* Novels

The Ice House (1991)  냉동창고
The Sculptress (1993) Macavity Awards, Edgar Awards  여류 조각가
The Scold's Bridle (1994)
The Dark Room (1995)
The Echo (1997)
The Breaker (1998)
Acid Row (2001) Dagger Awards
The Shape of Snakes (2001)
Fox Evil (2002) Dagger Awards  폭스 이블
Disordered Minds (2003)
The Devil's Feather (2005)
The Chameleon's Shadow (2007)

* Collections

Word Play: The Minette Walters Collection (2007)
* Chapbooks

The Tinder Box (2004)
* Novellas

Chicken Feed (2006)

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냉독 창고나 여류 조각가 재미는 있는데 초등학생에게는 좀 무리일듯 싶네요. 추리 소설에 관심 있으시면 아가사 크리스티의 작품을 먼저 보심이 좋을 듯 합니다...

2002 Laurie R. King Folly
2001 Val McDermid A Place of Execution
2000 Sujata Massey The Flower Master
1999 Michael Connelly Blood Work
1998 Deborah Crombie Dreaming of the Bones
1997 Peter Lovesey Bloodhounds
1996 Mary Willis Walker Under the Beatle's Cellar
1995 Sharyn McCrumb She Walks These Hills
1994 Minette Walters The Scultress 여류 조각가
1993 Margaret Maron Bootlegger's Daughter
1992 Nancy Pickard I.O.U.
1991 Sharyn McCrumb If Ever I Return Pretty Peggy-O
1990 Carolyn Hart A Little Class on Murder
1989 Tony Hillerman A Thief of Time 시간의 도둑
1988 Nancy Pickard Marriage Is Murder
1987 P.D. James A Taste for Death 죽음의 맛

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2002 C.J. Box Open Season
2001 David Liss A Conspiracy of Paper
2000 Paula Woods Inner City Blues
1999 Jerrilyn Farmer Sympathy for the Devil
1998 Penny Warner Dead Body Language
1997 Dale Furutani Death in Little Tokyo
1996 Dianne Day The Strange Files of Fremont Jones
1995 Jeff Abbott Do Unto Others
1994 Sharan Newman Death Comes as Epiphany
1993 Barbara Neely Blanche on the Lam
1992 Sue Henry Murder on the Iditarod Trail
1991 Patricia Cornwell Postmortem 검시관
1990 Jill Churchill Grime and Punishment
1989 Caroline Graham The Killings at Badger's Drift
1988 Robert Crais The Monkey's Raincoat
1987 Fay Kellerman Ritual Bath
1987 Marilyn Wallace A Case of Loyalties

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2002 Alan Furst Kingdom of Shadows
2001 Margaret Atwood Blind Assasin
2000 Martin Cruz Smith Havana Boy
1999 William Hoffman Tidewater Blood
1998 William Deverell Trial of Passion
1997 Martin Cruz Smith Rose
1996 Mary Willis Walker Under the Beetle's Cellar
1995 James Lee Burke Dixie City Jam
1994 James Crumley Mexocan Tree Duck 
1993 Alice Hoffman Turtle Moon
1992 Elmore Leonard  Maximum Bob 악어의 심판

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2003 Julia Spencer-Fleming In the Bleak Midwinter
2002 Sarah Strohmeyer Bubbles Unbound
2001 Rosemary Sevens Death on a Silver Tray
2000 Donna Andrews Murder with Peacocks
1999 Robin Hathaway The Doctor Digs a Geave
1998 Sujata Massey The Salaryman's Wife
1997 Anne George Murder on a Girl's Night Out
1996 Jeanne M. Dams The Body in the Transept
1995 Jeff Abbott Do Unto Others
1994 Nevada Barr Track of the Cat
1993 barbara Neely Blanche on the Lam
1992 Mary Willis Walker Zero at the Bone
1991 Katharine Hall Page Body in the Belfry
1990 Jill Churchill Grime and Punishment
1989 Elizabeth George A Great Deliverance

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