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주식투자 부자가 되는 절대과학 제1편 상승폭풍회오리전법 (1) (공감1 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
신용거래를 하지 않는다. 개인투자자에게는 본능적으로 빨리 부자가 되고자 하는 열망이 있다. 하지만 대부분은 자금사정이 여의치 않다. 그리고 어쩔 수 없이 준비되지 않은 채 주식투자에 나서기도 한다. 그럴수록 투자는 반드시라고 해도 좋을 만큼 실패한다. 주식투자 부자가 되는 절대과학에서 첫 번째로 하고 싶은 말은 절대 신용거래를 하지 않는다는...
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(10 (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
Rise and fall are always right. When investing in stocks, the average individual investor reacts very sensitively to the rise and fall of stock prices. But the market is always right. And the st...
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(9) (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
Investing in stocks is about sharing the results of enterprise value growth. Investing in stocks is not gambling. Investing in stocks is about looking at the future of enterprise and sharing...
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(8) (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
Evaluate the enterprise value and invest in stocks of future growth enterprises. Regarding enterprise value evaluation, each enterprise value evaluator has a different evaluation method. The...
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(7) (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
The minus of the account is also your own money. When investing in stocks, if the stock falls, the return is negative. For that reason, they often think that they have lost money. But I think di...
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(6) (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
Sometimes I trust and wait. After you buy a stock, it can go up or down. The more you do, the more you have to trust and wait for the stock. Investing requires understanding the long-term trend. ...
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(5) (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
Don't be greedy There is no end to human greed. When you buy stocks, you buy stocks hastily, and when you sell stocks, you don't sell them on time because of greed. When the stock goes up, you h...
YouTube에서 ‘Stock Investing, T... (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
YouTube에서 ‘Stock Investing, The absolute Science of Getting Rich :Part 1 Rising Storm Tornado Tactics (5)‘ 보기https://youtube.com/shorts/INy53oUHzWM?feature=share
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(4) (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
I buy it in small portions every day. Individual investors may not earn large returns, but can earn small returns. In other words, if you buy consistently in small quantities, you will make a pr...
Stock Investing,The absolute Science of Getting(3) (공감0 댓글0 먼댓글0) 2022-10-10
Never buy all at once. It is often called all-in when you pour out everything you have. These investments fail rather than succeed. It is often called all-in when you pour out everything you hav...