Sometimes I trust and wait.

After you buy a stock, it can go up or down. The more you do, the more you have to trust and wait for the stock. Investing requires understanding the long-term trend. This is a very basic and effective method. If you understand the flow of the market or stock, you will not be swayed by short-term stock price fluctuations. So, if you follow the flow, you can greatly increase your success rate in stock investment.

For example, even if you buy the same stock, some will succeed in investing and some will fail. Success and failure are entirely at the point of sale. If this point is reversed, the stock investment will fail.

Stock prices are difficult to predict. However, there are times when everyone can see the market trend well once or twice a year. In particular, it is better for individual investors to ride in a bull market when the stock index rises rather than in a bear market.

However, most individual investors lack the patience to wait. If you react hastily to market conditions, you will use up all of your investment. Then, when the decisive opportunity comes, you are helpless and just wait and see. It is important to decide when to actively trade and when to wait.

So, invest wisely. Even if the stocks you own are falling, trust and wait.

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Don't be greedy

There is no end to human greed. When you buy stocks, you buy stocks hastily, and when you sell stocks, you don't sell them on time because of greed. When the stock goes up, you hold it with the expectation that it will continue to rise, and when the stock starts going down, you sell it in fear of falling. This is the typical trading method of individual investors.

In general, individual investors easily sell stocks that are profitable, but rarely sell stocks that have lost money. Typically, most individual investors will.

Don't be too greedy for profitable stocks and sell some. Also, if you think that the stock is going differently from what you thought when you bought the stock, you should sell it if you made a profit as a whole, even if you incur some losses.

But if the value of the company is not damaged, it is a low price, so I buy more. But even when buying stocks, don't be greedy.

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YouTube에서 ‘Stock Investing, The absolute Science of Getting Rich :Part 1 Rising Storm Tornado Tactics (5)‘ 보기

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I buy it in small portions every day.

Individual investors may not earn large returns, but can earn small returns. In other words, if you buy consistently in small quantities, you will make a profit.

Someone asks

Will my stock go up tomorrow?

I do not know.

So, will the stocks I own go up in a week?

I do not know.

So, will the stocks I own go up in a month?

I do not know.

Will it go up in 3 or 5 years?

Yes, it's a growing market in the future, and it's an expandable stock, so it's going to go up at least once or twice.

Every day, I always leave money to buy stocks tomorrow. This is because it is a preparation for uncertainty and acts as a safety plate for stock investment. I have a habit of buying small orders every day.

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Never buy all at once.

It is often called all-in when you pour out everything you have. These investments fail rather than succeed. It is often called all-in when you pour out everything you have. These investments fail rather than succeed.

Nothing is 100% certain in stocks. You should never do it all by deciding that you are the bottom and going all-in. In particular, in most cases, people go all-in with the mind of speculation or gambling, not investing, only after others have made a lot of money in stocks. The result is failure.

Even if stocks go up as if they are going to be good, be patient for a while and buy a little. And promise the next day. I also made an all-in investment 10 years ago. But now I never do.

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