A Series of Unfortunate Events #2: The Reptile Room (Paperback) A Series of Unfortunate Events #02 1
레모니 스니켓 지음, 브렛 헬퀴스트 그림 / HarperTrophy / 2007년 5월
평점 :

이제 드디어 두 번째 대결이 펼쳐진다. 이 돈에 눈이 먼 남자가 어떻게 아이들이 있는 곳을 알고 찾아왔는지는 알 수 없는 노릇이지만, 어쨌든 다시 만났으니 누가 이길지 두뇌 대결을 펼쳐야 하지 않겠는가? 

This time, they met Mr. Mongomery, who collect snakes from all over the world. He is a really kind man, and he could keep the children warm. But he said he had an assistant, and he hired a new assistant to help him. I guessed him, the great evil Count Olaf. And it's time for murder someone. 

Mr.Montgomery murdered by the evil man, and children could cought Count Olaf with Mr. Poe. However, Mr. Poe was not smart enough to catch him so they missed him one more time. It means the onother advantures for children.

= Book Review = 

Best seen 

  "The hook-handed man!" Viloet shouted. "He's not a doctor! He's one of Count Olaf's henchmen!"  

Main characters 

Klaus, Violet, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf, Mr.Montgomery

Place: At Mr.Montgomery's reptile room

Problem: Mr. Montogomery started to raise them, but Count Olaf killed the assistant of Mr.Montgomery and uncle Montgomery to charge the fortune of the three orphans.

No solution they can get right now. They have to run away from Count Olaf, because he follows them everywhere.

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A Cheese-Colored Camper (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 16
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2005년 2월
평점 :

오랜만에 제르니모 스틸턴 시리즈를 꺼내 읽게 되었다. 여행을 정말 싫어하면서도, 여행을 가게 될 때마다 번번히 왕건을 건져 올리는 운이 좋은 쥐, 제르니모 스틸턴. 이번에 그의 할아버지 윌리엄으로 인하여 그와 함께 남극으로 떠나야 할 위험에 처한다. 

A chese-colored camper? Yes, the mice will really like this camper, except it is a car for travel around the north-pole. It is the most cold place in mouse island, and it's the time that sun lost. All they have is dark days, and they have to make a map for everyone. Yes, William gave Geronimo too big quest to solve. 

Finally, Geronimo found some chinese mice who live in there. They gave some help, and Geronimo could get out of there perfectly. It was too sad that Benjamin and Trap couldn't go there because they have some desease. Well, they could die in there because it's too cold to live there. 

I know that Geronimo is a great mouse. He have a great intelligence to live on everywhere. I want to read his next advantures.

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A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: The Bad Beginning (Paperback) A Series of Unfortunate Events 1
레모니 스니켓 지음, 브렛 헬퀴스트 그림 / HarperTrophy / 2007년 5월
평점 :

레모니 스니켓의 위험한 대결은 영화로 먼저 접해본 이야기다. 물론 이야기에서는 전 시리즈의 이야기중 가장 흥미로운 부분만 추리고, 또 순서를 뒤바꾸었지만, 책으로 읽어보니 맨 처음 내용과 맨 마지막 내용이 하나로 이루어져 있었다. 자, 과연 부모를 잃은 이 고아들은 그들의 아주 먼 친척집에서 카운트 올라프의 음모아래 살아남을 수 있을까? 

Do you believe that there is a man who wants to take their far relatives' money, so trying to kill them? Even they are orphans and need some love, Count Olaf bothered them a lot. He had poor friends, and his house was really dirty. Even he made the children to work and make dinner. However, nobody noticed that and ignored what chilren saying. 

Now I realized a great thing. We can't believe in grown-ups. They think form is really important, so when Count Olaf had a unreal marrige, they thought it was a kind of play but it was real to have the children's money of Olaf. 

Yes, there are many people who wants to take other people's money. Why they don't work hard and make money themselves?  

= Book Review = 

Best seen


"But there is sonething illegal about dangling an infant out of a tower window," Justics Strauss said indignantly. "You, Count Olaf, will go to kail, and the three children will live with me." p136


Main Characters 

Klaus, Violet, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf

Place: At Cound Olaf's house

Problem: They lost their parents, and Count Olaf is going to steal their money that their parents gave them. He wants to kill them!


 They all have intellegence to solve their problem. So they don't have any grown-ups to protect them, and that's why they have to help each other.

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A Week in the Woods (Paperback) - Andrew Clements School Stories A Week in the Woods 2
앤드루 클레먼츠 지음 / Atheneum / 2004년 4월
평점 :

앤드류 클레먼츠의 저서 중 한 권. Lunch Money로 시작해서 차례로 읽게 된 그의 시리즈 중 벌써 이 책을 읽게 되었다. 다재다능한 아이들의 이야기를 독창적으로 다룬 책으로, 아이디어 하나만으로 커다란 업적을 남기는 아이들의 대모험이 시작된다. 

In this story, Mark is a clever student. And he had a camp named 'a week in the woods'. Woods means wood house, and they have to stay there for a while, and they have homeworks and missions to solve. Mark was smart enough to do that, but he had some trouble. He got in lost with Mr.Maxwell, who is his teacher! 

The fifth-grades went to the graveyard, and made a group 10 to 15. Maybe they had a lot of problem there, there are mosquitoes, no TV, cellphones... It was hard to Mark, and something big happened to him

All children have some trouble, and if they pass this problem, they grow up and can solve everything what they have. You have to know that you have a lot of possibilities. Marks had a big problem, and he could find his potentials about himself. 

They were really brave, so they could live for 10 days and rescued  by people. If we want to live in anyway, we have to be brave. If we are in trouble, just think why you are in that trouble, and how can you survive if you are in this trouble. Mark had a lot of item that prepared himself, and that saved him. I want to be in trouble like Mark, too!

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The Landry News (Paperback) 앤드류 클레멘츠 시리즈 5
앤드루 클레먼츠 지음 / Aladdin / 2000년 9월
평점 :

앤드류 클레먼츠의 성공한 아이들 시리즈 중 한 편. 자유분방하게 자신의 교육열을 펼치는 선생님의 지도 아래, 학급 신문을 만들어서 진정한 기자의 정신으로 모든 진실을 사람들에게 밝히겠다는 자신들의 생각 아래 신문을 스스로 제작했다. 이른바 렌드리 신문, 작은 편집장의 멋진 생각이 만들어내는 이야기이다. 

Mr. Larson maybe think he was betrayed by children, because he wanted to teach children for other way, but they didn't want this. He made children to make a kind of news, and Cara Landry just wrote about Mr. Larson how lazy he is. He was angry about it, but he thought one more time. Why did they think so? It's all my problem, so I have to go out school. 

And he decided to make them a real news. The editor was the girl, Cara Landry and the brave, talented children started to make their own news. Yes, making a real news is really hard. There are a lot of companys, so it's hard to take in there. I hope a lot of children find their real job for do.  


mom- 평일 학교 가기 전, 아침 독서 시간 10여 분,  혹은 오늘처럼 다소 이른 아침에 수학문제 풀이는 잠시 덮어두고 책을 읽으면서 빠진다면 책을 덮을 때까지 내내~  원서 읽는 즐거움에 빠진 아이가 내뱉는  

"으아 웃긴다~~ 껄껄껄~ 스스로 공부하라고 했으니 선생님 월급은 얘들한테 공평하게 나눠줘야 된대요. 큭큭큭.  이 애는 정말 기자가 적성에 맞나봐요. 아이들 신상 정보를 다 외우고 있어요." 

 세상에서 가장 듣기 좋은 소리인 것 같아요. (물론 시험 기간 동안 교과서를 소리내서 읽고 있는 아들아이의 목소리는 주경야독했다는 옛 선비들의 글 읽는 소리처럼 더 듣기 좋지만요~ 그건 아주 가끔 시험 중에 간혹 나오는 소리라 더 그런 듯도 싶어요^^)

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