장수라는 선물은 궁극적으로는 시간이 주는 선물이다. 오래 세월 살다보면, 목적이 뚜렷하고 의미 있는 삶을 가꾸기 위한 기회가 있을 것이다. 바이올린 연주자 스티븐 내크머노비치는 이러한 생각을 창의성에 관하여 말하면서 다음과 같이 멋지게 표현했다.

당신이 오래 살 것이라는 믿음을 가지고 살아가면, 대성당을 건설할것이다. 당신이 회계 분기별로 생각하면서 살아가면, 보기 흉한 쇼핑몰을 건설할 것이다.

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Seize the opportunity in front of you. Imagine. Invent.
Disrupt. Do good. I know that you must be passionate, unrea-sonable, and a little bit crazy to follow your own ideas and dothings differently. But it‘s worth it.

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Helping people deal with challenging issues that lie outside the business arena significantly strengthens the business.

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It‘s necessary for every company to integrate mahalo-Hawaiian spirit of gratitude and praise-into its corporate culture. It‘s simple enough to reward employees for extra performance with extraordinary compensation and a competitive rewards portfolio, but it‘s really the everyday environment that contributes to people‘s happiness, success, and longevity at a company.

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The fact was that because there was a talent shortage and we couldn‘t afford to pay for experience, we had to be open to hiring people without it. This led us to people who were early in their careers, but bright and very hungry. We focused on searchingfor raw talent that we could shape.

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