Sand Vase: Designer Yukihiro Kaneuchi makes these creative vases out of sand and resin.

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Opening Vase
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 2

Plates Vase: This unusual round porcelain vase comes integrated with two food plates.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 3Antarktis Vase: A glass vase with an illusion by Erika Lovqvist.
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Balloon Vase: "When the balloon shrivels, you will know to add more water."
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Flataalto Vase: The flower holder is created from a cut steel sheet and then bent into shape manually.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 6Swan Vases: Designed by Kenyon Yeh, the top edge of the vases is covered with 23 carat gold feature, and 45-degree cutting edges rectangle stand give the elegant impression.
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Pipes Vases: Unusual vases created from pipes of different sizes.
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Stem Vase: A simple vase that highlights the beauty of a single stem.
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Horse Vases: These unusual vases are the creation of Jamie Hayon and they come in limited edition of 20.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 10Bikini Vase

Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 11Banana Vases: Creative vases designed similar to bananas.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 12Esher Vase: Unusual vase with a silhouette as a shape the vase illustrates growth; designed by Nitschke.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 14Outline Vase
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 15Harry Allen's Vase: Creation of designer Harry Allen ,this cool vase can be wall fixed.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 16Buoy Vase: Unusual vase design where the glass inside looks as if it's floating like a buoy.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 18Factory Vase: Unusual vase design by Milan Pekar.
Unusual Vases and Creative Vase Designs (20) 19Zsa Zsa Vase
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좀비의 머리를 힘껏 던지는 듯한 스릴(?)을 느낄 수 있다는 '좀비 머리 볼링공'이 충격과 공포를 주고 있다.

선혈이 낭자한 머리카락, 금방이라도 빠질 듯한 초점 없는 눈알, 손에 묻을 것 같은 끈적끈적한 뇌수 등이 정교하게 묘사된 이 공은 독일의 한 공포 영화 전문 케이블 방송사가 홍보를 위해 특별히 제작한 것. 유명 스프레이 예술가에 의해 제작된 이 볼링공은 실제 볼링장에 '배치'되었는데, 무심코 공을 잡은 이용객들은 기겁하며 큰 공포감을 표시한다.

또한 좀비 머리 볼링공을 본 네티즌들 또한 "너무 끔찍하다"면서 놀라움을 표시한다.

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저런 침대가 진짜 있을까... 가격도 만만치 않을 것 같고  

마음에 드는 건 '음악감상 체위' '집중 독서 체위' '숙취해소 체위' '안마채위'  

그리고 마지막으로 '스트레칭 체위'

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조니 뎁 오라버니~ 너무 좋아 >_<

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L.SHIN 2011-09-30 22:47   좋아요 0 | 댓글달기 | URL
꺄아아악, 잭 스패로우~! (하고 좋아했다가...)
밑으로 내려오면서..어쩜 이렇게 똑같이 만들었답니까.-_-;

후애(厚愛) 2011-10-01 01:30   좋아요 0 | URL
잭 스패로우를 좋아하시는군요.^^
괜히 질투가 나는 이유가 뭘까요? ㅋㅋㅋ


혹시 동전이 자석이 아닐까? ㅎㅎㅎ 동전이 많으면 나도 도전하고 싶네

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