It can be difficult to identify talent overseas, and especially challenging to find people who are a cultural fit with your organization. For this reason, there are incredible benefits temporarily sending the best people from your headquarters to help establish or grow a new market. These expats-or missionaries, as I call them-are tasked with hiring key people, building up a region, and ultimately finding a local executive as their replacement. Although initially, perhaps naively, I thought that such a mission could be accomplished in eighteen months, we‘ve found that it can take closer to thirty-six months.

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우리의 삶은 과거 어느 때보다도 훨씬 더 길어졌다. 우리는 교육, 일, 퇴직으로 이어지는전통적인 3단계의 삶을 살아왔지만, 이러한 삶의 방식은 이미 무너지기 시작했다. 앞으로 은퇴 혹은 정년이라는 개념은 사라질 것이다. 길어진 삶을 잘 유지하려면 70세 혹은 80세까지 일을 해야 한다. 이제 3단계의 삶이 아닌 다단계의 삶이 자리를 잡을 것이다. 지금 당신이 18세든, 45세든, 60세든, 당신은 이전 세대와는 전혀 다른 삶을 살게 될 것 이다.

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Always be opento opportunity, but do not sign the first one. It is better to act than to react. Further, steer clear of "exclusive" partnerships. Although such a partnership might offer quick entry into an overseas market, it can also severely stymie growth. (You will be limited if your partner isn‘t growing at the rate you want. The wrong partner can be a parasite that depletes your assets.

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지난 200년 동안 인간의 기대 여명은 꾸준히 증가해왔다. 다시 말해, 현재까지 가장 믿을 만한 데이터에 의하면 인간의 기대 여명은 1840년 이우도 매년3개월씩 증가해왔다. 이는 10년마다 2~3년씩 증가했다는 뜻이다.

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These people-people who are inspired to create change,
people who are confident that the work they do matters, people who are dedicated to something bigger than themselves-the best employees in the world. These are the people company should vie to hire and work to retain. These are the people who always go a step beyond and whose work builds anexceptional company.

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