragedy at Law 
1942     Raymond Chandler               The High Window 하이 윈도
1944     Christianna Brand                Green for Danger 
1945     Michael Innes                      Appleby’s End 
1946     Elizabeth Ferrars                  Murder Among Friends 
1946     Helen Eustis                         The Horizontal Man 
1946     Edmund Crispin                   The Moving Toyshop 
1947     Frederick Brown                 The Fabulous Clipjoint 
1948     Josephine Tey                      The Franchise Affair 
1948     John Franklin Bardin             Devil Take the Blue-Tail Fly 
1948     Margery Allingham               More Work for the Undertaker 
1949     Georges Simenon                 My Friend Maigret 
1949     W. R. Burnett                       The Asphalt Jungle 
1950     Michael Gilbert                    Smallbone Deceased 
1950     Georges Simenon                 The Stain on the Snow, The  Snow Was Black. 
1951     Josephine Tey                      The Daughter of Time 시간의 딸
1952     Hillary Waugh                      Last Seen Wearing… 
1952     Margery Allingham               The Tiger in the Smoke 
1953     John Bingham                       Five Roundabouts to Heaven 
1953     Raymond Chandler               The Long Goodbye 기나긴 이별
1953     Guy Cullingford                    Post Mortem 
1954     Shelley Smith                       The Party at No. 5 
1955     Patricia Highsmith                The Talented Mr. Ripley 태양은 가득히
1955     Margaret Millar                    The Beast in View 
1956     John Creasey (J. J. Marric)  Gideon’s Week 
1956     Stanley Ellin                         Mystery Stories 특별 요리
1960     Georges Simenon                 Maigret in Court 
1960     Michael Innes                      The New Sonia Wayward 
1963     Nicholas Freeling                 Gun Before Butter 
1963     Dorothy Hughes                   The Expendable Man 
1964     Jim Thompson                      Pop. 1280 
1966     E. B. Eberhart                      R. S. V. P. Murder 
1967     Julian Symons                      The Man Who Killed Himself 
1967     Emma Lathen                       Murder Against the Grain 
1967     Maj Sjowall, Per Wahloo     Roseanna 
1967     George Sims                         The Last Best Friend 
1968     Peter Dickinson                    The Glass-Sided Ants’ Nest 
1968     Helen McCloy                      Mr. Splitfoot 
1969     Patricia Highsmith                The Tremor of Forgery 
1969     Chester Himes                      Blind Man With a Pistol 
1970     Joan Fleming                        Young Man, I Think You're Dying 
1970     Margaret Millar                    Beyond This Point are Monsters 
1972     Ed McBain                           Sadie When She Died 
1972     George V. Higgins               The Friends of Eddie Coyle 
1972     Julian Symons                      The Players and the Game 
1972     Stanley Ellin                        Mirror, Mirror on the Wall 
1973     Tony Hillerman                    Dance Hall of the Dead 
1974     Peter Dickinson                   The Poison Oracle 
1974     Gregory McDonald             Fletch 플레치
1975     P. D. James                         The Black Tower 검은 탑

1975     Celia Fremlin                       The Long Shadow 
1975     Colin Watson                      The Naked Nuns or Six Nuns and a Shotgun. 
1976     Ross Macdonald                 The Blue Hammer 
1976     Agatha Christie                   Sleeping Murder 잠자는 살인
1976     Dorothy Salisbury Davis      A Death in the Life 
1976     Dorothy Uhnak                   The Investigation 
1977     Ruth Rendell                       A Judgement in Stone 유니스의 비밀
1977     William McIlvanney             Laidlaw 
1977     Donald Westlake                Nobody's Perfect 
1978     Reginald Hill                       A Pinch of Snuff 
1979     Joseph Hansen                    Skinflick 
1979     P. M. Hubbard                    Kill Claudio 
1979     John D. MacDonald            The Green Ripper 
1981     John Wainwright                  All On a Summer's Day 
1981     Amanda Cross                    Death in a Tenured Position 
1981     Joseph Wambaugh              The Glitter Dome 
1982     June Thomson                     To Make a Killing 
1982     Peter Lovesey                     The False Inspector Dew 가짜 경감 듀
1984     James McClure                   The Artful Egg 
1986     P. D. James                         A Taste for Death 죽음의 맛

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Allison, Dorothy  Bastard Out of Carolina 
Angelou, Maya  I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings 
Atwood, Margaret  Cat's Eye 
Bainbridge, Beryl  The Bottle Factory Outing 
Bambara, Toni Cade  Gorilla, My Love 
Barnes, Djuna  Nightwood 
Barker, Pat  Regeneration 
Brookner, Anita  Hotel du Lac 
Brown, Rita  Rubyfruit Jungle 
Buck, Pearl S.  The Good Earth 대지
Byatt, A. S.  Possession 
Carter, Angela  Nights at the Circus 
Chopin, Kate  The Awakening 
Cisneros, Sandra  The House on Mango Street 
Compton-Burnett, Ivy  Elders and Betters 
Desai, Anita  Clear Light of Day 
Dinesen, Isak  Out of Africa 
Doerr, Harriet  Stones for Ibarra 
Drabble, Margaret  The Radiant Way 
DuMaurier, Daphne  Rebecca 레베카
Emecheta, Buchi  Second Class Citizen 
Erdich, Louise  Tracks 
Fitzgerald, Penelope  At Freddie's 
Flagg, Fannie  Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe
Frame, Janet  Owls Do Cry 
French, Marilyn  The Women's Room 
Goldstein, Rebecca  The Mind-Body Problem 
Gordimer, Nadine  July's People 
Gordon, Mary  The Rest of Life 
Hall, Radclyffe  The Well of Loneliness 
Head, Bessie  When Rain Clouds Gather 
Highsmith, Patricia  The Talented Mr. Ripley 태양은 가득히
Hobhouse, Janet  The Furies 
Hulme, Keri  The Bone People 
Hurston, Zora Neale  Their Eyes Were Watching God 
Jackson, Shirley  The Haunting of Hill House 
Jhabvala, Ruth Prawer  Heat and Dust 
Jong, Erica  Fear of Flying 
Kincaid, Jamaica  Lucy 
Kingsolver, Barbara  The Bean Trees 
Kingston, Maxine Hong  Tripmaster Monkey 
Kogawa, Joy  Obasan 
Laurence, Margaret  The Fire-Dwellers 
Lee, Harper  To Kill a Mockingbird 앵무새 죽이기
Lessing, Doris  The Golden Notebook 
Lively, Penelope  Moon Tiger 
Loos, Anita  Gentlemen Prefer Blondes 
Manning, Olivia  The Balkan Trilogy 
McCarthy, Mary  The Group 
McCullers, Carson  Ballad of the Sad Cafe 
McMillan, Terry  Mama 
Miller, Isabel  Patience and Sarah 
Mitchell, Margaret  Gone With the Wind 바람과 함께 사라지다
Moore, Lorrie  Anagrams 
Morrison, Toni  Beloved 
Mukherjee, Bharati  Wife 
Munro, Alice  Lives of Girls and Women 
Murdoch, Iris  A Severed Head 
Oates, Joyce Carol  You Must Remember This 
O'Brien, Edna  House of Splendid Isolation 
O'Connor, Flannery  A Good Man Is Hard to Find 
Olsen, Tillie  Tell Me a Riddle 
Paley, Grace  Enormous Changes at the Last Minute 
Parker, Dorothy  Stories 
Phillips, Jayne Anne  Black Tickets 
Piercy, Marge  Braided Lives 
Plath, Sylvia  The Bell Jar 
Porter, Katharine Anne  Ship of Fools 
Powell, Dawn  The Golden Spur 
Proulx, E. Annie  The Shipping News 
Rand, Ayn  The Fountainhead 
Renault, Mary  The King Must Die 
Rhys, Jean  Wide Sargasso Sea 
Robinson, Marilynne  Housekeeping 
Roy, Arundhati  The God of Small Things 
Sarton, May Mrs. Stevens Hears the Mermaids Singing 
Shields, Carol  The Stone Diaries 
Shreve, Anita  The Weight of Water 
Silko, Leslie Marmon  Almanac of the Dead 
Simpson, Mona  Anywhere But Here 
Smart, Elizabeth  By Grand Central Station I Sat Down and Wept
Smiley, Jane  The Age of Grief 
Sontag, Susan  The Volcano Lover 
Spark, Muriel  The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie 
Stead, Christina  The Man Who Loved Children 
Stein, Gertrude  Three Lives 
Tan, Amy  The Joy Luck Club 
Taylor, Elizabeth  Angel 
Tyler, Anne If Morning Ever Comes 
Urquart, Jane Away 
Walker, Alice The Color Purple 
Weldon, Fay  The Life and Loves of a She-Devil 
Welty, Eudora  Stories 
West, Rebecca  The Return of the Soldier 
Wharton, Edith  Ethan Frome 
White, Antonia  Frost in May 
Winterson, Jeanette  Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit 
Woolf, Virginia  Mrs. Dalloway 

딱히 추리 소설 리스트는 아니지만 패트리셔 하이스미스의 <태양은 가득히>가 눈에 띄어서...

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2008 The Bethlehem Murders Matt Benyon Rees
2007 Broken things Gillian Flynn
2006 Still Life Louise Penny
2005 Running Hot Dreda Say Mitchell
2004 Amagansett Mark Mills
2003 Mission Flats William Landay
2002 The Cutting Room Louise Welsh
2001 The Earthquake bird Susanna Jones
2000 God is a bullet Boston Teran
1999 Lie in the dark Dan Fesperman
1998Garnethill Denise Mina
1997 Body Politic Paul Johnston
1996 No award
1995 One for the money Janet Evanovich
1994 Big town Doug J Swanson
1993 No award
1992 The Ice house Minette Walters
1991 Deep sleep Frances Fyfield
1990 Postmortem Patricia Daniels Cornwell
1989 A Real shot in the arm Annette Roome
1988 Death’s bright angel Janet Neel 검은 사도
1987 Dark apostle Denis Kilcommons
1986 Tinplate Neville Steed
1985 The Latimer mercy Robert Richards
1984 A Very private enterprise Elizabeth Ironside
1983 The Ariadne clue Carol Clemeau
1983 The Night the gods smiled Eric Wright
1982 Caroline miniscule Andrew Taylor
1981 The Ludi victor James Leigh
1980 Dupe Liza Cody
1979 David Serafin Saturday of Glory
1978 Paula Gosling A Running Duck  페어 게임
1977 Jonathan Gash The Judas Pair
1976 Patrick Alexander Death of a Thin-Skinned Animal
1975 Sara George Acid Drop
1974 Roger Simon The Big Fix
1973 Kyril Bonfiglioli Don't Point That Thing at Me

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