Holes (Paperback, 미국판) - 『구덩이』 원서
루이스 새커 지음 / Random House / 2000년 5월
평점 :

웨이싸이드 스쿨 시리즈를 읽고서, 작가의 책에 대하여 깊은 감명을 받고서 또다른 책, holes를 읽어보기로 했다. 구덩이들. 넓찍하게 파져있는 수많은 구덩이들을 보면서, 과연 어떤 일들이 일어나고 있는것인지 짐작해보았다. 

Stanley Yelnats. Stanley is opposite for Yelnats. And Yelnats used this name for five people. They always say that they have a bad curse on them, because of the dirty grand-grand-grand father. Stanley also thought like that, because he had to go to prison or Green Lake Camp. 

Green Lake Camp? Yes, it is a summer camp but not that kinds of camp that you imagine. You think the campfire and a happy time with your friends? Well, they have to dig a 1.5m hole everyday. And this is really hard to dig. They are young, and it is really hard to do. Maybe Stanley had to hate someone who made him like this, but it was the right time to stay for change Stanley's life. 

After all, Stanley and Zero, who was in the camp could go out and find Stanley's grand-grand father's treasure. He could be rich and Stanley's father invented a good medicine for remove foot-smell. This have a lot of stories. The three stories about Stanley, Elya and Kate Barlow. They did not really have connection. At last, it all had an important connection for Stanly. I think the destiny is helping him. This was one of my best book ever.

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Andrew Lost #12: In the Ice Age (Paperback) Andrew Lost 12
주디스 그린버그 지음 / Random House Childrens Books / 2005년 10월
평점 :

앤드류와 주디, 비퍼 존스가 드디어 알 삼촌이 있는 빙하시대로 가게 되었다. 맘모스 등 추운 겨울에서 살아남은 다양한 생물들이 공종하는 시대, 빙하시대. 알 삼촌을 되찾고, 크론 톡스 박사의 음모를 과연 막아낼 수 있을까? 

Doctor Kron-Tox was going to collect animals that lived in several ages. He was going to earn money by them. However, he had to know that it can cause a lot of problem. I saw a movie about travel around the time. A man took a small butterfly, and the earth was going to disappear just by the small butterfly. Yes, Doctor Kron-Tox is making a big mistake. And uncle Al is going to make it natural. 

Fortunately, Beeper Jones was not really bad like his uncle. Doctor Kron-Tox had a big dream, but he could make a serius problem. Doubles protected the earth one more time. Now, Andrew's new advanture will take a place about human body.

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A Fabumouse Vacation for Geronimo (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 9
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 7월
평점 :

제르니모 스틸턴이 살고 있는 섬에서는 벌써 여름이 찾아왔나보다. 온 세상이 푹푹 찌고, 그는 빨리 여름 휴가 기간이 오길 바라고 있다. 불운하게도, 그는 언제나 위험하거나 비통한 상황에 처한다. 이번에 제르니모는 어떤 위험에 처하게 될까? 

We can say he was in danger. He can die by the hot weather! He really wanted to enjoy a fabumouse summer vacation. He was going to go to a island which is really cool, but the printer made a problem and he couldn't get there. 

Next, he was going to the volcano for an advanture, but his aunt was caught in fire. He should save her, and he missed the plane again. Next, he was going to go to Egypt, but the price was really high. It's a little sad for Geronimo that he can't enjoy his summer well. 

Last, he went to a hotel, but his roommate was his noisy editor, Pinky Pick. She is a small girl, and loves pop music. She squeaks loudly and make Geronimo in trouble. This vacation, maybe Geronimo had to get some bad days.

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Andrew Lost #11: With the Dinosaurs (Paperback) Andrew Lost 11
주디스 그린버그 지음 / Random House Childrens Books / 2005년 7월
평점 :

유명한 로스트 시리즈를 영문판으로 다시 읽게 되었다. 오랫동안 잊고 있다가 이 이야기를 아직 다 읽지 않았음을 깨닫고, 다시 펼쳐들었다. 앤드류와 주디는 남매로, Time-A-Tron이라는 타임머신을 타고 발명가 삼촌 알을 찾으러 과거로 떠난다. 

Doctor Kron-Tox is a really mad scientist. I don't really remember what did he want, but how can he caught people into the ice age? Uncle Al is caught in there, but Andrew and Judy Doubles are going to save him with Thudd, professor Wilde and Beeper Jones who is the cousin of Doctor Kron-Tox. Well, that's the point. I can't sure he is not bad. I think he would betray Doubles. 

I had to remember that this is a book for children who want to learn science funny. In this part, we can understand about the dinosaurs. They are the mysterious things. People guessed how they lived, but none sure it is true. 

Andrew's advanture is really fun. I hope he would find uncle Al and go back to home, and start a new advanture.

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The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe: The Official Illustrated Movie Companion (Paperback) The Chronicles of NARNIA 나니아 연대기 13
클라이브 스테이플즈 루이스 원작, 페리 무어 지음 / HarperKidsEntertainment / 2005년 10월
평점 :

나니아 연대기 원문판이 아니라 영화를 먼저 봐서 내용이 쉽게 이해된 점도 있고 어린이를 위하여 내용을 짧게 요약한 책이어서 참 쉽게 이해가 되었다. 영화에서 나오는 온갖 짜릿한 장면은 자세하게 묘사되어 있지 않아서 아쉬웠지만, 아슬란과 네명의 인간이 이루는 대업 이야기를 다시 한 번 읽게 되어 참 기뻤다. 

Lucy, who has a clear mind found the world, Narnia in the wardrobe. It was the gate for get into the new world. Narnia, which became really cold was in danger. The White Witch chased Aslan away and made the world really cold. However, four brave Adam's son and daughter came to this world and going to save Narnia. 

It was happy for me to remember all these stories. This is only about part 1, and the second story is waiting for me. I think the wardrobe is the present for the kids from Aslan. He should save the world by human, and he gave the kids new ideas. I want to take a advanture like them after.

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