Dance of Death (UK Title: Design for Dying)

The Man in the Moonlight

 * The Deadly Truth

 * Who's Calling

Cue for Murder

The Goblin Marker

The One That Got Away

Through a Glass Darkly 어두운 거울 속에

 * Alias Basil Willing

The Long Body

 * Two-Thirds of a Ghost

Mr. Splitfoot

Burn This

 * The Unpleasant Assassin and Other Cases of Dr. Basil Willing (short stories)

* 이 시리즈는 책이 너무 없어서 참 꾸미기도 그렇다...

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BRINY 2004-04-26 18:26   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
베이질 윌링이라는 탐정 이름의 울림이 좋았드랬었습니다.
이것도 시리즈였군요. 몰랐습니다. 이것도 앞으로 구입목록에 올려야지...적어두자.

물만두 2004-04-26 18:32   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
그런데 아무리 찾아도 책이 없어서 참 민망합니다... 그냥 <어두운 거울 속에>로 만족하셔야 할 듯 싶습니다. 아주 슬픕니다...

 * At The Villa Rose 장미의 별장 1910 첫 번째 아노 등장 작품

The House of the Arrow 독화살의 집 1924

 * The Prisoner in the Opal 1928

They Wouldn't Be the Chessmen 1935

The House in Lordship Lane 1946

* 저작권 시효도 지났는데 출판해도 좋지 않을까...

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The Private Eye Writers of America confer the Shamus Award. Eligible novels feature a "private eye" character who is an investigator, but does not work for a government or police agency. Winners are selected by committees of writers.  The award for Best Novel is listed below (best hardback Novel beginning in 2001).

2002 S.J. Rozan Reflecting the Sky
2001 C. Garcia-Aguilera Havana Heat
2000 Don Winslow California Fire and Life
1999 Bill Pronzini Boobytrap
1998 Terence Faherty Come Back Dead
1997 Robert Crais Sunset Express
1996 S.J. Rozan Concourse
1995 Sue Grafton K Is for Killer
1994 Lawrence Block The Devil Knows You're Dead
1993 Harold Adams The Man Was Taller than God
1992 Max Collins Stolen Away
1991 Sue Grafton G Is for Gumshoe
1990 Jonathan Valin Extenuating Circumstances
1989 John Lutz Kiss
1988 Benjamin M. Schutz A Tax in Blood
1987 Jeremiah Healy Staked Goat
1986 Sue Grafton B Is for Burglar 두 얼굴의 여인
1985 Loren D. Estleman Sugartown
1984 Max Allan Collins True Detective
1983 Lawrence Block Eight Million Ways to Die
1982 Bill Pronzini Hoodwink

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Presented annually by the Private Eye Writers of America to honor writers of private-eye mystery fiction. Winners are selected by committees of writers. The award for Best First Private Eye Novel was first presented in 1985.

2002 David Fulmer Chasing the Devil's Tail
2001 Bob Truluck Street Level
2000 John Connolly Every Dead Thing
1999 Steve Hamilton A Cold Day in Paradise
1998 Rick Riordan Big Red Tequila
1997 Carol Lea Benjamin This Dog for Hire
1996 Richard Barre The Innocents
1995 Dennis Lehane A Drink Before the War
1994 Lynne Hightower Satan's Lambs
1993 James Straley The Woman Who Married a Bear
1992 Thomas D. Davis Suffer Little Children
1991 Walter Mosley Devil in a Blue Dress
1990 Karen Kijewski Katwalk
1989 Gar Anthony Haywood Fear of the Dark
1988 Michael Allegretto Death on the Rocks
1987 J.W. Ryder Jersey Tomatoes
1986 Wayne Warga Hardcover
1985 Jack Early A Creative Kind of Killer

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姑獲鳥の夏  우부메의 여름  

魍魎の匣  망량의 상자  

狂骨の夢  광골의 꿈 

鉄鼠の檻  철서의 우리
塗仏の宴 宴の支度
塗仏の宴 宴の始末


百器徒然袋――雨  백기도연대 雨  


百器徒然袋――風  백기도연대 風  



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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
물만두 2004-04-23 11:50   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
확실하지는 않다. 또한 차례도 모르겠다. 하지만 일단 올린다. 틀린 부분은 지적해 주시고 올릴 작품은 알려 주시길...

물만두 2004-04-29 19:04   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
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