A covenant is a promise to perform. I like to see teams come together and make covenants to behave in certain ways, similar to the list of values I shared above. If you go back and read the language there, they listed active verbs that showed clearly how they covenant to behave with one another. When they fulfill those covenants, their values will be realized and their objectives met.

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Make sure you are clear on the shared objectives for this team. In terms of values, ask your team a few questions:

What is this team‘s collective purpose? What do you want this team to accomplish?
If that is what you want to accomplish, then what does this team need to look like in order to pull that off? How does it need to operate?
What values will bring that vision to reality? How do those values relate specifically to the vision, goals, etc.? How will they drive them?
What behaviors will demonstrate and drive those values? How do we need to behave to make sure it all happens?

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"There is no such thing as one of you winning but the whole thing losing. We are in this together." So they learn that there are no individual victories or individual losses. We win and lose together.

To get there, the team must come together to get clarity on exactly what those goals are. What are they trying to do together that takes all of them to do?

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We talked about the dimensions of trust above (connection, motiva-tion, ability, character, track record). To execute those, take that list of elements and talk about them in the team. Go through each one, and get everyone talking in the way I described above.

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To "execute" means to produce in accordance with a plan or design." So if you are trying to produce a team that has high trust, how do you produce it with a plan or design?

There are many methods, but here is a path that I have found very helpful that takes trust to deeper levels of becoming an aligned, results-oriented, account-able performance team.

Define Trust
Define Your Shared Objectives as a Team
Define Operating Values and Behaviors That Will Get You There
Utilize Case Studies
Make Specific Covenants for Behaviors
Develop Accountability Systems
Put In an Observing Structure

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