I have good news--there are only three ways to increase your business:

1. Increase the number of clients.
2. Increase the average size of the sale per client.
3. Increase the number of times clients return and buy again.

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I have good news--there are only three ways to increase your business:

1. Increase the number of clients.
2. Increase the average size of the sale per client.
3. Increase the number of times clients return and buy again.

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So, feel your fear, name it, accept it, talk it over with those you trust, and then choose to do the right thing, no matter how uncomfortable you feel. People are waiting on you! Lead! Who cares how you feel?! Do what is needed and work through the feelings later.

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Remember the first person you have to lead is yourself, and if someone or any outcome has that much power over you, you have lost your rudder. Get it back by putting some very firm boundaries around the power that you have handed over to others to have that kind of control over you.

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Instead evaluate whether you aligned with the specific behaviors and activities that are going to drive big-picture results. Evaluate yourself using the real drivers of ultimate results. Look for improvement along those significant measures, not perfection or immediate wins. No leader is immune to losses, bad quarters, bad years, bad reviews, or product failures.

It is part of the game, and part of getting it right. What matters is how you learn from these challenges and use them to improve. Focus on the things that are going to drive improvement. Do not let any one loss tell you who you are or what your potential opotential or future is. If you do, your brain functioning will be changed and perform at a lower level.

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