Magic Tree House #20 : Dingoes at Dinnertime (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 25
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2000년 3월
평점 :

이번에야말로, 마법에 걸렸다는 개, 테디의 비밀을 풀 때가 왔다. 물론 그 반전의 정도는 아이들을 위한 것이기에 그 크기가 매우 작아서, 역시 모험 소설, 추리 소설을 읽는 전문 독자들에겐 이 책 시리즈가 맞지 않을지도 모른다. 그러나 한 없이 즐겁기만 한 잭과 에니의 모험은 계속된다. 

This warping place was Australia, where lives a lot of animals. Most of people know koalas, Kangaroos and other animals which live in Australia. This is a isolated continent, so there are still marsupial animals which are between birds and mammals. 

They finally met Kangaroos, but the mom kangaroo chased by dingoes, which are Australian dogs. Mom kangaroo run away, and she threw baby kangaroo away, to run faster. And than, the forest caught by wildfire, which made by dry weather. 

They saved a koala, baby kangaroo, and gave her baby again. Maybe mom kangaroo really thanked them, so she gave them a card which have a snake's painting. And finally, Teddy could become a boy. He wanted to learn Morgan's spell, so he tried it and became dog! Morgan wanted him to learn somethng, so he went to some travels around with Jack and Annie. I hope him to learn sometihng good.

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Magic Tree House #19 : Tigers at Twilight (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 24
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 1999년 8월
평점 :

이번 편은 인도의 정글 속에서 밀렵꾼에 의해 먹이 사슬의 꼭대기에 있던 강자들, 호랑이들이 사라져가는 이야기를 다룬 것이다. 멸종해가는 이들을 위해서 죽음을 무릎쓰고 호랑이를 구해주기도 하고, 고행자와 함께 숲 속의 소리를 듣게 된다. 

I didn;t know there is such a big jungle in India. There are elephants, tigers, monkeys, and other dangerous snakes and bugs... People think Jungle is a really dangerous place, but have you ever thought we are the real one who are harmful to jungle? An example for Amazon. People thought traveling Amazon is really dangerous, but we cut the trees because if we cannot travel, we rmove it. 

With cutting the trees, people started to catch tigers and any other precious animals, which live in forest. Thier fur is really comfortable, isn't it? But we have to know maybe we can never see them again. The hunters think 'I am only catching one of them', but only one tiger determine everything. 

Now, Jack and Annie got the third gift from the forest, a beautiful flower that growed through dirty mud. They are alive, and we have to know they are all together.

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Magic Tree House #18 : Buffalo Before Breakfast (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 23
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 1999년 5월
평점 :

과거에 아메리카 대륙을 발견하게 된 유럽사람들에겐 이 기회가 행운이었다. 남미를 정복하고, 북아메리카의 원주민들을 처치해가면서 그들의 땅과 영토를 정복해갔기 때문이다. 이들과 피를 흘리며 싸운 자연과 함께한 위대한 전사들, 인디오들을 잭과 애니가 만난다. 

I'm so disappointed that the American Indians are only live in their protective area. They can't hunt anymore like before, and people think they are a kind of animals what have a special characteristic. Many people who lived in their home are in charge like that. 

And the second adventure was in the Great Plains, which growing a lot of corns and other grains. But this place also had some blood among here. Why white ones tried to kill them and settle there? They could be friends with them and live together. Now I understand how Eurpeans were greedy before. 

The gift from the Indians were a eagle's feather. Yes, I also can't understand what does it mean, but I had a evident to proove who really is Teddy. Maybe he can be Morgan, who spelled by a bad wizard. I hope to know who he is.

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Magic Tree House #17 : Tonight on the Titanic (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 22
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 1999년 3월
평점 :

마법의 시간여행 시리즈, 제 17권. 이번에는 또 새로운 네 가지의 모험이 세팅되었다. 이번에는 마법에 걸린 개 한마리를 구하기 위해서, 아이들은 총 네 번의 여행을 떠나야 한다. 개를 원래대로 돌려놓기 위하여 네 가지의 선물을 찾아야만 한다. 

And the first present was, the gift from the lost ship in the ocean. Well, I knew it was the sinked great ship, Titanic. James Kameron's <Titanic> is one of my favorite movie. Yes, it's well known and also moved my mind. There are also many stories about Titanic. Many people thought the big ship is unsinkable. Howver, only a small rock on the ocean demaged the below part of the ship and it sinked down. 

Maybe, many children will have a question. Why it was a big accident? The big ship must have life boats and life belts to save the sailors and passengers. Yes, it was the fault of people. They thought it is really strong, so they didn't put enough life boat to save their life. None can know the future. If you are taking a airplane, never think accident won't happen to you. 

The first gift for the puppy, 'Teddy'was a silver watch from a girl, named Lucy. I don't know what does it have meaning, but I know how said Lucy was. She lost her dad, and the men only saved children and women, and they died with Titanic. They were real hero, I think. I want to sacrifice like them, too.

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Magic Tree House #16 : Hour of the Olympics (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 21
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 1998년 10월
평점 :

오랜만에 꺼내든 마법의 시간여행 시리즈. 앤과 잭의 신나는 모험들이 이제 거의 잊혀질 듯 말 듯 하고 있을때, 다시 이 책을 읽어보게 되어 매우 기뻤다. 어디엔가 숨겨져 있을 책일텐데, 어머니가 책장 정리를 한다고 제일 위칸을 차지하고 있었기 때문이다. 최연소 마스터 도서관 사서, 앤과 잭이 다시 책을 찾기 위해 시간여행을 떠난다. 

There will be no children who can surffer such a great time-warf. And they have to find four stories, and this time, they have to find the last story about ancient Greek. Geek was a really great city. They had democracy, Olympics, and developed clean- place to live. Howeve, the democracy was not perfect, so men didn't allow women to enjoy the Olympics or other things. 

And Ann really wanted to see the Olympics, so she changed into a small soldier and got into the stadium. But she was to excited, so she started to jump up and down or shouting. People noticed she was a girl, so they cought her. Then, a Pegasus came to them and saved their life. 

The 16th adventure of Jack and Ann was really excited. Now there will be a new missions for their trip.

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