The Phantom of the Subway (Geronimo Stilton #13): The Phantom of the Subway (Mass Market Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 13
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 11월
평점 :

이번에도 제로니모의 모험은 특별하게 시작된다. 지하철에서 유령 고양이가 발견되었고, 그래서 사람들이 모두 지하철을 타지 않기 시작했기 때문이다, 과연 제로니모 일행은 이 고양이의 정체를 밝혀낼 수 있는 것일까? 

A lot of mice wanted to catch the cat, so they started to make a lure for cat. They though cat will like that box of food, huh? And Sally, who is the most big rival of Geronimo also started to find about the phantom. Why it started to appear? Was there a problem? Or is this a real cat? 

Professor Paws Von Volt is one of the greatest mouse in the world. He invented a lot of thing, and he also saved the last Yeti, who was going to die. Sally found his laboratory and he had to hide it, and he decided the place for subway. 

If he had to save his laboratory, than he had to chase mice away. So he used a robot cat and sound, and people started to not to get on the train. This was all Sally' fault, and Geronimo could get the story on the newspaper about him. I'm glad Geronimo can eat n the France restaurant, again!

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Merry Christmas, Geronimo! (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 12
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 10월
평점 :

벌써 11월이 시작되었고, 이제 한달 반만 있으면 크리스마스 이브이다. 예수님이 태어난 날을 기원하기 위하여 기념하는 모두가 기뻐하는 날, 크리스마스. 하지만 제로니모는, 크리스마스에도 어쩔 수 없이 수난을 겪을 수밖에 없었다. 

Geronimo really hate blood, cold, or hot... yes, he hate everything that make him scary or tired. If the snow is coming, than he really feel cold so he should wear really hot. Everyone laughed at him, but that's why he could enjoy the christmas. 

Unforfunately, a driver to transport chocolate ball dropped almost every chocolate. He coul be fired, but Geronimo started to help him and other people who saw this started to pick up the ratball, too. I think Christmas is a day that share fun and sad together. They knew this, and shared the driver's sad and helped him. 

Christmas is a really good day, but he broken his arm by stumble on the stair. He couldn't enjoy a normal christmas day, but it was also a funny day of him.

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It's Halloween, You 'Fraidy Mouse! (Geronimo Stilton #11) (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 11
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 9월
평점 :

매년 10월 31일은 미국의 할로윈 데이이다. 본래 엄청난 악마가 이날 재림해서 사람들을 죽이기로 유명했는데, 사람들은 무서운 귀신처럼 변장을 해서 살아남았다고 한다. 이 날의 유래로 인해서 아이들은 귀신같은 복장을 하고, 사람들의 집을 방문하면서 사탕을 얻어간다. 이런 즐거운 날을 한국에서는 즐기지 못하는 사실이 안타깝지만, 그래도 제로니모의 즐거운 할로윈 데이를 통해서 그 날이 어떠한가를 즐겨보았다. 

You know, Geronimo is a really shy mouse. He is afraid of every ghost, vampire, cat... He even hate the word, blood. And his cousin made him really out of his heart by some scary trick. Geronimo had to prepare for his halloween party. Now, Geronimo's real Halloween show started. 

There is a guide book of Halloween at the second part. I don't really know about Jack O ranturn, but I think I can make it in my house. I just need a scarlet well-made pumpkin, knife and a bright Lanturn. 

If I go to U.S, my best dream is to enjoy the Halloween day. I hope to being enjoyed in this party.

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Zack Files 01: Great-Grandpa's in the Litter Box (Paperback) The Zack Files (Book) 1
Dan Greenburg 지음 / Grosset & Dunlap / 1996년 8월
평점 :

언제나 기상천외하고 쌩뚱맞은 이야기를 내놓은 잭파일 시리즈. 그 중 돌아온 고조 할아버지편이다. 시가를 피우는 고양이가 그리 흔치도 않겠지만, 인간이 환생하여 고양이가 된 후 자신의 손자를 만나는 일이 그렇게 흔할까? 

It was the time that Jack wanted to adopt a cute kitten. But, he had to take a old tom cat. Because it can talk, and he say he is Jack's great-grandpa. He said family is family, so Jack had to take the cat to his house. 

It was good for him to meet Jack. Jack took him to the bank owner, and found back his all money and lived his life happily. Zack files are always fun. Maybe, I can meet my great-great grandpa and find his treausre by him.

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All Because of a Cup of Coffee (Geronimo Stilton #10) (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 10
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 8월
평점 :

나비 효과라는 영화를 본 적이 있다. 주인공은 어려서 정신적 질환을 앓아 의사가 매일 일기를 쓰도록 하였는데, 주인공이 그 일기를 다시 볼때면 어릴때로 되돌아가 그의 행동을 바꿔 그의 운명까지 바꿀 수 있었다. 자, 작은 행동 하나의 변화로 운명은 180도 변화가 된다. 제로니모도 오늘 커피 한잔으로 엄청난 모험을 겪게 되었다. 

Let's think about it. You were drinking a coffee with soft bread, and there is a really beautiful woman beside you. Wow! She poured the coffee on your shirt, and you fell in love with her. You decided to find a great present for her, and go to advanture with your family. Than, you found a great treasure by the advanture. You found a great thing just because of the coffee! 

It's good for him that he always do well. He didn't seem to travel for it, but he found the lost butterfly! I think advanture is a great way to do something, like Searching A Lost World. I hope it will happen to me, too.

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