누구나 함께 글을 작성할 수 있는 카테고리입니다. 이 카테고리에 글쓰기

* Bill Smith, Lydia Chin 시리즈

China Trade (1994)

Concourse (1995)

Mandarin Plaid (1996)

No Colder Place (1997)

A Bitter Feast (1998)

Stone Quarry (1999)

Reflecting the Sky (2001)

Winter And Night (2002) 윈터 앤 나이트

* 기타 작품

A Tale About a Tiger (1999)

Absent Friends (2004)


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* Kai Lung 시리즈

The Wallet of Kai Lung (1900)

Kai Lung's Golden Hours (1922)

Kai Lung Unrolls His Mat (1928)

The Return of Kai Lung (Moon of Much Gladness) (1932)

Kai Lung Beneath the Mulberry Tree (1949)

* Max Carrados 시리즈

Max Carrados (1914) 눈 먼 탐정 맥스 캐러도스

1. The comedy at Fountain Cottage

2. The game played in the dark

3. The Knight’s Cross signal problem (The mystery of the signals)

4. The last exploit of Harry the actor (The great safe deposit coup)

5. The Tilling Shaw mystery

6. The tragedy at Brookbend Cottage

7. The clever Mrs. Straithwaite

8. The coin of Dionysius (The master coiner unmasked)

The Eyes of Max Carrados (1923)

9. The disappearance of Marie Severe

10. The Eastern mystery

11. The ghost at Massingham mansions

12. The mystery of the poisoned dish of mushrooms (Who killed Charlie Winpole?)

13. The ingenious Mr. Spinola

14. The Kingsmouth spy case (The Kingsmouth German spy case)

15. The secret of Dunstan’s tower

16. The Virginiola fraud

17. The missing witness sensation (The missing actress sensation)

Max Carrados Mysteries (1927)

18. The curious circumstances of the two left shoes

19. The Holloway flat tragedy

20. The mystery of the vanished petition crown (The vanished crown)

21. The secret of Headlam Height

22. The crime at the house in Culver Street

23. The ingenious mind of Mr. Rigby Lacksome

24. The strange case of Cyril Bycourt

The Bravo Of London (1934)

Best Max Carrados Detective Stories (1972)

Best Max Carrados Stories (1972)

The Mysteries of Max Carrados (1997)

* 기타 작품

The Mirror of Kong Ho (1905)

The Secret Of The League (1907)

* Collections

The Kai Lung Omnibus (omnibus) (1936)

Celestial Omnibus (omnibus) (1963)

Kai Lung: Six (1974)

* Anthologies containing stories by Ernest Bramah

Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 1st Series (1928)

Great Short Stories of Detection, Mystery and Horror 2nd Series (1931)

The Mystery Book (1934)

The Great Book of Humour (1935)

Fifty Famous Detectives of Fiction (1983)

Stories of Crime and Detection (1983)

A Century of Detective Stories (2001)

* Short stories

The Ghost at Massingham Mansions (1923)

Who Killed Charlie Winpole? (1923)

 The Curious Circumstnces of the Two Left Shoes

The Game Played in the Dark

Kin Yen, the Picture-Maker

The Probation of Sen Heng

The Secret of Headlam Height

The Tragedy at Brookbend Cottage

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顔に降りかかる雨   얼굴에 흩날리는 비

ファイアボール・ブルース 2
水の眠り 灰の夢

OUT   아웃

柔らかな頬 부드러운 볼


ダーク  다크

リアルワールド  리얼 월드

グロテスク  그로테스크

残虐記  잔학기

I'm sorry,mama  아임 소리 마마


メタボラ  메타볼라


* 단편집

ジオラマ (우리나라에서 출판 진행중)

アンボス・ムンドス  암보스 문도스

기리노나쓰오(桐野夏生) 홈페이지 http://www.kirino-natsuo.com/index.html

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북마크하기찜하기 thankstoThanksTo
물만두 2004-06-18 11:16   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
지금 읽는 책은 SF 소설입니다. 진도가 안 나가네요... 빨랑 읽고 다빈치 코드 오면 읽고 반 다인에 흑묘관 살인 사건도 읽고 에고에고... 죽겄습니다...

포스트잇 2004-08-19 13:26   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL

요즘 집중적으로 추리미스테리물을 찾아서 보고 있는 중입니다. 앞으로 많은 도움 받을 것 같습니다. 근데., 기리노 나쯔오의 [얼굴에 흩날리는 비]는 국내번역되지 않은건가요? 찾을 수 없군요. 아직 일어는 더듬거리는 수준이라 원서로 보긴 어려운데...쩝!

물만두 2004-08-19 14:24   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
출판되었는데 찾기 힘드실 겁니다. 헌책방에도 잘 안나옵니다...

* No 1 Ladies Detective agency 시리즈

 The No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (1998)

Tears Of The Giraffe (2000)

Morality for Beautiful Girls (2001)

The Kalahari Typing School for Men (2002)

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Series Box Set (omnibus) (2003)

The Full Cupboard of Life (2004)

In the Company of Cheerful Ladies (2004)

The Company of Cheerful Ladies (2004)

* Professor Dr Moritz-Maria von Igelfeld 시리즈

The 2 Pillars of Wisdom (omnibus) (2002)

At the Villa of Reduced Circumstances (2003)

The Finer Points of Sausage Dogs (2003)

Portuguese Irregular Verbs (2003)

* Sunday Philosophers' Club 시리즈

The Sunday Philosophers' Club (2004)

* 기타 작품

The Perfect Hamburger (1984)

Alix and the Tigers (1988)

The Five Lost Aunts of Harriet Bean (1990)

The Tin Dog (1990)Calculator Annie (1991)

The Popcorn Pirates (1991)

The Doughnut Ring (1992)

Paddy and the Ratcatcher (1994)

The Muscle Machine (1995)

The Bubblegum Tree (1996)

Bursting Balloons Mystery (1997)

* Chapbooks

Akimbo and the Elephants (1990)

* Collections

Heavenly Date: And Other Flirtations (1995)

The Girl Who Married a Lion: And Other Tales from Africa (2004)

* Anthologies edited

Children of Wax: African Folk Tales (1991)

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BRINY 2004-11-16 23:33   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
넘버원 여탐정 에이전시 번역을 친구가 했는데, 책이 잘 안팔렸나봐요. 사실 앞으로 나올 게 더 재미있다고 친구는 그러는데, 출판사에서 보류하라고 했다네요. 쩝.

하이드 2004-12-02 12:45   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
지금 3탄 까지 나온거 맞지요?

물만두 2004-12-02 13:44   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
국내 번역본은 2탄, 국외는 3탄까지 나왔군요 .ㅠ.ㅠ

* Virgil Tibbs 시리즈

In The Heat Of The Night (1965) 밤의 열기속으로

The Cool Cottontail (1966)

Johnny Get Your Gun (Death For A Playmate) (1969)

Five Pieces Of Jade (1972)

The Eyes Of Buddha (1976)

Then Came Violence (1980)

Singapore (1986)

* 기타 작품

Operation Springboard (Operation Space) (1958)

The First Team (1971)

Mark One: The Dummy (1974)

Police Chief (1977)

The Killing In The Market (1978)

The Murder Children (1979)

Trouble For Tallon (1981)

Chief Tallon And the S. O. R (1984)

The Kiwi Target (1989)

The Van (1989)

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