Niagara Falls, or Does It? (Paperback) Hank Zipzer 1
Henry Winkler, Lin Oliver 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 2004년 2월
평점 :

산지는 오래되었지만, 그동안 재미없어보여서 오랫동안 읽지 않았던 책.(정확히 말하자면, 단어도 잘 모르고 책 속의 영어로 나온 유머도 이해하지 못했기 때문이라 할 수 있다.)이 책의 진가를 이제서야 발견하고 읽게 된 게 참 안타까울 따름이다. 내용은 미국의 한 사고뭉치 소년의 이야기이다. 언제나 사고만 잔뜩 몰고 다니는, 일명 재앙의 소년. 그런 그의 이야기의 첫머리를 읽으면서부터 웃음이 뿜어져 나오기 시작했다. 

Have you ever been to Niagara Falls? I saw it only for pictures, and I felt maginifience from it. It can fill the Grand Canyon in 40 minutes. And if a person is standing right under the fall, it can even kill him. And in last summer vacation, Hank went to the Niagara! It was a nice trip, I'm sure. However, Hank is always make disasters. Even the beginning of school, he was late for school. Maybe it's not the first time that he was late for school. Now principle Love is getting angry at Hank and his teacher in charge feel nervous about him so gave him some homework. That homework is Hank's worst homework. Because he really hate to write paragraphs. 

He had a nice idea for that. He will show Ms. Adolf, his teacher how was his trip in Niagara Falls with his tongue and miniature! It was a good idea, but too much water made the class whole wet. Now Hank is a trouble maker to whole school. And principle Love gave him detention for two weeks, too! However, a good teacher, Mr.Rock told his parents about him well and he could keep well his two detention weeks. 

It was a nice time to keep reading about story, Hank Zipzer. I'm sure some of grown-up will hate him, but many people are excited about his adventure. I like his wit, too. I'm going to put down the next quire an open.

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The Big Blueberry Barf-off (Hardcover) - Sticker Sheet 1매 포함 Rotten School 1
R. L. Stine 지음, Trip Park 그림 / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2005년 7월
평점 :

표지부터 딱, 부패한 학교라는 이름이 걸맞는 그림을 담고 있었기에 오래도록 읽기를 꺼렸던 책이지만 그러다가 한 번 시도를 해 보았다. 결과는 대만족이었다! 이 책이 1권인지는 잘 모르겠으나, 자칭 빠른 머리 회전과 뛰어난 아이디어를 가진 버니의 이야기를 담은 책이다. 자, 그러면 로텐 스쿨의 온갖 이야기들을 들어보자! 

Bernie woke up. When he woke up, he was in the Rotten House. Rotten House is a boardinghouse in Rotten School. Well, you see the name? The teachers and students are not natural, too. They like to be in dirty. 

And let's listen to Bernie's story. He has a good brain(Only himself) and he has lots of idea. Yes, he proved it for earn more than hundreds of dollars. But his new rope T-shirt failed. I know that he want to earn lots of money. Well, I think that he is the most handsome boy in this book by picture. Because other boys are the worst! 

And the accident starts with April May. Bernie's sweet heart is April May. She is the most beautiful girl in Rotten School. So he tried to go to Dance lesson with April May. But she was only concerned on Sherman's watch. It has 42 functions. He can play piano, cumputer, game, turn on GPS, MP3, flash lights, keyboards... so all of people want to have his watch. And Bernie want that, too for gain April May's concern. So he start a strategy for gain Sherman's great watch. 

Bernie lost his money and had lots of crisis, but at last he gained April May's offer to go to Dance Lesson with her. Oh, but there was a girl named Jennifer. She is really big. How big? Her fleshy inside of the thigh is as thick as Bernie's head. But I had lots of funs to read this book. I really want to read the next series of Rotten School!

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (Harry Potter, Book 4): Volume 4 (Paperback) Harry Potter 미국판-페이퍼백 4
조앤 K. 롤링 지음 / Scholastic / 2002년 9월
평점 :

영화를 본지 벌써 3년이 다되어간다. 그 사이에 벌써 인물의 모습조차도 기억이 나지 않는다. 그래서 이 원서를 읽다보니 영화에서 이런 부분이 있었나? 하는 궁금증으로 인해서 영화가 다시 매우 궁금해졌다. 거의 다 읽을 무렵 참지 못하고 번역본을 꺼내서 영화에 보지 못했던 장면과 비교 읽기를 했다.  새벽에  빨리 자라는 엄마의 잔소리로 1,2권을 끝내고 3권을 못마쳤지만... 다시 읽어도 역시 재미있다. 이 책의 결말은 어떻게 끝날지가 궁금했기 때문에 마지막까지 즐겁게 완독할 수 있었다.  

거의 700쪽의 방대한 분량의 해리포터 시리즈를 읽는 것을 오디오와 함께 하루에 30분씩 읽다보니 꽤 많은 시간이 걸렸다. 휴식시간에 자투리로 읽은 30분의 원서읽기는 덕분에 네 달정도 걸린 듯 하다. 갈수록 시리즈 권당 크기가 커지는 해리포터 시리즈. 아마 다음에 읽을 해리포터와 불사조 기사단은 900쪽이 훨씬 넘을 것 같다는 예감이 든다. 

The part of the old man in Riddle house's steward was the same. Wormtail found Voldmort who was almost going to die. Next, they found Bertha Jorkins and knew that Triwizard World Cup will start in this year. And she died, and next... the old man died. 

That time, Harry woke up. He thought that it wasn't real. But it was real. not only in thought. And next, Weasleys invited him to the Quiddich World Cup. In there, the problem was started. The Death Eaters.., Were back. 

Harry came back to the Hogwart. But a new teacher and mission was waiting for him. The famous order, Moody became the Dark Art Defense teacher. And the Goblet of fire choosed Harry a champion of the Triwizard World Cup. Now, he has to join to the three task what can kill him.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was a fantastic story. I saw movie, but I think that book is more funny than movie. I will read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, too.

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Cat and Mouse in a Haunted House (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 3
Geronimo Stilton 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 2월
평점 :

저번엔 제로니모 스틸턴의 겁쟁이 탈출기를 읽고 제로니모의 모험에 푹 빠졌다. 그리고 다시 이번엔 제로니모가 한 불길한 성 속으로 들어가게 되었다! 매우 불길한 성. 들어가자마자 고양이 유령이 나오고, 가족들을 모두 불러 보았지만 계속 무서운 괴물들이 나오기 십상이다. 이 무서운 성 속에서 과연 제로니모는 무사히 집으로 돌아갈 수 있을까? 

I love haunted story. Doesn't it mysterious? Mummy, ghosts, headless zombie... I know that they just made by imagination of people. However, Geronimo Stilton doesn't think like that. They believe that they are all real. I think Benjamin Stilton is more better. 

Now, let's get into the castle. You can see the binder. And there is Geronimo and a shadow of cat. The cat, is the lupin. The owner of shadow is just a little teen-ager cat. He made the mummy, the disappeared skeleton, witch and vampire... If you were Geronimo, I bet you were scary, too!

I don't know why Geronimo started to scared about everything. I want that Geronimo come back and start a new project. Everyone, cheer up! After, he will be more brave and come to us!

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Four Mice Deep in the Jungle (Geronimo Stilton #5) (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 5
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 3월
평점 :

오늘로써 처음 만나보는 제로니모 스틸턴 시리즈의 이야기. 1권부터 보지 못해서 아쉽긴 하지만, 그것보다 더 놀란점은 이 책 시리즈가 200권을 넘어선다는 것이다! 왠만하면 모두 읽기가 힘들것 같았다. 그래도 이 책은 영어임에도 매우 알기 쉽고도 재미있게 쥐들의 세계속으로 나를 끌여당겼다. 

I will be a viewpoint of Geronimo. My name is Geronimo Stilton. One day, I started to afraid everything. Now, I afraid about elevator, fly, cat, fire, even staircase... So my aunt Thea couldn't wait for me. So she dragged me into the last whisker survival school. Oh, yes, it was terrible for me. Can you see me in the picture? Yes, I'm in jungle with another mice. Can I get out of here? 

I don't know what did he do before, but in this book, I think that he is really brave. I'm so sad that I only have two books of his adventure. Geronimo Stilton was a really great mouse ever I saw.


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