☆ Baboushka and the Three Kings : Nicolas Sidjakov [1961]

* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Inch by Inch : Leo Lionni
☆ Once a Mouse : Marcia Brown [1962]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Fox Went out on a Chilly Night: An Old Song : Peter Spier
- Little Bear's Visit : Else H. Minarik/Maurice Sendak(그림)
- The Day We Saw the Sun Come Up : Alice E. Goudey/Adrienne Adams(그림)
☆ The Snowy Day : Ezra Jack Keats [1963]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- The Sun is a Golden Earring : Natalia M. Belting/Bernarda Bryson(그림)
- Mr. Rabbit and the Lovely Present : Charlotte Zolotow/Maurice Sendak(그림)

☆ Where the Wild Things Are : Maurice Sendak [1964]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Swimmy : Leo Lionni
- All in the Morning Early : Sorche Nic Leodhas/Evaline Ness(그림)
- Mother Goose and Nursery Rhymes : Philip Reed
☆ May I Bring a Friend? : Beatrice Schenk de Regniers/Beni Montresor(그림)[1965]

* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Rain Makes Applesauce : Julian Scheer/Marvin Bileck(그림)
- The Wave : Margaret Hodges/Blair Lent(그림)
- A Pocketful of Cricket : Rebecca Caudill/Evaline Ness(그림)

☆ Always Room for One More : Sorche Nic Leodhas/Nonny Hogrogian(그림) [1966]

* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Hide and Seek Fog : Alvin Tressel/Roger Duvoisint(그림)
- Just Me : Marie Hall Ets
- Tom Tit Tot : Evaline(편)
☆ Sam, Bangs & Moonshine : Evaline Ness [1967]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- One Wide River to Cross : Barbara Emberley/Ed Emberley(그림)
☆ Drummer Hoff : Barbara Emberley/Ed Emberley(그림)
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Frederick : Leo Lionni
- Seashore Story : Taro Yashima
- The Emperor and the Kite : Jane Yolen/Ed Young (그림)

☆ The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship : Arthur Ransome/Uri Shulevitz(그림) [1969]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky : Elphinstone Dayrell/Blair Lent(그림)
☆ Sylvester and the Magic Pebble William Steig [1970]
* 칼데콧 아너 *
- Goggles! : Ezra Jack Keats
- Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse : Leo Lionni
- Pop Corn & Ma Goodness : Edna Mitchell Preston/Robert Andrew Parker(그림)
- Thy Friend, Obadiah : Brinton Turkle
- The Judge: An Untrue Tale : Harve Zemach/Margot Zemach(그림)