The greatest leaders embrace outcomes, and own them, but they do not let them define who they are. They learn from them.

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The key is to know your own particular style of kookiness. Once you know your own patterns, you can recognize them and change them While there is no limit to the variations on distorted thinking that affect performance, there are some patterns that crop up more often than not. These include: overidentification with results, indecisiveness, conflict avoidance, and resistance to change.

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Set very, very strong boundaries with yourself against any tendency you might have toward defensiveness, blame, or denial when given feedback. The weakest leaders are threatened by feedback and often completely closed off to insights that are so easily seen by others. Strong leaders embrace feedback, seek to understand it, and put it to use. Even when they may disagree, they don‘t become defensive; instead they engage in dialogue and honest inquiry to figureout where the gaps between their intentions and others‘ perceptions come from.

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To be the best you can be, you must develop a hunger for feedback and see it as one of the best gifts that you can get. It is part of being an open system and has incredible value not only to you but also to your people.

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My advice is to plug in to sources outside of yourself and your organization. Get coaching, join a leadership group or forum, avail yourself of continuing education, attend a leadership conference, and so forth. The best leaders and organizations I know make use of outside sources for coaching and lifelong learning in a very organic fashion. One of my client companies, for example, regularly sends its upper level leaders to experiences like Harvard Business Schools executive programs. They also require and fund outside leadership coaches for their executives. Open system change is integral to their culture, and you can see it working. They are growing every year-not just their business, but the leadership talent as well. And that iswhat is driving the business growth.

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