Fantastic Mr. Fox (Paperback, 미국판) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 2
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

오랜만에 로알드 달의 시리즈를 보게 되었다. 판타스틱한 여우씨? 로알드 달의 시리즈는 항상 재미있었기 때문에, 이번에도 믿고선 책을 펼쳐들어 이야기를 읽어보기 시작했다. 처음 시작은, 매우 욕심많고 잔인한 세 명의 농부에 관한 이야기였다. 

There was three famers. Their name is fat Boggis, squat Bunce, and skinny Bean. Boggis had thousands of chickens. And Bunce had thousands of geese and ducks. Bean had thousands of turkeys and apple trees. Boggis was fat because he always ate three chichens each of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bunce was really short because he always ate doughnuts and goose's liver for each meal. And Bean? Oh, he was really skinny farmer. He is the cleverest of three. He only ate Apple cider. 

And there was also Mr.Fox who was really clever. He was a fox like name. He had a wife, and some childrens. One day, he went to Bunce's house to take two of the geese. But the three farmers were waiting for him! He lost his tail, but he couldn't fail. Because he was cleverer than them. He was digging up the ground, and he went to Boggis' house and found some chickens. He found a massy of meet and apple cider. He called every animals around there and had a nice party with them. 

I knew a important thing. That fox is really clever! I read Seton's story and there was a story about clever fox. But people killed the fox. Maybe if people decide to kill something, he will really do it. Well, I'm happy that Mr.Fox win. When they can go home, the three of farmers?

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Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger (Paperback) Wayside School 2
루이스 새커 지음, 애덤 맥컬리 그림 / HarperTrophy / 2019년 3월
평점 :

웨이사이드 스쿨 시리즈도 마지막에 다다랐다. 어머니는 루이스 서커가 지은 또 다른 책, Holes를 사주셨지만 마지못해 작별하기가 쉽지 않다. 그래서 이번 편은 특별히 더 꼼꼼히 봐주기로 했다. 이번에 아이들에게 무슨 일이 생길까, 궁금하다. 

Mrs.Gorf was disappeared. She was in Louis' stomach, and now maybe she's in her toilet. This is not a joking. And Mrs.Gorf had a son, named Mr.Gorf. He was a handsome, kind, nice guy. Until he stole all of student's voice. But don't worry. Wayside school is a little strange school. Miss Mush already knew that he stole all of student's voice. 

Do you know that there was two elevators, blue elevator and red elevator. Blue elevator only go up. And red elevator only go down. But you know what will happen. Blue elevator went to the 30th floor. And the red elevator went to the 1st floor. And they couldn't use this any more. The door is really silly. 

Now on, Mrs.Jewls had a baby. She is the nicest teacher in Wayside school. Now, everyone bye bye. It's time for read 'Holes'. I will never miss you.

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Wayside School Is Falling Down (Prebound, Bound for Schoo) Wayside School 1
루이스 새커 지음, 애덤 맥컬리 그림 / Turtleback Books / 1990년 1월
평점 :

지금 처음으로 이 책이 그 유명한 뉴베리 상을 받았다는 것을 알게 되었다. 루시으 사카의 삼부작, 웨이사이드 스쿨 시리즈. 1권에서는 30번째 이야기의 32명의 학생들에 관한 이야기를 다루었다. 그리고 이번에도, 그들에 관한 각종 재미있는 이야기들이 찾아온다. 

You know, wayside school is not a common school. There is lots of happening. Like in the first time, Mrs.Gorf turned children into the apples. It's just one of the iceberg. You can meet the whole iceberg. 

Maybe you trick your teacher or parents for gain something. Bebe is a special girl. She is the fastest drawer in the class. But one day, she started to do something. Like she wrote 'Mrs Jewls is as fat as a hippopotamus! And she smells like one, too.' In her homework paper. She said it was her evil little brother, Ray. And she told Mrs.Jewls that in her home, her parents always beat her because of Ray. When Mrs.Jewls told about Ray to Bebe's mother, she said, 

"Ray? Who is Ray?" 

Wow, how interesting! Bebe was the greatest trickster! She already tricked Mrs.Jewls. But if it was Mrs.Gorf, she must be an apple. 

Wayside School's funny stories make me pleasant! Maybe you can get pleasant in this book, too! Have a nice reading!

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Sideways Stories from Wayside School (Paperback) Wayside School 3
루이스 새커 지음, 애덤 맥컬리 그림 / HarperTrophy / 2019년 3월
평점 :

어머니가 재미있다는 내용으로 무척 추천하셨지만, 아쉽게도 구입하지 못한 책. 시리즈로는 세편이지만, 각 편이 어떤 이야기에 관한 것인지 나와있지 않아 처음 보았을 때에는 아마 단편 시리즈인가보다, 하고 생각해보았다. 내용을 읽어보니, 30편의 이야기중에서 나를 웃게 만들지 않은 이야기가 단 한 편도 없었다! 읽는데는 1시간정도 걸리는 정도다. 책은 작아보이지만, 글씨가 조금 작아서 1장을 1분만에 읽는 정도랄까? 그래도 그동안 30가지의 재미난 이야기를 모두 만나볼 수 있으니, 이 책은 매우 볼 만 하다! 너무 재미있어서 TV 시리즈로도 나왔을 정도이니 말이다. 

Did you saw the Wayside School story? If you didn't I really recommend you this book! This is the most famous, interesting story. I will tell you about the mean teacher, Mrs.Gorf. When see find a bad-tempered student,(Not really. Because she thinks every students are bad.)She raised her right ear, than left ear, and she take out her tongue. Than when she stare at someone, that person turn into an apple! So she turned the 27 students into the apples. What a mean teacher! But students turn her into an apple. By mirror. This school is reallys strange. 

I'm sorry, but not all of the stories are fun. In 19 chapter, this is about Miss Zarves. And there is no 19 chapter. There is no Miss Zarves, so the 19 chapter is empty. I am really sorry. So your funny chapters are 29.

There are 30 chapters. 1 chapter is about Mrs.Gorf, other 1 chapter is about Mrs.Jewls, and the other 1 chapter is about the yard teacher, Louis. Louis is the writer of this book. At the last story, he told to students that there is no Mrs.Gorf, 2 plus 2 equeals 43, Miss Zarves... Yes, they were all of Louis's imagine. But they don't know about that. Well, maybe if they don't know about that, it will be better.

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The Mask of Maliban (Paperback, Reissue) The Secrets of Droon (Book) 13
토니 애버트 지음, 팀 제셀 옮김 / Scholastic / 2001년 10월
평점 :

이럴수가! 옴의 예언이 딱 들어맞을 수도 있겠다. 갤런의 말로는 스파 대공이 화산 궁전에 갖혀 계속 나오지 못하고 있다고 했었다. 하지만, 악의 도시 톨투에서 가면 제작사 홉으로 인해 다시한번 부활을 시도한다! 우리의 영웅들이 과연 그를 저지할 수 있을까? 

Well, this is a too bad news. Lord Sparr revival, again! He became a grim monster, because of the golden wasp. He needed the magic power, back! Maybe when he dead, he gave Eric his power. So that means he will help Lord Sparr. It's just my guess. Destiny is not the exact destiny. If he really believe that, he will really become a supporter of Lord Sparr. I can't imagine that. 

I thought Maliban was Lord Sparr. Because he didn't show people his real appearance. If people saw it, everyone should quietly surprised. He is genius. Too bad. But Eric, Julie and Neal are more genius and brave! Maybe one day, they will remove Lord Sparr, really.

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