That arrival of the millennium I tried to delineate could be told another way, as the departure of the binaries and oppositions by which we used to imagine the world. - P83

The end of the Soviet Bloc meant that capitalism and communism no longer defined a world of difference or a political standoff that had long been described as east versus west. - P83

The Zapatistas came along five years later with a politic that was neither capitalist nor communist, but implicitly positioned them together as means of displacing power from the individual, the community, the local. - P83

Gender, once imagined as a pair of definitive opposites, has been reimagined as a spectrum of anatomies, affinities, and attractions. - P83

Another binary that has become outdated is right and left. - P83

The term "leftist" carries with it a baggage of socialism, utopianism, and sometimes authoritarianism that no longer delimits (and never quite did) what radicals and revolutionaries might be. - P84

As the Republicans move from what might be conventionally thought of as right-wing to something a little more totalitarian, as the New Labour administration finds a low point in the middle for what used to be the party of the left, there are dissenters on both sides. - P84

there are far more than two political positions, and the old terminology only blinds us. - P84

Of course, all activism nowadays is indebted to the other versions of what the sixties was, from the highly visible civil rights movement to the many grassroots activists who are still active. - P85

What gets called the left has often had as its principal hallmark being right, a sectarian righteousness that is also dissipating to make room for some spectacular new tactics, movements, and coalitions. - P85

The purple WRANGLER t-shirts for sale behind the bar spelled out the acronym—Western Ranchers Against No Good Leftist Environmentalist Radical Shitheads. - P86

The wise-use and private property–rights movements, like the militias, have done a much better job of reaching out to rural communities than progressives and environmentalists have. - P86

"The way you win people over to your side is try to present the information from some perspective they’re familiar with." - P89

But what makes him remarkable is this making of connections not just between issues but between sides. - P90

The question, then, is not so much how to create the world as how to keep alive that moment of creation, how to realize that Coyote world in which creation never ends and people participate in the power of being creators, a world whose hopefulness lies in its unfinishedness, its openness to improvisation and participation. The revolutionary days I have been outlining are days in which hope is no longer fixed on the future: it becomes an electrifying force in the present.(Ch.17) - P95

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흰 것에 대해 쓰겠다고 결심한 봄에 내가 처음 한 일은 목록을 만든 것이었다.



흰 새
하얗게 웃다
흰 개

-알라딘 eBook <흰 : The Elegy of Whiteness> (한강 지음) 중에서 - P8

한 단어씩 적어갈 때마다 이상하게 마음이 흔들렸다. 이 책을 꼭 완성하고 싶다고, 이것을 쓰는 과정이 무엇인가를 변화시켜줄 것 같다고 느꼈다. 환부에 바를 흰 연고, 거기 덮을 흰 거즈 같은 무엇인가가 필요했다고.
하지만 며칠이 지나 다시 목록을 읽으며 생각했다.
어떤 의미가 있을까, 이 단어들을 들여다보는 일엔?

-알라딘 eBook <흰 : The Elegy of Whiteness> (한강 지음) 중에서 - P8

활로 철현을 켜면 슬프거나 기이하거나 새된 소리가 나는 것처럼, 이 단어들로 심장을 문지르면 어떤 문장들이건 흘러나올 것이다. 그 문장들 사이에 흰 거즈를 덮고 숨어도 괜찮은 걸까.

-알라딘 eBook <흰 : The Elegy of Whiteness> (한강 지음) 중에서 - P9

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필경 불행하구나, 인간은,
하지만 행복하구나, 욕망에 시달리는 예술가는!
—샤를 보들레르, 〈파리의 우울〉, 
‘36. 그림 그리고 싶은 욕망’ - <참 좋았더라>, 김탁환 - 밀리의 서재 - P4

7월의 항구들은 다가오기가 무섭게 멀어졌다.
갈퀴 같은 손가락이 큼지막한 이마를 쓸다가 기항지를 찾듯 멈췄다. 근육이라곤 전혀 없는 팔뚝에서 한숨이 새어 나오다가 끊기고 다시 이어졌다. 밭은 기침을 할 때마다 뺨을 지난 눈물이 턱에서 떨렸다. 손등으로 재빨리 훔쳤지만, 갑판으로 떨어지는 아쉬움을 막진 못했다. - <참 좋았더라>, 김탁환 - 밀리의 서재 - P11

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What’s missing, you could say, is a sense of Coyote’s world instead of Yahweh’s. - P78

Moths and other nocturnal insects navigate by the moon and stars. Those heavenly bodies are useful for them to find their way, even though they never get far from the surface of the earth. But lightbulbs and candles send them astray; they fly into the heat or the flame and die. - P79

For these creatures, to arrive is a calamity. When activists mistake heaven for some goal at which they must arrive, rather than an idea to navigate Earth by, they burn themselves out, or they set up a totalitarian utopia in which others are burned in the flames. Don’t mistake a lightbulb for the moon, and don’t believe that the moon is useless unless we land on it. - P79

The moon is profound except when we land on it. - P80

Paradise is not the place in which you arrive but the journey toward it. - P80

For paradise does not require of us courage, selflessness, creativity, passion: paradise in all accounts is passive, is sedative, and if you read carefully, soulless. - P80

The heretics recognized that before the fall we were not yet fully human—in Paradise, Adam and Eve need not wrestle with morality, with creation, with society, with mortality; they only realize their own humanity in the struggle an imperfect world invites. - P80

Humor, creativity, outrageousness, and exuberance were among the group’s hallmarks. - P82

"There is no day without its moments of paradise." And then the day continues. - P82

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그림을 그릴 때는 도화지에서 눈을 멀리 둔다. 도화지의 전체를 보면서 그림을 그려야 하기 때문이다. 전체를 볼 수 있으니까 괜한 집착에서 자유로울 수 있다. 더 많은 게 보이니까 별거 아닌 것에 집착하지 않는다. - <그리다가, 뭉클>, 이기주 - 밀리의 서재 - P144

우리 인생도 좀 떨어져서 봐야 한다. 명화를 전시할 때 작품에 가까이 다가서지 못하게 라인을 설치하는 것처럼 작품 같은 우리 인생도 좀 멀리 두고 보자. 우리 인생도 멀리서 보면 결국, 희극이다. - <그리다가, 뭉클>, 이기주 - 밀리의 서재 - P145

부드러운 수채화처럼 살지는 못했지만 거친 유화처럼 사는 인생도 아름다운 거니까. - <그리다가, 뭉클>, 이기주 - 밀리의 서재 - P146

가을이다. 하늘은 넓게 파랬고 잔디는 깊이 푸르렀으며 나무는 빛을 삼켰는지 까맸는데 갈대가 오히려 빛을 토해내 하얬다. 가을을 그리는 그림에서 색을 빼고 대신 말로 채색을 한다. 색은 그만큼 상상하기 좋은 거니까. - <그리다가, 뭉클>, 이기주 - 밀리의 서재 - P152

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