월트 디즈니는 전체 만화영화를 제작하는 데 필요한 수천 장의 그림들을 제대로 정리하기 위한 기발한 아이디어를 생각해 냈는데, 이것이 나중에 스토리보드 기법으로 알려지게 된 방법이다. 스튜디오 벽에 걸린 보드 위에 장면 순서에 따라 핀으로 꽂아놓은 애니메이터의 그림들을 보고 월트는 프로젝트 어느 부분이 완성되었고 어느 부분이 아직 작업 중인지 한눈에 파악할수 있었다.

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업무 성과가 뛰어난 기업에서는 체계적이고 지속적인 피드백이 유는노련한 인력을 적소에 배치하기 위한 핵심적 성공요소이다. 여러분의 회사에필요한 것이 무엇인지 정확히 집어낼 수 있는 최선의 방법 중 하나는 직원들을 대상으로 하는 피드백 조사이다.

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The Strategy of Preeminence is a powerful yet simple strategy that almost single-handedly can transform your business or career. It makes people enthusiastic to do business with you instead of your competitors. It will give you an uncanny insight into what people want, and why they act and react in various ways. It will turn clients into,
literally, friends for life. And it will strengthen your passion and connection to everyone with whom you associate.

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You can‘t make the best decisions, pursue the best strat-egy, or focus on a big goal until you first recognize and evaluate all the options, opportunities, and business intel-ligence you have available to you. So, identify what you‘re doing right and what you‘re doing wrong. What you could be doing better, differently, more effectively, and more profitably. And what you know, but don‘t act upon.

You can‘t know what area of your career or business tofocus on and improve until you know the realities of these areas.

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The first step in navigating any journey through treachI erous business waters is to know exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are. And how they relate to your competition. Yet almost no one in business does this strategic analysis. Even fewer people working for corpora-tions operate their careers strategically. Until you know your business positives and negatives it‘s impossible to get the ultimate rewards and payoffs you‘re after. So the first thing you need to do is get a handle on where you are, so you can then determine what you need to focus on to get where you want to be.

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