☆ The Story of Mankind : Hendrik Willem van Loon [1922]

- The Great Quest : Charles Hawes
- Cedric the Forester : Bernard Marshall
- The Old Tobacco Shop: A True Account of What Befell a Little Boy in Search of Adventure : William Bowen
- The Golden Fleece and The Heroes Who Lived Before Achilles : Padraic Colum
- The Windy Hill : Cornelia Meigs
☆ The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle : Hugh Lofting [1923]

☆ The Dark Frigate : Charles Hawes [1924]
☆ Tales from Silver Lands : Charles Finger [1925]
- Nicholas: A Manhattan Christmas Story : Annie Carroll Moore
- The Dream Coach : Anne Parrish
☆ Shen of the Sea : Arthur Bowie Chrisman [1926]
- The Voyagers: Being Legends and Romances of Atlantic Discovery : Padraic Colum
☆ Smoky, the Cowhorse : Will James [1927]
☆ Gay Neck, the Story of a Pigeon : Dhan Gopal Mukerji [1928]

- The Wonder Smith and His Son : Ella Young
- Downright Dencey : Caroline Snedeker
☆ The Trumpeter of Krakow : Eric P. Kelly [1929]

- Pigtail of Ah Lee Ben Loo : John Bennett
- Millions of Cats : Wanda Gág
- The Boy Who Was : Grace Hallock
- Clearing Weather : Cornelia Meigs
- Runaway Papoose : Grace Moon
- Tod of the Fens : Elinor Whitney

☆ Hitty, Her First Hundred Years by Rachel Field [1930]

- A Daughter of the Seine: The Life of Madame Roland : Jeanette Eaton
- Pran of Albania : Elizabeth Miller
- Jumping-Off Place : Marion Hurd McNeely
- The Tangle-Coated Horse and Other Tales : Ella Young
- Vaino : Julia Davis Adams
- Little Blacknose : Hildegarde Swift