우리가 상대에게 하는 야단과 짜증을 들여다보면, 그 사람을 위하는 것이 아닌 경우가 많다. 내가 저지른 과오들을 수정하고 싶고, 물리고 싶은 욕심에 쏟아내는 것일 때가 많다. 그러나 그 숱한 과오에도 불구하고 지금 나는 멀쩡하지 않은가. 그러니 대화의 목적은 상대가 실수하지 않게 하는 것이 아니라, 그런 실수에도 불구하고 자신을 책임질 수 있다는 것을 알려주는 일이어야 하지 않을까. - <생각보다 잘 살고 있어>, 박산호 - 밀리의 서재
https://www.millie.co.kr/v3/bookDetail/d4c11d758ad0446c - P86

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He pried at the bay windows with a screwdriver and got two to open. Oh. You did it. Well, men are good for some things. I’ll say that much. Damn right, Louis said. - P102

They ate a supper of macaroni and cheese casserole and iceberg lettuce with Thousand Island dressing and canned green beans and bread and butter and iced tea poured from an old heavy glass pitcher and there was Neapolitan ice cream for dessert. The dog lay at Jamie’s feet. - P102

Don’t you let anyone make you think otherwise. You won’t, will you. - P103

She had stopped going to any church because of her feelings about orthodoxy and the childish ways in which churches talked and thought about God. - P107

She was a good person, wasn’t she, Louis said. I admired her. I miss her already, Addie said. What’s going to happen to us—to you and me? - P108

We had that long time of joined life, even if it wasn’t good for either one of us. That was our history. - P112

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당신을 놀라게 하고 싶지 않았거든요. 쫓겨날까봐서요.

-알라딘 eBook <밤에 우리 영혼은> (켄트 하루프 지음, 김재성 옮김) 중에서 - P76

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I don’t know. Maybe it was a threat to her of some kind. I think she was jealous of my feeling about it and about the time it took me away to myself, being isolated and private. - P94

Outside the dark bedroom suddenly the wind came up and blew hard in the open window whipping the curtains back and forth. Then it started to rain. - P97

So life hasn’t turned out right for either of us, not the way we expected, he said. - P97

I didn’t want to scare you away. Or have you send me away. - P76

In Addie’s bedroom Louis put his hand out the window and caught the rain dripping off the eaves and came to bed and touched his wet hand on Addie’s soft cheek. - P98

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The woman told them the dog had gotten her foot frozen in the winter when someone left her outside all night tied up on the back concrete patio. The veterinarian had had to amputate the toes on that foot. She had a white plastic tube she wore now that fastened with Velcro. - P87

What about Bonny? the boy said. Where’d you get that name? A girl in my class. Someone you like? Sort of. All right. Bonny it is. I think it suits her, Addie said. - P88

The truth is I like it. I like it a lot. I’d miss it if I didn’t have it. What about you? I love it, she said. It’s better than I had hoped for. It’s a kind of mystery. I like the friendship of it. I like the time together. Being here in the dark of night. The talking. Hearing you breathe next to me if I wake up. I like all that too. - P91

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