Magic Tree House #27 : Thanksgiving on Thursday (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 32
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2002년 9월
평점 :

마법의 시간여행 27권. 처음 읽을때는 내용을 이해하지 못해 숨가쁘게 달려왔지만, 이제는 내용이 술술 읽히니 역시 영어 원서 읽기가 힘을 발휘한 듯 하다. 모르는 단어 없이 이 책을 쉽게 읽어내게 되었다는 사실이 참으로 기쁘다. 나에게도 변화가 왔듯이, 우리의 어린 주인공들에게도 모험을 통해 변화가 생겼기를 기대해보자. 

Jack is eight years old, and Annie is seven years old. It will never change. Many people thought they are too young to travel around, but they have power because they are children. There is a word that children are the most potential existence. They are too many possibilities, even they don't know that. But if they grow up without open their intellegence, than they will never have that power. I think Jack and Annie will have the every power that they can have. 

They went to the America, where Pilgrims are thanking to god. Pilgrims are the English who went to America to settle in there. But most of them died because their first cultivate had failed. They could die, but the native helped to live and teached how to cultivate. They could have the first year of abundance, and they made Thanksgiving day. They made Jack and Annie to prepare for their feast, but I know they have no idea how to prepare for it. 

It was a great explorer with the settlers. They learned the magic of living together- the magic of society, and community, We have to live togerther, that's human. Now they left only one advanture to find the secret of magic.

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Magic Tree House #26 : Good Morning, Gorilas (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 31
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2002년 7월
평점 :

잭과 애니의 모험은 26권에서도 계속된다. 모르간에게서 여행을 통해 얻는 마법을 배우고 있는 중인 그들은 셰잌스피어와의 만남에서 문학속의 마법을 배우고, 이제 고릴라와 함께 하며 자연과 함께하는 마법들을 배우려고 한다. 

They met gorillas and several animals in the jungle. Many people think that gorilla is a dangerous animal, but there's no gorilla that attack someone first. It's unlike human, exactly. Human is the only animal who enjoy killing onother animals. Yes, we have to learn from the gorillas. 

The gorillas are dying by human, but let's talk about their life first. Jack became a great friend with them that he acted like a little gorilla, and they learn a sign with hand. I didn't knew there are animals who is really clever as human. They even use tools to live on. 

They learned magic of the all animals with the gorillas. There will be more advanture for them, but I hope they will going to be a great magician.

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The Witches (Paperback) - 『마녀를 잡아라』 원서 Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 11
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

사람마다 괴생명체에 대한 정의는 각기 다르다. 좀비에 대해서만 해도, 일단 죽었지만 죽지 않은 존재라는 가정 아래에 영화와 게임을 통해서 온갖 모습으로 등장한다. 달팽이처럼 기어오기도 하고, 인간보다 더한 신체능력으로 우사인 볼트보다 빠르게 돌진해오기도 한다. 그럼 마녀는? 사람들은 마녀를 기다란 손톱에 검은 모자와 검은 옷을 입고, 개구리 눈알, 박쥐 똥등 온갖 기괴한 것들을 이용해 약품을 만드는 사람으로 알고 있다. 로알드 달의 생각도 별 다를바 없다. 하지만 그의 이야기에서, 그가 만든 주인공과 마녀들은 재미있는 사투를 벌인다! 

Timmy, the hero of this story became a rat. But he could remove all the other dangerous witches, too. How could he do it? Did he have magical power that can fight enough with the witches? 

Timmy heard a lot of stories from his grandmama, who was one of the chaser looking for the witches. I don't know her past, but maybe her family got into problem because of the dangerous, harmful witch. 

The Witches only hate children. Than, I have a question. What is the accurate standard for being children? And why they hate the cute children? They said they eat a child for a week, than why no one saw the witches catching the children? Mysterious, doesn't it? 

Timmy became a rat, but he used his brain and brave for remove the witches for the children who is going to be the meal of witches. Rat can't live long, so maybe Timmy and his gramdmama can go to another world together. I really hope so, and it was a good decision to stay together forever.

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Magic Tree House #25 : Stage Fright on a Summer Night (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 30
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2002년 3월
평점 :

이제 잭과 에니는 새로운 모험을 시작해야만 했다. 모르간이 무엇을 요구할까, 생각하다가 이번에는 놀랍게도 보상해준답시고 마법을 가르쳐준다고 한다. 공짜로 여행하게만 해주어도 나는 좋은데, 마법까지 가르쳐주다니... 마법의 비밀을 알기 위해 잭과 에니는 세잌스피어를 만나러 먼저 떠나게 된다. 

They had to find the rhyme of magic spell. They really don't learn about things like abracadabra, but they are going to meet several people and know the answer. The first one was William Shakespear, one of the greatest writer and poet. I really like his literary works. He still makes most of people moved. 

I though that Shapespear is a man who is always angry, but he was really kind(Everyone in this stories are kind, whatever...) They could learn a lot of things and had a great time with Shakespear. I hope I had an oppurtunity to meet him, too. It's unfair, god. 

Shakespear is famous with a lot of works. Romeo and Juliet is also his story, and the four great sad stories are written by him. too. You can find several stories that Shakespear wrote. Everyone in United Kingdom is proud of him. Well, I want to meet a great writer such as Willam Shakespear.

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The 39 Clues #3 : The Sword Thief (Hardcover) The 39 Clues (Book) 3
피터 르랭기스 지음 / Scholastic / 2009년 6월
평점 :

과연 이번에 댄과 에니의 모험은 어디로 이어질 것인가? 그들은 새로운 단서를 찾기 위하여 일본으로 건너가야만 했다. 그리고 그 곳에서 일본의 사무라이, 야쿠자와 관련된 새로운 진실들을 찾아내야만 했다. 

Well, the interfere started at first, I guess. They went to the airport, but Kabras had tricked them and went to Japan instead of their seat. They had no idea, but Alistair Oh could help them. Yes, believe in relatives is really important to live on, but not for Kahills. They already could die a lot of time by their relatives. Poor kids. Why they chosed to start the advanture? They have to do all things without enough money, the people who can help them, or good healty body. 

I believe the ancestors of Kahills are protecting them. Maybe they really want them to be the most influent people and find the secret of Kahills. This is not the end of advanture in Japan. There will be a lot of advantures for them to solve, yet.

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